View Full Version : Vix image no cfg file

09-12-10, 17:37
Gear vix image open ftp to etc no cfg file in this image manual insattal cfg file

09-12-10, 17:56
Or create a file in note pad (empty) then rename it CCcam.cfg

09-12-10, 18:08
You can also find cfg-files for download on the web.

09-12-10, 18:28
From GRTMOBY back when i first started

open a text document (this will become your cfg file)
write whatever u want and have in the text document
click on file>save as
write CCcam.cfg in the name (the first 2C's must be caps)
in the "save as type" choose all types
click on save
now u have ur cfg file
ftp the file to /etc

10-12-10, 14:16
the other way if you have a box allready save your CCcam file to a safe place on your computer and then ftp that over

10-12-10, 14:29
i seriously dont know why every one is so hung up with the inclusion or not as the case may be of a CCcam.cfg file when you can create your own in 3 seconds using windows notepad ??.