View Full Version : Vu+ Duo Error/Unable to Flash

06-04-15, 19:46
Hi Guys,

My Vu+ Duo has started throwing errors since last night and the little glimpse of the error report that I saw saying "out of space on /etc/...."

So I tried flashing the box. Downloaded the latest available from openvix-Apollo.163-vuduo_usb.zip. Unzipped onto USB Disc. However, when I re-boot it doesn't seem to start from the USB as it used to before (if I recall correctly). When starting the display briefly reads, "Reading USB" but swtiches quickly to normal booting.

I am really stuck as the box is currently useless. Any ideas?


06-04-15, 19:52
Sounds like your out of space in the flash, you could try looking to see if there are any skins or plugins you could delete first to stabilize the image. failing that a full reflash would be the best option. If the receiver is bypassing the image on the stick it means it either cant see the USB stick or the image on it. Make sure you have the correct file path on the stick and try again.

The correct file path should be a folder called vuplus then another folder inside that with the receivers name and another inside that with the image files. The easiest way is to use 7-zip or any other file compression software and simply drag the entire vuplus folder directly to the USB stick but make sure you format the stick first.

06-04-15, 20:30
i would be asking if you had a usb setup for your epg,if not was it going to internal flash,been there done that and now using a usb for epg. as pheonix said reflash with new image.