View Full Version : Switching Tuners On or Off Causes Breakup

05-04-15, 19:37
Hi All, I'm new to the Vu+ duo2 and still finding my around it, I have worked out most issues by reading this and other forums, but I can't see anybody else with the same issue.

I have a Dual S2 and a Single S2 tuner, each with their own feed into my existing Sky quad lnb + dish pointing 28.2e they're all set to be Simple. If I am recording on C5 Tuner C and viewing BBC1 on Tuner A and switch to C5 I get breakup as Tuner A is switched off, not at the point of switching channels. I also get breakup if I connect via an iPad and the box activates another tuner.

I have tried several versions of Openvix, including latest and the issue always exists. I have also tried disabling Tuner C (which is the single S2) and I still get the same issue.

Has any body else heard/seen this issue and is there any known workaround?

The Lambton Worm
06-04-15, 10:34
Try setting tuner A to simple and tuners B & C to 'same as tuner A'.

06-04-15, 11:44
Thanks for your suggestion, I have set both to be 'Equal To' A, and there is still breakup.

I have now shifted picons, time shift and epg to a USB memory stick and that hasn't made a difference.

Just noticed that I also get breakup when starting an ABM 'Start Scan' and a new tuner starts up, and also at the end of the scan when the tuner switches off.

06-04-15, 12:00
I'd be very interested to see if you manage to sort this issue out because I have a very similar issue with my second box a vu zero. I did ask about it on the forum recently but got no responses. I'm sure it isn't relevant but it only happened after the forum went down and the servers were changed. I really can't see how this could be the issue so clutching at straws really..

The Lambton Worm
06-04-15, 12:18
OK. I've just checked mine and I have tuners A & B set to advanced with the LNB set to LNB1 on both tuners. More settings will appear below the LNB setting but just leave those as they are. The settings for both tuners should look like below:

Configuration mode - Advanced
Satellite = 28.2E etc
Priority = Auto
LOF = Universal LNB
Voltage mode = Polarisation
Increased voltage = no
Tone mode = Band
DiSEqC mode = None

06-04-15, 14:04
I have just matched my settings to yours and I still get the same issue.

Never had this issue with a Sky+ HD box, or subsequent Humax HDR-1000S using the same dish.

I've also just tried OpenPLi and Blackhole with the same issue. Physically removed the single tuner and get the same issue.

I really must get out more, but this is driving me mad, World of Satellite may be getting this receiver back if it can't be resolved

06-04-15, 14:09
What version of ViX are you using? Have you fresh flashed? Have you tried swapping feeds around?

abu baniaz
06-04-15, 14:11
Do you have another receiver connected to the dish?
Is it the same if you swap the cables around?

06-04-15, 14:19
First, thanks for your replies.

I have tried ViX 160, 161 and 163, going to try 157 next. Each time I have installed from front USB of the box.

I have unplugged the other receiver from the lnb and left the Vu+ with two feeds going into a dual tuner after pulling the second single tuner and still get the channel breakups.

abu baniaz
06-04-15, 14:21
Any particular chanenls? Do free channels suffer same issue?

06-04-15, 14:30
It's not restricted to any particular channel, I am testing using channel 5, a free to air SD channel, but can also happen when updating EPG, or any other channel or any other transponder

06-04-15, 14:36
The fact the tuners still work after the glitch suggests a LNB or wiring problem, not an issue with the box.

06-04-15, 14:46
try the box in a different location to rule out some things.

06-04-15, 14:52
Thanks for everybodys input in this, you've all been extremely helpful and it was useful ruling out every possibility. Judge was spot on, swapped over the cables and am now able to change channels, guess I have a faulty connection somewhere, when I grow some I'll go back up the ladder to check out the faulty one. But for now its only feeding a single feed receiver which is now a little slow to change channels, actually that may point to lnb not to cable. Any body have thoughts on a faulty lnb?

Anyway, there's not a chance this box is going back....

06-04-15, 15:37
It could be just one insulating thread either at the box end or up at the lnb, best way to check is with a multi meter, set it to check continuity and if it beeps with one connected on the coaxle and one on the plug then you have a short, I had the same problem and I checked all 8 feeds which where on closer inspection where fine, it was actually a brand new lnb that was causing the short :eek: