View Full Version : tune fail

17-03-15, 20:17
hi guys im really confused. ive had my gigablue 800hd ue cable tuner running great for the last few months untill i done a fresh install to vix 153. now i have tune fail on a few channels, i aint been right through them but few movie one's sports hd1 channel 4 hd are a few i have seen. i have never had any problem before with this. sky tuner is fine and all working good, just seems to be the cable tuner. checked the feed and connectors and all good. SNR 85% AGC 97% on some channels i checked and 0% on the tune fail one's. re-flashed but still same. cheers.

17-03-15, 20:57
check your cabling, connectors etc.

17-03-15, 21:15
could it still be that even if i can still get other channels still

17-03-15, 21:28
Yeah it can mate, some channels are more sensitive than others believe it or not.

17-03-15, 21:41
ok do u think i should cut back and fit connectors again.

17-03-15, 21:43
Yeah snip an inch off if you have enough cabling n then refit connectors.

18-03-15, 21:32
hi guys. still no luck with this. snipped cut and checked wires and connectors. my net id is set and correct, im using ABM that is in with viximage 153, when i did the scan there was over 500 i think 520 channels in all. as i said before, i cant understand how its gone like this on some channels. its been fine for last few months. how do i check to see what transponders are failing? so there is a chance it could be the splitter then. just checked the 4music channel and the SNR is bouncing from 0-4% and the agc is 90% sky sports hd 1 is 0 and 0 also channel 4hd snr0% agc0%

19-03-15, 08:03
hi guys, i did try and go back to my old back up of vix 150 but still the same. ABM is finding and storing the channels in the correct lists. anyway i have had a look and the channels with the tune fail are all on the same MHz. so CHANNEL4HD DVB-C 146MHz 6952000 3/4 QAM264 is tune fail, so its all the channels that start with DVB-C 1**MHZ

19-03-15, 10:33
It's possible your local cable co have turned the power down on your connection if you have canceled your tv package or a new install has taken place and your connection in the box has been split which is why it is only affecting certain channels (the mux containing SKY sports 1HD is the most sensitive to low power levels) unless you have a valid subscription you won't be able to report it as a fault, as long as your modem is fine there is nothing you can do.... Except buy a powered splitter of eBay :thumbsup: