View Full Version : DVBSky T330 DVB-T2/T/C USB Stick

15-03-15, 14:22
i got one of these to try and see drivers listed,not sure if they support it using vix image,as it just does not scan ,i believe it works on blackhole:confused:

15-03-15, 14:25
By default only the Vu+ official dongle has the drivers embedded in the image, all others need to be installed via the feeds where available or obtained some other way, as far as I know that one should work but I am not expert in this kind of thing, so cant really help.

15-03-15, 14:29
yes loads listed in feeds like pinning tail on donkey when blind :D cheers

15-03-15, 14:44
look under the drivers section for the DVBSky Family pack, Install those then perform a full reboot with the stick inserted in the receiver. depending on your image you may also need to update the Vu+ drivers to the 02/03/2015 set too.

15-03-15, 16:50
ahh check image lol forgot i went back in time to 61 reflashing again and starting from scratch again i hope to see things more clearly:thumbsup:

15-03-15, 18:28
now on 141 downloaded from the feeds but tuner still refuses to start scan lol:confused:

15-03-15, 20:17
Try build 153 with the latest Vu+ drivers and see then.

15-03-15, 21:30
must have gone blind who changed the order of image,latest was always on top,now on the bottom:mad:need bigger glasses again cheers m8.lol

15-03-15, 22:40
must have gone blind who changed the order of image,latest was always on top,now on the bottom:mad:need bigger glasses again cheers m8.lol

and still is, on mines anyway :p

abu baniaz
15-03-15, 23:08
If you click on "file" it will alter the listing.

15-03-15, 23:20
Not working with Venton Unibox Eco+

15-03-15, 23:30
must be missing something all scans done =no channels,wonder is usb suppose to light up on use?nothing on mine:confused:.

is one suppose to sat scan first as no cable connected in this room :whistle:

17-03-15, 01:18
ok update tried 4 other provider images kak lolback to apollo 153,downloaded the dvbsly family usb driver and now scanned in channels from virgin [ dublin ] :eek::thumbsup:

17-03-15, 01:47
Sorry I can't be more help with this mate, Never used terrestrial on E2, I don't even have a TV Ariel.

17-03-15, 10:00
you do need to enable it in tuner config if I remember

17-03-15, 13:30
the clue was i scanned in channels and yes it was enabled like so for my area.:D