View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Crashing when opening recordings

29-03-15, 09:08
Hi all.

My wife has a habit of knackering the location list, probably by going too far back into the folder structure.

It leaves it in a state of crashing the box whenever I try to open the recordings screen as it tries to load the last location accessed.

In The past I have restored a backup but I'm sure there is a quicker way of sorting it than this.

Can anyone help?


29-03-15, 09:15
Yes take the remote off the wife.

On a more serious note upload some of the crash logs and a debug log of these incidents and maybe we could come up with a nag screen or something instead of the crash.

29-03-15, 10:12
Hi there.

I have log file. Any part in particular you want?

29-03-15, 11:24
Attach it as a file

29-03-15, 12:09
I have similar problem myself this morning, although as the other half is currently watching hollyoaks recordings I cant go looking for log files and try to find the fault.

I have a feeling that my error is fom the location list too. I have yet to work out how to edit it correctly.

29-03-15, 12:18
I have similar problem myself this morning, although as the other half is currently watching hollyoaks recordings I cant go looking for log files and try to find the fault.

I have a feeling that my error is fom the location list too. I have yet to work out how to edit it correctly.

You can still FTP into the receiver to retrieve log files while some one else is watching live TV or recordings for that matter on the same receiver with no interuption, or them being any the wiser.

29-03-15, 12:24
Didnt want to try that incase i upset te vewing.. (more than life is worth lol)

Were would the crash log be saved?

29-03-15, 12:42
Didnt want to try that incase i upset te vewing.. (more than life is worth lol)

Were would the crash log be saved?

She won't even realize you have logged in, Logs by default are saved to the /home/root/logs/ directory.

29-03-15, 13:03
She won't even realize you have logged in, Logs by default are saved to the /home/root/logs/ directory.

Found it thankyou.

I feel such a noob, lol

Hopfully attatched is my log fle from the crash.

29-03-15, 13:04
Can you also when you have the time give a exact run down of how to replicate the crash. Just so our devs have a starting block to go from.


29-03-15, 13:40
It looks like it's trying to stat() a non-existent automount (/media/autofs/Film1/).

29-03-15, 16:48

And here is my log file eventually.

All she was doing was messing around in locations, she went to a NAS drive, and then was pressing the ... to move up a folder, she probably went too far, and it crashed on her.

Now when we try to open it again, it tries to open the last place, and keeps crashing.

29-03-15, 16:52
Of course, firstoff I should aplogise to the thread starter I hae hijaed your thread.(I thin we have the same fault)

crash occurs when I press the movieplayer button, player loads then tries to load the directory and it then crashes.

I have deleted all mounts (network drives) and retried and same result.

Box is VU+ duo2 running the latest VIX,

29-03-15, 20:24

Ok now i confuse, I can now see the referenc to the network directory when the crash occurs, I have removed all signs of that location as best i can (eg removed all mounts) and dead info from auto.network file.

Yet still crashing on button press.

29-03-15, 20:32
Put the box to sleep, then look in /etc/enigma2/settings for the line beginning with:

detete the full line & wake the box up again.

29-03-15, 21:51
to put the box to sleep telnet in and issue the command init 4. To wake it up issue the command init 6

30-03-15, 08:46
Awesome! That's sorted it for me thank you very much.

30-03-15, 09:04
to put the box to sleep telnet in and issue the command init 4. To wake it up issue the command init 6
There is no need to init 6 this reboots the box, init 3 restarts enigma.

30-03-15, 09:09
Yep but a full reboot never hurts :)

30-03-15, 09:33
Awesome! That's sorted it for me thank you very much.Although there is still a bug. The code should hande the "File not found" gracefully.