View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Unable to access box with DreamboxEdit or any other ftp client

02-03-15, 16:55
I want to log in to my stb using DreamboxEdit to update my bouquets but am getting the error "Could not login to Dreambox. Check username and password."
So I logged in with telnet and the username/password work just fine.
I also tried to log in with ftp (from command line) and FileZilla but both get the response:
"Response: 530 Login incorrect."
This is completely consistent I can always log in with telnet but not ftp.

As the stb has my custom bouquets I am pretty sure this used to work.

I have also tried to update to Apollo.147 but had exactly the same problem (and didn't like the update so restored Apollo.073)

Any suggestions?

02-03-15, 17:34
Something in your image / backup is likely corrupted. Try a fresh flash to be sure. Any particular reason you choose to use a very old image ?.

Sent from my iPad Air using Tapatalk

02-03-15, 17:50
Thanks for the prompt reply :)

As I said in my post - I was happy with 073 and didn't like 147 much and so reverted.

I take your point about some kind of corruption - I'll try again with the latest image and no restore

02-03-15, 18:07
Thanks for the prompt reply :)

As I said in my post - I was happy with 073 and didn't like 147 much and so reverted.

I take your point about some kind of corruption - I'll try again with the latest image and no restore

What in build 147 did you dislike so much ?, I am not questioning you and you of course can use what ever image or build you want to I am just curious.

02-03-15, 21:00
yes the 147 build is fine im sure theres just posetives for you to update to 147 build rather than been on a much older build

02-03-15, 21:02
Thanks for the help phoenix. It seems that restoring the settings was screwing up the ftp login somehow.
Reflashed with Apollo.152 (no restore) and can now ftp OK
FYI - I don't like the clunky default infobar and managed to set up 073 how I liked it but haven't managed to do the same with 152
Functionally it seems great


03-03-15, 04:26
Thanks for the help phoenix. It seems that restoring the settings was screwing up the ftp login somehow.
Reflashed with Apollo.152 (no restore) and can now ftp OK
FYI - I don't like the clunky default infobar and managed to set up 073 how I liked it but haven't managed to do the same with 152
Functionally it seems great

Try some different skins. There are lots with different infobars. I prefer youvix-blue 1080 skin but it's entirely subjective. Vix magichd night is also good.