View Full Version : red flashing dot on EPG info when on channel - what does it mean?

06-04-15, 23:06
Hi all

my mum nothing something we have never seen before on our vu+ solo2 today. she was watching BBC one HD, and notice when she pressed OK on the remote and you get that now/next EGP info bar, the current programme next to that is a little circle.
and for some reason that was flashing red today

now my mum and sister thought that meant the programme was recording or something but I checked and I have no recoreded programmed on the HDD.

can anybody please help in telling me what this little red flashing means

06-04-15, 23:09
It's the update icon telling you there is a update available for the image, in this case it's red as we have set the feeds to unstable as this update may require further testing, you can still however update the image if you wish but make a settings backup first just to be safe and you would need to select the allow unstable updates option in the update section in order to update, unless you wait for it to be set to green or stable again.

06-04-15, 23:13
by image im guessing you mean Blackhole as that's the image im using?

06-04-15, 23:19
I assumed you were using ViX as we pretty much invented the update Icons, BH has no update icon as far as I am aware. Try taking a screen shot to show users what you are referring to.

06-04-15, 23:27
my mums just said it hasn't been flashing for last few hours so im guessing its done what it needed

but basically on the current programme next to that it was flashing red