View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Rytec UK XMLTV Importer showing no events

04-04-15, 18:13
Rytec UK XMLTV Importer showing no events even after manual download. Are they broken/down?

04-04-15, 18:27
you have to reflash to latest build (no restore!),
and download rytec providers again.

05-04-15, 10:37
oh really?
Am I better off upgrading to build 161 then as 163 is showing as unstable at the moment?

05-04-15, 10:42
163 is stable, it's 164 that is not.

05-04-15, 10:42
oh really?
Am I better off upgrading to build 161 then as 163 is showing as unstable at the moment?

Build 163 is fine, it's build 164 that has been designated as unstable, so you should be fine to download build 163 from www.openvix.co.uk and flash that to the receiver.

05-04-15, 10:45
ah right, thanks.
why is the rytec related to what image version you have? I thought it was a separate entity?

05-04-15, 10:51
ah right, thanks.
why is the rytec related to what image version you have? I thought it was a separate entity?

No idea I have never used it, I only use CrossEPG but I do know that WoS serves as a host for rytek so regardless of the image you use if you use rytek there is a good chance you are getting your EPG data downloaded from our server. we had over 2.5 million individual hits on the server on a single day last week for EPG downloads and our own image plugin feeds etc, just to give you a little hint at how much traffic we get.

05-04-15, 11:05
Update your XMLTV providers in Crossepg.

Theres been a number of changes to the sources due to various issues, some sources have been renamed differently.

05-04-15, 11:10
So if I update XMLTV providers in Crossepg do they update in XMLTV-Importer at the same time?

05-04-15, 11:13
Yes you should get the new sources to download the EPG data.

05-04-15, 11:14
Went to update rytec providers through crossEPG just to see if it would work but got message "Cannot retreive rytec sources".
I will just upgrade to 163 later. Cheers

05-04-15, 11:16
You better upgrade to 163 then.