View Full Version : [TM-NANO-3T COMBO] Box keeps crashing

01-03-15, 18:22

My box keeps crashing and resetting. It shows a black screen with white writing on then does a quick reset.

This happens a couple of times a day, regardless of what channel I'm watching.

It comes up saying there's an error log, but I'm pretty green to this so would appreciate advice on how to post error log and try to get to the bottom of why it crashes.

I have done a factory reset and also software updates; but it has made no difference.


01-03-15, 18:28
Look in /home/root/logs/ for the crashlogs & upload one here.

abu baniaz
01-03-15, 18:47
Might be an idea to flash 150/151 and not restore.

01-03-15, 18:51
I think I've attached log file

01-03-15, 19:05
I think I've attached log file

Looks like a kernel panic. Do as Abu suggests above & try a fresh flash of 151 without any restores.

04-03-15, 20:35
Good evening

I managed to reflash image as suggested, which seemed to have worked.

However, am having problems after enabling timeshift - keeps crashing after using functions of it.

I've attached crash log - would appreciate advice.


abu baniaz
04-03-15, 20:49
There is an issue with timeshift on the TMs.

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