View Full Version : my vu+ fried!!!

09-12-10, 11:30
ok guys disaster!! came in to my sitting room glanced towards my vu+ to see it was switched off as no lights were on it ??? went to swtch it on to realise it was switched on and no light sor anything on display and no noise from hdd! seems like it is fried?? anyone any ideas?? how do i return and would it be under warranty. i did not buy it from the site sponsor as i bought it before this website was setup :(

09-12-10, 11:39
Try unplugging every thing lnb/usb/hdd and see if it starts?

if you have had it less than 12 months contact you seller he should be able to tell you how to get a repair/replacement

it might also be coverd by your household insurance or credit card if purchased by credit card

09-12-10, 11:45
Try unplugging every thing lnb/usb/hdd and see if it starts?

if you have had it less than 12 months contact you seller he should be able to tell you how to get a repair/replacement

it might also be coverd by your household insurance or credit card if purchased by credit card

Basset you are an absolute legend!! i had tried everything earlier EXCEPT removing my hdd and now since i did that it started. i had already sent an email to the supplier ooops :)

09-12-10, 11:49
Basset you are an absolute legend!! i had tried everything earlier EXCEPT removing my hdd and now since i did that it started. i had already sent an email to the supplier ooops :)

Have you put the hdd back in it?! Is it still working?

I blame andy, he's putting secret stuff in your box since you're now a beta tester :p

09-12-10, 11:50
Glad you are all sorted mate some times it easy to forget to check every thing when you panic that your £400 box is dead LOL

I have had the same problem a few months back so no sweat

Make sure you add it to your household insurance

09-12-10, 12:04
Glad you are all sorted mate some times it easy to forget to check every thing when you panic that your £400 box is dead LOL

I have had the same problem a few months back so no sweat

Make sure you add it to your household insurance

Would it need to be added to the household insurance though?! As I thought you only needed to put named items on anything worth over £1000?

But, I do have an extended warranty thing with my bank account. It basically gives you an extra years warranty and covers accidental damage also. Got my macbook on that (decided not to take out the apple care, as I know it's an extra year, but this was free and also covered accidental damage :p). Will have to phone up tonight and get the vu duo & solo added to that...

09-12-10, 12:06
Is it working with HDD re-installed?

09-12-10, 12:09
Its worth checking as my insurance only covers my satellite box up to the value of £500

but if damaged or stolen i get a new for old replacement

09-12-10, 12:12
hi guys
just got it all back together. cleaned off the bit of dust in fan etc, hooked hard drive and cables back in and took deep breadth and all is good! phew!! dont think i can add any item under 1,000 to my house insyrance but will check out now as it is due for renewal in few weeks. thanks again basset and the crew :)

09-12-10, 12:21
I blame andy, he's putting secret stuff in your box since you're now a beta tester :p

i think you might be on to something there ;) will have to have a word with andy :rofl:

09-12-10, 12:51
i think you might be on to something there ;) will have to have a word with andy :rofl:

Give him an extra chocolate cake ;)

09-12-10, 16:47
hi guys
just got it all back together. cleaned off the bit of dust in fan etc, hooked hard drive and cables back in and took deep breadth and all is good! phew!! dont think i can add any item under 1,000 to my house insyrance but will check out now as it is due for renewal in few weeks. thanks again basset and the crew :)

usually anthing under £1500 is automatically added to your insurance upto the value total for e.g. morethan allows £75000 total and you must list anything over £1500. its just a case of proving the item is your when it broken or stolen etc. i never added my iphone to th einsurane but becuae it was under £1500 it was automatically included and just saw a cheque this morning for £600 for when it got stolen

09-12-10, 22:16
aaaaaaaaaaaa my vu+ went off again and would not turn on again! disconnected cables and hard drive and still would not turn on! after trying pluggin in and out etc for 15 mins it has come back on! what to do? could i send it back even though it is now working again??

09-12-10, 22:22
send it back mate flash back to originl and send it i would just in case

09-12-10, 22:26
yeah mate best send it back. its failed twice now third time may not be so lucky.

09-12-10, 22:40
I would try a different power lead first...;)

09-12-10, 22:53
cheers guys. i changed the power lead - no difference :( i also twice tried contacting the seller but no answer yet

09-12-10, 22:55
I remember someone a while back (was it maybe bassett, or am I imagining things :p), where the psu was at fault. They altered the psu a little, and it worked fine apparantly...

09-12-10, 22:57
the internal psu?? or simply the power cable to the box?

09-12-10, 23:08
try power cabl first then think about the psu but if its psu then send it back dont mess with it

09-12-10, 23:29
the internal psu?? or simply the power cable to the box?

It was the internal psu iirc... There was a thread on the forums... Hopefully someone can find it :)

10-12-10, 09:31
I had the same problem a few months back and it turned out that the rocker switch at the back of my Vu+ was faulty and only made a connection intermittently. I would test that switch just to be sure as its a simple €1.50 fix with a new switch from maplins. See this thread


10-12-10, 12:17
I had the same problem a few months back and it turned out that the rocker switch at the back of my Vu+ was faulty and only made a connection intermittently. I would test that switch just to be sure as its a simple €1.50 fix with a new switch from maplins. See this thread


That's the thread that I was thinking about :)

10-12-10, 17:18
I have almost the same problem with the VTI image: I have to try several times before it start. If you hear well you hear that it try to access the disk (not a switch problem). I have the feeling that it starts with version 2. Driver problem?

10-12-10, 19:55
it was switched off as no lights were on it ??? went to swtch it on to realise it was switched on and no light sor anything on display and no noise from hdd!Mine does this if the power goes off for about 1 or 2 seconds. If the power goes off for longer it just reboots normally but if there is a very short interruption in the supply the box just crashes, no display, nothing. It happens a lot here so I might buy a battery backup for the Vu+.

10-12-10, 21:58
Mine does this if the power goes off for about 1 or 2 seconds. If the power goes off for longer it just reboots normally but if there is a very short interruption in the supply the box just crashes, no display, nothing. It happens a lot here so I might buy a battery backup for the Vu+.

I have a PC UPS on mine as the electric can be a bit shite here :) (spikes/cuts killed my Sly HD PSU last year along with two PC PSU's!!!!)