View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] Help Setting up Transcoding outside my Network on Android Vu+ Player App

09-03-15, 23:42
Hi Guys, I need help accessing my Box outside my LAN, am able to connect via Mobile and Laptop on both Ipad and HTC One M8 while in the house.

Settings are OK when Indoors and I can watch and control my VU+ Duo2 box perfectly. Problem is when I try connect via 3G, my app says cannot connect and I cant even see my bouquets.

All screenshots and Router, and box Pics below, issue I think is insettings on Port Forwarding on the router as well as on the box and on No-IP.

Kindly show me what am doing wrong and what I can correct.


10-03-15, 09:09
can you connect to other devices in your home net from outside? Have you tried a PC instead of your Android phone. I would say first make sure that you can reach you home network with a PC and a foreign WiFi instead of 3G. The reason for this is because some ISP do not give real IPv4 to their user instead they use a NAT because of limited IP addresses. If you are behind a NAT you have no chance.


10-03-15, 13:00
I honestly haven't tried to connect my laptop outside my Network, as I fast wanted someone to check my settings on my Phone, Router as well as No-IP to check I have ticked the right boxes.

Thanks for the reply by the way..

11-03-15, 01:11
In the vu+app config take the local IP address out ( and just use the dynamic DNS address. You will need different profiles for local and remote.

11-03-15, 01:14
Also, not a good idea to open these ports to any internet enabled device.

11-03-15, 13:52
Judge, thanks for the reply...what ports do you advise I open and which do you advise I close?

Please advise...Thanks Tkr001

11-03-15, 15:39
best would be close all ports and open a vpn connection.


11-03-15, 17:18
As above, ideally you should be looking into a VPN, opening up any ports for streaming on e2 boxes these days is a risky business as there are loads of people / groups actively looking for open boxes to steal their channel and worse.

Sent from my iPad Air using Tapatalk