View Full Version : Vu solo2 and internet connection issues when updating

john doe
28-02-15, 10:29
i posted sometime back about this, which the admins where aware off, but not heard anything or seen anything that suggests there's a fix. i've flashed by usb to 150, which works fine, and waiting for the 151 fix to come out soon.

the issue is when i update the box from software update (flashing green icon) is manages to get pass the flashing process and then get stuck as it shuts down to restart (please wait for few minutes for box to reboot, please do not switch...) and the internet gets knocked of. at this stage i need to unplug the ethernet cable and wait until the router comes back on and replug the cable back when internet is fully back on, sometime the box restarts and sometimes i need to switch of from the rocker. this also happens when i update TS media.

am surprised i've not bricked it. However i know update by USB only (which is a pain),but work fine this way.

28-02-15, 10:31
are you using mgcam?
Sounds like

john doe
28-02-15, 10:49
yes i am, ill have a look at the link. cheers

john doe
28-02-15, 11:04
i have 1.35a 1.38 running fine and used the info posted by Abu, the link you gave i have seen and this is where i got my MGCAMD setup from ,just change my details. these work fine, but can understand the internet connection loss when updating the box or ts media. am pretty sure this is something to do with ethernet port from the solo2

i may need to look at this again when i have time to see if ive setup everything correctly, but like i said they work fine.

28-02-15, 11:20
You could try to disable mgcam before you run an update.
Definitely sounds like some sort of DDOS issue is taking out your router so check ips in the MGCam config.

If your router logs anything, check this.

I'd be surprised if it was the Ethernet port on the solo2 causing an issue with your router....

john doe
28-02-15, 11:25
pembo thanks for your reply will do what you suggested and disable the mgcamd first and see what happens. i may have setup the mgcam wrong and may need to look at this again when i have more time. when i first looked into this it took me ages to sort, so may have done something wrong.


john doe
28-02-15, 11:35
pembo just check and it looks like you may be right. looking at abu's config files below.

# Log option, summ of:
# 00 off
# 01 network udp log
# 02 log to console
# 04 file, appended ! delete it by yourself, before it eat all your hdd
# + IP udp-port log-file-name
L: { 00 }

my shows as the below and the ip address is not that of the router or receiver. do i need to put my reciever ip in there
Log option, summ of:
# 00 off
# 01 network udp log
# 02 log to console
# 04 file, appended ! delete it by yourself, before it eat all your hdd
# + IP udp-port log-file-name
L: { 03 } 28007 /tmp/mgcamd.log

28-02-15, 12:06
here you go...

john doe
28-02-15, 15:04
cheers bud

john doe
28-02-15, 15:32
I followed the thread you said and changed a number on the line. So when the 151 update is ready i'll remote flash and see how i got on. will try to remember to feedback.

pembo- thanks for your help with i appreciate it a lot. cheers

john doe
01-03-15, 18:07
just updated to 151 and internet all good.

Thanks to pembo support (you were right DDOSing myself. thanks again mate

john doe
02-03-15, 19:14
another update. after the recommendations from above i managed to update to 150 through remote fine no internet connection loss. just tried to update to 152 and the internet connection knocked off.

john doe
26-03-15, 16:02
update - since re-configuring my mgcam setup and now able to update to apollo 160 the internet is fine. so i hope it remain.

thanks Pembo