View Full Version : vu+duo2 cable tuner issue

07-03-15, 23:35
hi ive got a vu+duo2 with two cable tuners installed are:

type (DVB-T2,DVB-C)

what is the snr level for these tuners, on tuner A when i connect my cable feed i get 99%
on tuner b i get 0% snr. i was under the impression that if i have both tuners connected via a loop through cable i can record one channel and watch any other, i can record one channel but when i go to another channel i get freezing and constant glitching and the picture pixalates the snr level go virtually to 0%..any ideas or advice as if i can update the drivers..im running BH 2.1.5 image..ta

also when i connect feed to tuner B i get nothing at all SNR is 0% on all channels...

08-03-15, 14:55
Tuner B looks faulty. Check that the tuner is seated correctly in the slot and check again.

Then swap the tuners around and test again. That will identify the problem as either a faulty tuner module or faulty motherboard.

If second tuner still not working contact the supplier.

08-03-15, 16:10
Can't say for sure if tuner b is faulty as you are using black hole, I know on my duo2 my looped through tuner exhibited exactly the same behaviour on some channels and I had to get a powered splitter. virgin media are actively reducing people's power levels to the bare minimum in heavily subscribed areas.

08-03-15, 17:37
both tuners are seated properly, i tried the VIX image and i still get Tuner A 99% SNR and Tuner B 0%. I dont use a splitter , straight feed , i think Tuner B is faulty as each tuner is independant of each other and i should be able to use either of the tuners, but clearly Tuner B is having issues. I also noticed that if i use a loop throuh cable from tuner A (loop out )to Tuner B (RF in) i get lots of glitching, picture pixalating SNR levels fluctuate considerably. wil be sending it back..