View Full Version : Duo2 + HDD Prob

26-03-15, 18:36

Have owned a VU Duo2 + for about a year and never installed a HDD, decided to install a 2TB tosh, however it never showed the storage manager within system setting, but when I put it into a HDD enclosure via USB the system picks it up and prepares the file system ok, reads writes and pretty much has the function that you would expect once installed within the box?

Is this because the box does not like the type\make, and I require a certain product, by the way I installed a 200 GB 2.5 tosh via the internal sata and it picked it up ok, so I have ruled out lead failure? Sorry if ive posted this in the wrong place at the wrong time, I have checked the forum for the info I need but havent ha any luck.

Cheers Yahtz