View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Clearing Up the Location List

13-03-15, 21:03
Hi Guys,

Just wondering if there is a way to remove entries from the location list?
When I press the Hard Drive remote button, I can then press Yellow to view a list of locations, but this has got quite a few duff entries from where I have tried to add a NAS Drive, that don't work.

abu baniaz
13-03-15, 21:28
See this thread


14-03-15, 02:37
If the location still exists you can also go to it, press Menu and select "Add Bookmark". Obtusely this will remove the current location if it is already a bookmark.

I have some code to sort bookmarks too (since you have to go through the list to select the location for a recording, knowing the order they are in is useful). I might get around to submitting it one day, but it's only partly done at the moment.