View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] How do I enable channel numbers on EPG with the MetrixHD skin?

11-03-15, 14:11
Always wondered this but never got round to asking.
So, how do I enable channel numbers on EPG with the MetrixHD skin?

11-03-15, 16:16
Ain't channel numbering done by Abm? Is so got to Abm press menu, then show channel numbers.

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13-03-15, 08:29
Ain't channel numbering done by Abm? Is so got to Abm press menu, then show channel numbers.

Dont think you can turn any channel numbering on or off there mate. Anyone else know?

13-03-15, 10:22
If you're referring to showing official sky numbering then EPG guide then the built-in doesn't support that option. Use can use AutoBouquet E2 28.2 from feeds as that's what I've had to do.

If you're using multi-sat then obviously official numbering couldn't be done for your sats as they would conflict.

13-03-15, 10:33
If you're referring to showing official sky numbering then EPG guide then the built-in doesn't support that option. Use can use AutoBouquet E2 28.2 from feeds as that's what I've had to do.

If you're using multi-sat then obviously official numbering couldn't be done for your sats as they would conflict.

I have all the correct channel numbers showing when you change channel and when you go to the channel list etc...
Official sky numbering isnt the problem here.
The channel numbers just do not appear in the EPG in Metrix HD skin. They just need enabling some how?

Are you using Metrix HD skin?

13-03-15, 10:41
Can you post screenshot or maybe clarify exactly where you want it?

If you're referring to official numbering not showing in EPG list before the channel name (eg "101 BBC One", "105 Channel 5") then you need that plugin I mentioned that option isn't available from built-in ABM.

A better example are the screenshots in my post here (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?44345-Which-coloured-EPG-options-do-you-prefer). That's what i'm referring to.

13-03-15, 11:58
Yeah, I'll get some screenshots over the weekend.

It is the official numbering not showing in EPG list before the channel name (eg "101 BBC One", "105 Channel 5") that I a, referring to.

It was that post that you linked to that sparked my interest in this actually :). What skin are you using in that post?

13-03-15, 12:06
The skin is BlueHD from feeds.

The only way of getting official numbering before channel name at this time is to use AutoBouquet E2 28.2 plugin from feeds as your bouquet maker instead of the built-in ABM.

I disabled the built-in one and use that plugin instead to generate bouquets.

13-03-15, 12:07
ah okay, thanks.

Do you (or anyone else) know if it will become available in ABM?

13-03-15, 12:24
ah okay, thanks.

Do you (or anyone else) know if it will become available in ABM?I have already asked and I believe it would mean a re-write of the current abm.

It's not that easy to re-write because built-in ABM supports multiple sat's and cable as well and obviously you can't use same official channel numbering if using more than one provider as they would likely clash.

The AB 28.2 ABM plugin is designed purely for $ky so using that on it's own is fine.

I'm hoping it's introduced soon but obviously it wouldn't work for those use more than one provider.

13-03-15, 14:34
I hope not as I wouldn't want channel numbering in EPG, looks untidy imo. I'm happy with channel numbering on info bar n channel lists but wouldn't want it in EPG, looks all squashed n horrid. But thats just me.

13-03-15, 14:48
I hope not as I wouldn't want channel numbering in EPG, looks untidy imo. I'm happy with channel numbering on info bar n channel lists but wouldn't want it in EPG, looks all squashed n horrid. But thats just me.It may depend on skin. I use BlueHD and if you see thread I linked to in an earlier post, I think it looks fine and makes it easier remembering the channel number if I decide to zap by entering channel number.

13-03-15, 14:56
I hope not as I wouldn't want channel numbering in EPG, looks untidy imo. I'm happy with channel numbering on info bar n channel lists but wouldn't want it in EPG, looks all squashed n horrid. But thats just me.

Got to say I whole heartily agree with you on this one.

13-03-15, 15:01
It may depend on skin. I use BlueHD and if you see thread I linked to in an earlier post, I think it looks fine and makes it easier remembering the channel number if I decide to zap by entering channel number.

I know the numbers I use from memory n just zap to em by typing it in. [emoji85]
But again thats me n my preference.

abu baniaz
13-03-15, 16:21
Just out of curiosity, do people navigate through/select channels using the EPG system or Channel lists/bouquets?

I use the EPG system for EPG and setting timers. Channel hopping is done through bouquets/numbers.

13-03-15, 16:30
Personally I only G-EPG for setting timers, for every thing else I use the channel lists / bouquets section.

13-03-15, 21:40
Just out of curiosity, do people navigate through/select channels using the EPG system or Channel lists/bouquets?

I use the EPG system for EPG and setting timers. Channel hopping is done through bouquets/numbers.It depends, if I'm just browsing to see what is on then I will just go through EPG but if I'm wanting to jump to movies or sports then I use sectional bouquet.

14-03-15, 15:31
ah okay, thanks.
Do you (or anyone else) know if it will become available in ABM?

ABM will not be rewritten to change channel descriptions and put the LCN number in front of the description.
ABM is made to make bouquets from the providers information in the TS streams as is.

Showing LCN numbers (someones called this the 'official number') in the G-EPG has nothing to do with ABM.
That's part of E2.

14-03-15, 15:37
I already asked for numbering in graffic EPG list a while ago (1 year).Never had any positive reaction on it.Would be easy to have.Had it for years on my cable tv and is still so.In menu there is an option to enable it but numbers are not showing in EPG.Are positive showing on channel EPG.

14-03-15, 17:01
I already asked for numbering in graffic EPG list a while ago (1 year).Never had any positive reaction on it.Would be easy to have.Had it for years on my cable tv and is still so.In menu there is an option to enable it but numbers are not showing in EPG.Are positive showing on channel EPG.

But it's not easy and never has been, plus there are lots of other contributing factors that have to be taken into place.

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14-03-15, 17:22
I do understand that.Was just a question if somebody would feel able to do it.Personaly I have no experiance programming in linux. PS: and to old already to start :)

14-03-15, 18:31
I do understand that.Was just a question if somebody would feel able to do it.Personaly I have no experiance programming in linux. PS: and to old already to start :)If you only use one provider and that is $ky then use AB E2 28.2 plugin.

If you use multiple providers then that's where problem comes in as it would likely clash with another provider.

14-03-15, 20:05
Showing LCN numbers (someones called this the 'official number') in the G-EPG has nothing to do with ABM.
That's part of E2.It is, however, possible to code the G-EPG to display the channel number before the channel name but I also realise that this has it's problems because even if one just uses 28.2, the channel numbers for those within sectional bouquets (eg Movies, Sports, etc) are cumulative numbers (I believe that's how Abu explained it to me) so "Sky Premier" when choosing channel from "Movies" bouquet starts at 1400 (or something like that) but choosing the exact same channel "Sky Premier" from the main bouquet keeps to the official sky numbering.

I know there are limitations due to design of E2, etc but workarounds I'm sure can be implemented.

For example, using ABM for $ky UK can now bring in (via menu options) the $ky Ireland channels as well. Now I'm pretty sure the "official" way of doing ABM wouldn't include this possibility but thanks to all those involved, a work-around was found, which can be implemented if a user desires.

All I ask, could maybe sometime, this be looked into and be made an option within ABM (or G-EPG).

Thank you.

15-03-15, 10:53
Just use AB E2 28.2 plugin and leave ABM as it is. Problem solved. [emoji4]

15-03-15, 12:15
Just use AB E2 28.2 plugin and leave ABM as it is. Problem solved. [emoji4]

The thing is the even AB E2 28.2 does not support channel numbers in the G-EPG, it physically renames the channel to include the number before the name, which is just plain messy and wrong in my opinion.

15-03-15, 12:19
The thing is the even AB E2 28.2 does not support channel numbers in the G-EPG, it physically renames the channel to include the number before the name, which is just plain messy and wrong in my opinion.

Yeah I know, I like how ABM is now. I'm happy to have numbering in Bouquet listing, I'm happy to have channel numbering on my infobar, I just don't see the point of having the numbering in G-EPG, will look hideous with too much stuff going on imo.

15-03-15, 12:25
Yeah I know, I like how ABM is now. I'm happy to have numbering in Bouquet listing, I'm happy to have channel numbering on my infobar, I just don't see the point of having the numbering in G-EPG, will look hideous with too much stuff going on imo.

I 100 percent fully agree with you on that mate, I really cant see the appeal of having channel numbers in the G-EPG, it's just not needed as far as I am concerned. I don't begrudge users adopting it for their own needs but I don't think it should be in the image by default.

Then again I am against locking the image menu's down with parental controls as this just feeds the scumbag pay server lot selling their crap on ebay and the likes, but that was added in any way much to my disgust.

15-03-15, 12:33
Agree with you and I hope it doesn't get implemented. :thumbsup: Fair enough if users wanna tinker and do what they want but ABM is ace as it is!!

Then again I am against locking the image menu's down with parental controls as this just feeds the scumbag pay server lot selling their crap on ebay and the likes, but that was added in any way much to my disgust. << I never thought of it like that buddy, I learn summat new everyday. lol. No place for them scums on here imo buddy. :mad:

15-03-15, 17:54
I'm happy to have numbering in Bouquet listing, I'm happy to have channel numbering on my infobar...I like this option but what I don't like is channel numbers being the accumulative versions when going through say "Movies" bouquet. I got asked by my OH that is there really thousands of channels available on $ky because the "Movies" bouquet had channel numbers in range of 1000+. The work-around of using official channel numbering within the channel name (although not idea I admit) works now with AB 28.2 ABM plugin so no matter if I use the "Movies" bouquet I get channel numbers 301+ rather than the artificial ones of over 1000.

Remember everyone has their own preferences which may not be to others' liking.

I love the recent version of ABM which includes the modded option of including Setanta Sports, if one wishes that.

I realise some others wouldn't like that.

Clearly i'm not alone in wanting the option of official channel numbering within G-EPG whether this is done via an option in ABM or G-EPG.

If it were implemented as an option then those that don't want it don't need to enable it. Isn't that why there are multiple options on a lot of things these days to try to, where possible, cater for a wider range of setup preferences?

15-03-15, 21:02
I like this option but what I don't like is channel numbers being the accumulative versions when going through say "Movies" bouquet. I got asked by my OH that is there really thousands of channels available on $ky because the "Movies" bouquet had channel numbers in range of 1000+. The work-around of using official channel numbering within the channel name (although not idea I admit) works now with AB 28.2 ABM plugin so no matter if I use the "Movies" bouquet I get channel numbers 301+ rather than the artificial ones of over 1000.

Why aren't you using 'alternative numbering mode'? This way all bouquets starts at '1'.

15-03-15, 22:20
Why aren't you using 'alternative numbering mode'? This way all bouquets starts at '1'.I have seen that option but never turned it on as I just thought it puts 1 at beginning of bouquets. Does it also stop the accumulative number appearing so "movies" sectional bouquet would start at 301+ (ie following official numbering) rather than the current 1000+ number range.

15-03-15, 22:41
I have seen that option but never turned it on as I just thought it puts 1 at beginning of bouquets. Does it also stop the accumulative number appearing so "movies" sectional bouquet would start at 301+ (ie following official numbering) rather than the current 1000+ number range.

No, when you are using ABM, only 'All channels' is made with LCN numbers.

16-03-15, 10:13
Yeah I know, I like how ABM is now. I'm happy to have numbering in Bouquet listing, I'm happy to have channel numbering on my infobar, I just don't see the point of having the numbering in G-EPG, will look hideous with too much stuff going on imo.

Well I think it should be implemented but not forced upon everyone.

Not everybody are like us & know the channel numbers off by heart. People that are not familiar with the E2 setup and are more used to sky/virgin etc will just push the EPG button and search for a channel/program through the guide.
This is why having channel numbers in EPG would make the whole setup more user friendly in my opinion.

I would hope that if a change like this does get taken on board then there would be an option to enable/disable the numbers
so that people have the choice & everyone is happy.

16-03-15, 10:18
Yeah thats if you have All Channels enabled. I don't have All Channels enabled as I just like the sectional bouquets, I.e. Sports, Movies etc and by me having this setup my official sky numbering is intact and as said before I know the channel numbering from the channels I use n I can just type the numbers n zap to the ones I want etc.

16-03-15, 18:59
Not everybody are like us & know the channel numbers off by heart. People that are not familiar with the E2 setup and are more used to sky/virgin etc will just push the EPG button and search for a channel/program through the guide.
This is why having channel numbers in EPG would make the whole setup more user friendly in my opinion.

I never use G-EPG to zap. It is slow, because it have to process a lot of EPG data (and I only have 2 days EPG)
Better to use arrow up/down and zap in that screen. You also can see EPG while zapping through the channels.
Also switching bouquets is easy that way (blue button).

16-03-15, 19:02
I never use G-EPG to zap. It is slow, because it have to process a lot of EPG data (and I only have 2 days EPG)
Better to use arrow up/down and zap in that screen. You also can see EPG while zapping through the channels.
Also switching bouquets is easy that way (blue button).

Exactly the same here, I rarely use the G-EPG unless I want to do a long search and set say a weeks worth of recordings in one go, for every thing else I just navigate through the bouquets with the up and down buttons.

05-06-15, 14:40
is there anyway to add the channel numbers into the infobar (blue hd skin), like they have on the sly epg?

05-06-15, 15:28
Go into user interface settings and set "show channel numbers in infobar" to yes and green button to save.

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05-06-15, 15:43
great! thanks for that, had searched before and only seen complicated ways of FTPing skins files etc which didn't work.

05-06-15, 15:53
Go into user interface settings and set "show channel numbers in infobar" to yes and green button to save.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

i dont think that will work, i didnt add that widget to the infobar.
give it a try though, i cant remember 100%

05-06-15, 15:55
i dont think that will work, i didnt add that widget to the infobar.
give it a try though, i cant remember 100%

I'm sure it works buddy. I'm only 99.9% sure tho. lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-06-15, 16:40
It can only display the channel numbers as allocated by the bouquet.

They may not be the actual channel numbers if viewing via any bouquet except the main "all channels" bouquet.

It's not possible, using built-in ABM, to maintain the actual channel numbers regardless of bouquet you are viewing.

There is a work around and AutoBouquet 28.2 includes this feature and is available from the feeds.

abu baniaz
05-06-15, 16:52
If the main bouquet = no, FTA HD or HD, and no other customisations are done, the numbers will match the official numbers.

06-06-15, 23:11
Cheers guys, it works with abm on the all channels bouquet and on the blue hd skin. E.g 401 for ssn hq being in the corner of the info bar