View Full Version : How best to use the EPG options? Confused.

08-12-10, 14:18

Since I have had my Duo, I and apparently other users are somewhat confused on how to use the various EPG options / plugins, and how they may relate to each other.

If we take the ViX 1.3 image in its default state, could somebody please explain the best and most efficient way to populate all available EPG information without needless duplication?

If it helps to offer an example set up, I have access to Astra1, Astra2, Hotbird and Hispasat's various packages.

I appreciate it may take somebody half an hour or so to post a full and detailed answer, but I and presumably others would be very grateful.

Thank you,

08-12-10, 15:26
Basically, just choose the packages you want to update in the epg program you want to use...

If you prefer the ryvix, just go to the ryvix menu, then choose sources (blue button) and put a tick next to the ones you want to use. With crossepg, choose the ones you want to use from either the xml, xepgdb or opentv menus. Here, be more careful though, as if you choose all in all menus, you will get a lot of duplication... Also, think about not using data for packages you won't be able to use. e.g. upc direct, bulsat and nova (iirc) are all written in their own language, and don't have data with english titles afaik. So, it's quite difficult to use the data, and can cause instability in your box.

I personally use opentv to get the data from the satellite for sky uk, then choose nordic and canalsat from xepgdb. All in crossepg. Choice is yours though :p

If I choose nordic in both crossepg xepgdb and xml, then also in ryvix menu, it's likely to cause problems because I'll be download the same data 3 times...

08-12-10, 16:26
Basically, just choose the packages you want to update in the epg program you want to use...

If you prefer the ryvix, just go to the ryvix menu, then choose sources (blue button) and put a tick next to the ones you want to use. With crossepg, choose the ones you want to use from either the xml, xepgdb or opentv menus. Here, be more careful though, as if you choose all in all menus, you will get a lot of duplication... Also, think about not using data for packages you won't be able to use. e.g. upc direct, bulsat and nova (iirc) are all written in their own language, and don't have data with english titles afaik. So, it's quite difficult to use the data, and can cause instability in your box.

I personally use opentv to get the data from the satellite for sky uk, then choose nordic and canalsat from xepgdb. All in crossepg. Choice is yours though :p

If I choose nordic in both crossepg xepgdb and xml, then also in ryvix menu, it's likely to cause problems because I'll be download the same data 3 times...

Hey Pooface,

Wanted to give a go at Xepgdb for CanalSat as many channels are missing in Rytec. Do you get EPG for all canalsat channels with XEPGDB?


08-12-10, 16:28
Pooface, does the data from all the different sources get saved in the EPG.dat file on the root of the HDD for the VIX-EPG to read from.
If yes and I want to try different downloaders and different sources do I just delete the epg.dat and do a download.
Do I have to reboot after deleting the EPG.dat.
I have tried a few and autotimer doesnt like the way some sources have (t) or (s) or extra or less spaces in the program titles.

08-12-10, 21:18
Thanks pooface.
I think I understand a little more now but probably need to find some more documentation on CrossEPG and Ryvix, if there is any.
Maybe the secret here is to physically look at the downloaded files to see what's in them.

So 'CrossEPG' is pre-installed as a plugin as an alternative to 'Ryvix'. Is that right? ie we should use one or the other, but could use both if we know that some data is available in one but not the other.


08-12-10, 21:41
Crossepg is pre installed on vix 1.3.

I use sly uk from opentv and then sky italy and a couple of other sources from xepgdb.

08-12-10, 21:55
Crossepg is pre installed on vix 1.3.

I use sly uk from opentv and then sky italy and a couple of other sources from xepgdb.

Do you only use CrossEPG and don't do anything with 'Ryvix'?

08-12-10, 22:02
Yup. I don't use ryvix. Just cross epg.

09-12-10, 09:16

I want to try opentv as Ive seen the formatting of program info in others a bit odd.
Thing is that when I do an opentv manual download the channel changes to a channel with no service called DVB Service.
It says something like loading and disappears after 2 mins but nothing seems to be downloaded.
Cn you confirm what channel and frequency it switches to and if there is a picture or sound on it.
Also is there a log file to show what open TV has done.


Basically, just choose the packages you want to update in the epg program you want to use...

If you prefer the ryvix, just go to the ryvix menu, then choose sources (blue button) and put a tick next to the ones you want to use. With crossepg, choose the ones you want to use from either the xml, xepgdb or opentv menus. Here, be more careful though, as if you choose all in all menus, you will get a lot of duplication... Also, think about not using data for packages you won't be able to use. e.g. upc direct, bulsat and nova (iirc) are all written in their own language, and don't have data with english titles afaik. So, it's quite difficult to use the data, and can cause instability in your box.

I personally use opentv to get the data from the satellite for sky uk, then choose nordic and canalsat from xepgdb. All in crossepg. Choice is yours though :p

If I choose nordic in both crossepg xepgdb and xml, then also in ryvix menu, it's likely to cause problems because I'll be download the same data 3 times...

09-12-10, 09:18
i've a question.

i've got an epg for all the providers i use apart from DigiAlb, is there a listing for them on Ryvix or anybody for that matter.

regards: canthackit

09-12-10, 09:21

I want to try opentv as Ive seen the formatting of program info in others a bit odd.
Thing is that when I do an opentv manual download the channel changes to a channel with no service called DVB Service.
It says something like loading and disappears after 2 mins but nothing seems to be downloaded.
Cn you confirm what channel and frequency it switches to and if there is a picture or sound on it.
Also is there a log file to show what open TV has done.

Edit - Also where is opentv data coming from ? pooface...............

09-12-10, 12:06
OpenTV data comes from the transponder so it's as good as you're going to get.
Rytect sources comes from XMLTV, it wouldn't be as complete as OpenTV.

09-12-10, 13:17
What transponder / frequency is the EPG Downloading from.

IS it an actual channel with the epg buried in it ?

09-12-10, 13:55
Yes, for Sly it is a Radio channel, so when you download it with CrossEPG, it will switch to that Radio channel.

guff daddy
09-12-10, 16:38
Yes, for Sly it is a Radio channel, so when you download it with CrossEPG, it will switch to that Radio channel.

What channel is it, do you know? It used to be Hip Hop but I can't see that channel any more?

If you configure the CrossEPG to "download on tune" then if you change to the channel with the EPG data it'll start to download automatically...

09-12-10, 17:23
How do I delete the existing EPG-data..? I tried one setting, and it was not good. Now when I've rearranged a bit in the settings, I still get the same results on the screen. I've been restarting and I've downloaded EPG over and over again, but still the same... I tried both Finnis and Norwegian files, and now I get a glimpse of the Finnish name ofthe program/show, before it goes Norwegian. Now I'm using a complete different setup, which don't include the Finnish file at all, but still I get a small glimpse of the Finnish title.

Any ideas..?

09-12-10, 19:46
There is EIT, MHW and ViaSat EPG's on Enigma2 settings menu, what those really are?
I'm using CrossEPG which is working fine, should i set all of those to No?

09-12-10, 20:15
On my Technomate its EPG Background Audio Radio Channel....

What channel is it, do you know? It used to be Hip Hop but I can't see that channel any more?

If you configure the CrossEPG to "download on tune" then if you change to the channel with the EPG data it'll start to download automatically...

09-12-10, 22:26
There is EIT, MHW and ViaSat EPG's on Enigma2 settings menu, what those really are?
I'm using CrossEPG which is working fine, should i set all of those to No?
I've yet to understand this as well.
It's been part of my EPG confusion.
I don't know if these sources only populate the 'infobar' with now and next details, however I think the other EPG data populates the infobar anyway.

I think we all need a schematic diagram and explanation of how the various EPG bits and pieces come together, and why we would choose one option over another.

15-12-10, 09:52
What transponder / frequency is the EPG Downloading from.

IS it an actual channel with the epg buried in it ?

For opentv uk, it uses the reference for the channel. Can't remember off top of head, but I think it's still the hip hop uk channel. Just that the channel has ceased to be an actual channel that gets scanned in...

What channel is it, do you know? It used to be Hip Hop but I can't see that channel any more?

If you configure the CrossEPG to "download on tune" then if you change to the channel with the EPG data it'll start to download automatically...

I think that function only really works now on the sky it opentv settings, where it can use either marco polo of foxlife (these might've changed, not sure). But yes, it used to be hip hop tv, and think it still is, but that channel is no longer a channel as such...

There is EIT, MHW and ViaSat EPG's on Enigma2 settings menu, what those really are?
I'm using CrossEPG which is working fine, should i set all of those to No?

eit/mhw/viaset etc are all similar settings to opentv, in that they download data from the satellite. They differ to the ones you get from crossepg, in that via crossepg, data for those sort of channels (e.g. canalsat fr is mhw etc) is downloaded from the internet, not from the satellite. So, to get epg data for canalsat fr, you need to go to the guidetv channel (think that's the right one), and leave it to populate the epg. The one in crossepg is downloaded off the web, so does not need you to zap satellite...

15-12-10, 10:21
Thanks Pooface but I abandoned openTV as it didnt have irish epg.
Also the box seemed to get really slow intermittently.
But when I disabled crossepg (i have swap file on USB) its been fine for the last few days.
Just using Ryvix to download rytec sources.
All fine now.

19-12-10, 06:27
Thanks for the various snippets of advice in this topic, including from pooface.

However I'm still unclear on exactly how best to use the EPG options in the ViX image, or any other image for that matter. It may be well intentioned, but brief advice such as 'try this or that and see what works for you' doesn't really help create a good understanding.

Could somebody who thoroughly understands the Vu+ Duo and ViX EPG Plugin options (plus the EPG settings in Customise) please take an hour or so to write a detailed guide? I know it would be of great use to many of us, not just myself. It would probably clear up many misunderstandings and confusions.

Can I suggest any guide should cover :
1) What each specific EPG setting or Plugin setting does and why we might want to use it.
2) Why we might choose one option over another seemingly similar one.
3) Some detail on broadcaster supplied EPG sources such as EIT and OpenTV including when they do or don't populate the Infobar and/or EPG.
4) How the downloadable non-OpenTV sources in plugins relate to language V bouquet/package.
5) How any or all sources merge happily into a meaningful epg.dat

That may appear to be too much work, so, seeing as this is an English language forum, it might be better to give an accurate tutorial on how best to achieve an English EPG. ie without including non-English data which is of little use to English speakers. (However, if programme titles tend to be in English in some non-English EPG sources, then they should probably be included, if the alternative is having nothing at all for those channels.)

If it helps to offer a specific set up for such a tutorial, I for example have access to most packages on Astra 19.2 East, Astra 28.2 East, Hotbird 13.0 East and Hispasat 30.0 West.

I hope one or more EPG and image experts can help us all here. I really think the EPG functions are the most puzzling in the receiver, but don't have to be.

Thanks a lot.

19-12-10, 15:48
Lol, trust me Lee. It is all really simple...

If I get some free time (something I'm severely lacking at the mo :-(), I'll try to get something set up for you. Hopefully be able to look in to it tomorrow/Tues, but can't promise anything...

Sent by my phone

20-12-10, 03:55
ok, thanks pooface, Andy, or anybody else suitably knowledgeable.
I don't think it's just me who is puzzled by the things I asked, because I've noticed fairly regular postings of EPG related queries.
Also, if the topic 'views' figure is meaningful, this topic has drawn lots of interest!

Anyway, here's hoping I and others can soon be fully educated. Then we can probably stop asking similar questions indefinitely, thus saving time for you image and coding guys.


PS I have also tried looking up the EPG plugins on the internet, but with limited success in finding documentation or support.

20-12-10, 06:22
Dfdream I am using cross epg opentv with 28.2 source and it perfectly fills out 7 day epg for all the irish channels and has since vix 1.1 for me. The older versions of crossepg used to have probs with it but not in recent months. Let me know if still not working for you and I could pm you my irish channel bouquet.

20-12-10, 08:52
Thanks Chris.
I deleted epg.dat and did a download on opentv and yes the irish channels are fine.
Might be nice to upload an Irish EPG here as there are more irish users everyday that visit this site.
Are your bouquets using the irish sky numbers.

20-12-10, 11:31
Would love a tutorial also. No real need for the EPG but it would be nice to know how to set it up and use it.

21-12-10, 00:48
Hey Pooface how do you get the Vix EPG to look like this ? http://b.imagehost.org/0511/VIX_EPG.png

Mine is just full of channels I don't want and is in what seems a random order. I can't see how it is edited

21-12-10, 00:55
within epg press menu

scroll down to

use picture in graphic set to yes


enable picons set to yes


items per page set to 5

lastly restart EPG

To order your channels use dbedit or you can go over to the enigma2 settings sub forum and pick a setting you want ready made

silverfox0786 28.2e settings are numbers as like sly
Andyblack are set up in sly catagories
SGTFlipFlop are also set up in catagories

Take your pick they are all good

21-12-10, 09:40
To order your channels use dbedit or you can go over to the enigma2 settings sub forum and pick a setting you want ready made

silverfox0786 28.2e settings are numbers as like sly
Andyblack are set up in sly catagories
SGTFlipFlop are also set up in catagories

Take your pick they are all good

Thanks Silverfox I'll try that later. Certainly saved me a lot of headaches from the wife :)

21-12-10, 12:30
Thanks for replying silverfox ;) Still haven't had time to write that guide for epg yet. No chance today, and probably not before christmas... Maybe in the hols if I can get a chance, and not had too much mulled wine :D

03-01-11, 12:21
Had it all working nicely as you suggested SilverFox but for some reason the picons have stopped displaying. I've checked and the folder is still there with the .png files. I've also checked the EPG menu and Enable Picon is still set to yes.

Any ideas why they may stop displaying anybody ?

03-01-11, 14:05
Have you updated the boquets?
is it all or just some?

Also might be an idea to pull the USB - if there on it and than remount.

03-01-11, 17:05
to show picons its very importand that the items on show is set to 8 if not picture in graphic is used and set to 5 if picture in graphic is used

03-01-11, 20:39
Ah I realise what it is now. I created an HD Bouquet in addition to your Bouquets Silverfox as I couldn't find some of the HD channels and I thought it would be nice to have them all together. Once you start watching HD it's hard to go back to SD.

All the other Picons work apart from this bouquet. Any pointers on how I can add the picons for the HD channels or better still is it something you could add to your channel list in the future Silverfox?

03-01-11, 21:04
looks like your using the wrong bouquets i have 3 sets all differet i have enigma1 sd no hd and then enigma2 sd no hd and then enigma2 hd and same with picons so you need to get

enigma2 hd there you will find all hd channels in main bouquet and hd bouquet and also you will find the picons for hd present and working


03-01-11, 22:01
looks like your using the wrong bouquets i have 3 sets all differet i have enigma1 sd no hd and then enigma2 sd no hd and then enigma2 hd and same with picons so you need to get

Yes that would make sense, didn't realise there were different sets. I've downloaded but recording so can't restart the box yet but I'm sure that will sort it. Thanks Silverfox again.

Another question I have, is it it possible to get the listings for sly box office ? I'm using Cross EPG and sly ukOpenTV listings but those channels are blank in the epg.

03-01-11, 22:04
at the moment box office does not fetch epg data but we have a few helpfulls looking into finding ways of getting epg data for channels that do not transmit at present