View Full Version : Average temperature of your receivers

31-03-15, 20:05
Would anyone mind updating what box you have and what the average temperature it stays at when in use.
What is the highest you have seen? Lowest?
My xtrend gets to about 48 degrees. Just wandering if that is hotter than normal and if i should be worried.

31-03-15, 21:32
Duo2 pretty much stable at 33c come summer or winter

31-03-15, 21:35
Would anyone mind updating what box you have and what the average temperature it stays at when in use.
What is the highest you have seen? Lowest?
My xtrend gets to about 48 degrees. Just wandering if that is hotter than normal and if i should be worried.

anything over 35c could cause problems

31-03-15, 22:20
anything over 35c could cause problems

Yh i was reading it on some of the opena tv forums and they all say that around 45-47 is normal

31-03-15, 22:30
2 Vu+ Ultimos here both running at 35 Centigrade

01-04-15, 01:24
Yh i was reading it on some of the opena tv forums and they all say that around 45-47 is normal

My Duo2 runs at ~43 but I have seven tuners, a 3.5" 1TB HDD internal and 1TB HDD eSATA connected, all housed within a wooden cabinet (the cabinet 'slot' is twice the height of the Duo2 and is open to ambient air front and back). The tuners are as per my signature. I've had this configuration for 2 years now... the Duo2 has never given any hardware problems.

My old DM7025 used to get much hotter and I went through three PSUs before I lost interest in it. The Vu+ hardware seems much better quality than the old DMs.

01-04-15, 06:55
excuse my ignorance but where do you find the temperature? buggered if i can find it!

01-04-15, 08:23
excuse my ignorance but where do you find the temperature? buggered if i can find it!
Press menu, information, about, and it's at the bottom of the system info.

01-04-15, 12:45
My solo2 runs around 30 at default fan speed

01-04-15, 13:11
Curious about the other quad tuners that are on the market. I saw someone on the other forums get one of those usb notebook coolers you can place under the box to keep it cooler. Might look into it.

01-04-15, 18:01
anything over 35c could cause problems

Thats total noncense.

Only way to get true temp readings is a Digital Infra Red thermometer.

01-04-15, 18:46
[QUOTE=Sicilian;348234]Thats total noncense.

Only way to get true temp readings is a Digital Infra Red

Ambient Temperature +15 ° C. .. +35 ° C

So the temp fan control display of box temperature running Vix is pointless? I have alwayS gone by that plus what VU say is best running temp being Ambient Temperature +15 ° C. .. +35 ° C

01-04-15, 18:48
So the temp fan control display of box temperature running Vix is pointless.

It's just a guide. Temp accross receivers very from ambiant, CPU, Tuners, HDD etc..., all vary.

01-04-15, 20:35
It's just a guide. Temp accross receivers very from ambiant, CPU, Tuners, HDD etc..., all vary.

So if my fan set set up says that the system temperature is 46 degrees.. Is this bad for the receiver?

01-04-15, 20:55
Press menu, information, about, and it's at the bottom of the system info.
Stu.Iff your model has a temperature sensor. Not all do (mine doesn't).

01-04-15, 21:17
not on mine , probably the skin but not bothered anyway, just curious

02-04-15, 13:04
Solo2 never goes above 33 in winter and about 40 in summer.

Duo2 about same

02-04-15, 17:59
My Mutant says 27 saying that not had the heating on all day :D

02-04-15, 20:09
Can't find temp on my mutant