View Full Version : newbie help to configure tuners

26-02-15, 23:04
Purchased from the sponsor the duo2 with twin Dvb-s2 tuners
It will be flashed with the vix firmware
I have no idea how to set up the tuners and ive no idea what the loop lead is for of if needed i basically want the sky and freesat chanels and be abke to record as many programes as possible
I will be trying out xbmc
Also any other info i will nead will be very helpful


abu baniaz
26-02-15, 23:12
Configuring the tuners is basically telling the receiver what you have connected to it.

If you had a dish pointed at 28.2 with two coaxial cables going directly to each tuner, you would set each tuner as simple, single, 28.2.

Lots of information in the Vix Manual. New box setup guide is also more concise and handy to read.

26-02-15, 23:17
I only have 2 cables at the moment from my dish
How many channels can i record?


abu baniaz
26-02-15, 23:26
You should be able to record up to 8 chanenls on the transponder that each tuner is locked onto. Some transponders only have 1 channel so cannot really give a definitive answer. The chanenls that are unavailable will be greyed out.

Be aware of instantaneous clashes. i.e if a program ends at 20:00 and another starts at 20:00, that is a clash. The image by deafult starts recording 3 minutes before and five minutes after a program. These are user editable.

28-02-15, 14:55
Thnaks i'm really strugling
i spent all day getting epg to work!!
i was disapponted to find out my duo twin tuner is on tuner with 2 feeds i thought it ment 2 tuners so 4 feeds!
tried to instal ccam soft cam check errorevery 5 mins when viewing channels it's very annoying
think it's going to take me a very long time to understand.


abu baniaz
28-02-15, 15:11
You have mentioned three separate things. If you mix topics up, you will get yourself in a muddle. So deal with one thing at a time.

Have you configured both tuners correctly?

Please also note the following

Thread will be moved to the ViX-Team-Images-Support-Discussion section. It is best to use the image support section for image issues as problems/solutions are usually the same irrespectve of receiver. It also helps others searching for the same issue although they may have another receiver.

Please read the thread in link below which explains things better.

http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?33155-ALL-MEMBERS-PLEASE-READ!-New-method-of-posting-in-ViX-Support-Section (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?33155-ALL-MEMBERS-PLEASE-READ!-New-method-of-posting-in-ViX-Support-Section)!

Please bear in mind for future support questions.

06-04-15, 20:22
Hi slas I am new to this myself and was also dissapointed with the tuner situation when my box arrived, all I can say is get some advice off here as the box is the best thing since sliced bread it looks great works great and I can watch TV on iPads and iPhones all over the house, it's a class piece of kit so stick with it :)

06-04-15, 20:37
make sure you download that vix manual best thing to do 1 page at a time:thumbsup:
