View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] cannot download images

04-04-15, 05:52

can someone tell me please why whenever i try to download any image for my VU+ Duo2 i keep getting " unknown" "error 404"

this is for any of the Duo2 images, whereas the ones for my TM nano 2T d/l fine.

04-04-15, 06:09
How are you trying to download the images ?.

04-04-15, 06:16
Well I have just tried to download two images for the Duo 2 from our download site www.openvix.co.uk and both downloaded fine.

04-04-15, 09:10
it just wont happen for me at all i've tried from other sources/forums as well all the same outcome.

nope the same thing happened yet again from your link, the best i've managed to to is download an old version Apollo 08 from the other site i use lol, but i've tried their link to your files and still get the same error message.


04-04-15, 09:19
Download here http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php?dir=Vu%2BDuo2/

04-04-15, 09:21
got it sorted never had this happen before but the WoS downloads don't like "downthemall" download manager, just selected to save the file instead and it d/l'd fine.

that's before i see the Boss's post above lol

best regards: willhesail