View Full Version : [TM-TWIN-OE] Cannot change receiver hostname in Apollo 156

23-03-15, 10:19
:confused: I have always mounted the HDDs in my two boxes as NFS shares with no problems. As the default receiver name found by Network Browser is 'tm-twin-oe', I have always renamed the boxes 'Lounge' and 'Bedroom' in order to avoid confusion.
However, what happens in 156 is weird: I can change the names in Mount Manager as normal, the new name is then shown in Menu/Information/Network as the correct host name - but Network Browser only finds each box as 'tm-twin-oe' (with the correct IP for each box)!
If I add a new network mount, entering the share name and IP, the mount is created, but navigating to that mount returns the dreaded 'mount/autofs/BEDROOM/media/hdd does not exist'.
Furthermore, I CAN mount either box with the default name and have success, but can't have two network shares with the same name.
Have tried fresh reflash (156), no settings/plugins restore on both boxes three times, setup NFS server as usual etc and still end up in the same situation - I cannot rename the boxes, although the rename appears to work.
If I could find out where the default name lives in Enigma2, I presume I could FTP into that file and change that line? Anyone any ideas please?

23-03-15, 11:17
take a look at /etc/hostname and perhaps /etc/samba/smb.conf (or similar). Normally /etc/hostname should be the one and only point to look for as samba is supposed to use also the hostname. If you change something there a new start is required.


23-03-15, 11:33
Have been looking through /etc and hostname shows the correct (new) name I have given the box. The problem seems to be that Network Browser is not using that file - so the hunt is still on to find where it finds the default name! Thanks for the helpful reply - I'm fairly sure that something has gone wrong with Network Browser in 156, as all was OK in 155, even though that was only on the boxes for a few hours Saturday/yesterday!

Edit: just reflashed with 155, not bothered with tuner setup etc and can confirm that although you can change the hostname, Network Browser still finds the default 'tm-twin-oe' from somewhere, even though Information/Network shows LOUNGE and /etc/hostname correctly shows LOUNGE too!

23-03-15, 11:53
Take a look in /etc/auto.network, just a wild guess as I had a similar problem earlier.

23-03-15, 12:35
look at smb.conf as there is a name used when you use CIFS as protocoll. Normally something like $HOSTNAME should be in this file but it can also be a string as name.


23-03-15, 13:30
Not using CFIS share, so don't have Samba running (he says hopefully - will check when I can prise remote from wife!).

24-03-15, 03:34
However, what happens in 156 is weird: I can change the names in Mount Manager as normal, the new name is then shown in Menu/Information/Network as the correct host name - but Network Browser only finds each box as 'tm-twin-oe' (with the correct IP for each box)!The host name has nothing (or little) to do with Mount Manager. It's a network concept (it's really the name of the network interface - you can have multiple interfaces each with different names, but with just one you'd usually use the hostname). So you'd need to configure it somewhere else.

Or, if it's easier than finding the place in the menu. edit the /etc/hostname file appropriately and reboot. This file is normally backed up, but since you will have gone to 156 with no restore you'll have lost the "correct" settings.

I also lost such a setting - as the /etc/fstab file also went back to a default setting. Whereas all seemed to be OK after the update a day ago, when I looked this evening there was a message on the front panel about a "Write error". I couldn't find anything in logs but then, to my surprise/horror I only had two recordings under /media/hdd/movie as well - both from today! All other recordings had gone.
This seemed a little odd - particularly as df showed that my 1.5TB disk was still >30% full.
Ieventually worked out that my USB stick was now mounted as /media/hdd, and the hard disk as /media/sd?1. I seem to recall that I had a similar problem when first inserting the USB stick. For some reason the USB stick gets mounted as a hard disk, and I had to sort this out with the Mount Manager. I was able to sort it out again and move files to correct locations. Also the two recordings that had failed through lack of space were fetchable from the BBC iPlayer, so I haven't missed anything.

However - it strikes me that both of these items (hostname and disk-layout) should be items that are handled by the first-time setup wizard.

24-03-15, 04:03
The host name has nothing (or little) to do with Mount Manager.Ah - you mean the Mount Manager under Networks, not the one under Vix. That ones does edit the /etc/hostname file.

Mind you - I'm not sure how any remote system can garner this information anyway. The usual way to get a name is to lookup an address in DNS. If I do a network scan from my OpenVIX box all of the systems show up with the name from DNS.

But - you are mentioning Network Browser, so I'll presuming that MS Windows is involved instead. It would be looking for Netbios names - which would be configured in Samba, so you'd need to change the relevant field in that configuration (which would be "server string" in smb.conf - but I suspect will show up in a menu somewhere?).

24-03-15, 12:09
Many thanks birdman! Not exactly the solution I was after, but your comments stirred the grey matter a bit!
The box name found for an IP in Menu/Setup/System/Network/Mounts setup/Network Browser is, of course, whatever the DNS thinks it should be! A virgin flash, combined with my broadband connection dropping out just at the wrong time, meant that the router DNS had picked up the default name for the device at that IP address!
Just logged into the router and changed the device name!

So, fellow Vix enthusiasts, it wasn't anything to do with the new 155/6/7 images, just me being thick!

Could an admin please close this thread?