View Full Version : Picons not working on Duo2

13-02-15, 18:38
Hey Guys
Just upgraded from skybox F5 to VU+ Duo2 running latest Vix Apollo 142 image and spent the day setting it up. Must say I'm very impressed with it but have spent the last 3 hours trying to get picons to work. I've read numerous guides and followed them to the word but still no joy, has anybody got them working on Duo2 with Apollo 142 image or can anyone shed a bit of light on the matter for me, I'm slowly loosing the will live :confused:

13-02-15, 18:41
Hi, what picons are you wanting to install? And do you want them showing on the infobar, epg and on your LCD screen?
What have you done so far?

abu baniaz
13-02-15, 18:49
How have picons been put onto receiver?
Which pack, was it an ipk which was then installed or ones just transferred?

Which picons being dispalyed are you referring to please?

Picon on infobar

Picons in service list

Picons in graphical EPG

There are two more
4. Picons on front display panel
5. Picons on LCD

13-02-15, 19:10
Hi, I wanted them displayed on info bar and service list. I downloaded a full set of sky picons from WOS and tried putting them on same usb i'm using for EPG in picon folder, tried putting them on HDD, tried ftp'ing them using dreambox edit after editing channel list but nothing seems to be working, I've also checked and double checked every setting in menu to do with channels. It will probably turn out to be something very stupid that I'm over looking but its really beating my brain up

13-02-15, 19:19
A word of advice mate, don't install picons on the HDD. I would change things in your setup. I would setup your EPG onto your HDD and I would put your picons on your flash as the Duo2 has plenty.

abu baniaz
13-02-15, 19:22
Have a look at this thread.

13-02-15, 19:23
When you download and extract your picons, you should only have the "picon" folder which goes onto the root of your receiver if you follow my advice n put them to your flash.

13-02-15, 19:27
I've removed them from HDD and put them back on USB but still not working, I've read that its not really advisable to put anything on your flash so going to keep that clean. picons are showing in channel list when I FTP to dreambox edit but when reload to box nothing there, could it be the picon set I've got is not compatible with box ? the images are .png

13-02-15, 19:31
will try them on flash and get back to you, Thanx

13-02-15, 19:42
Never put them on the flash, put them in media/usb/picon

I disagree with you, flash is more than adequate for picons. EPG is not recommended on flash. I've had picons on my flash for a couple of years now n no issues whatsoever.

13-02-15, 19:44
I've removed them from HDD and put them back on USB but still not working, I've read that its not really advisable to put anything on your flash so going to keep that clean. picons are showing in channel list when I FTP to dreambox edit but when reload to box nothing there, could it be the picon set I've got is not compatible with box ? the images are .png

What version of ViX are you on, build wise? Latest version is 142.

abu baniaz
13-02-15, 19:46
We need to know exactly which picons you have insatlled. There are many on WOS.
What is the folder layout where they are located.
Picons on infobar work as soon as receiver is restarted and the location is picked up. If you have more than one picon foder it seems the folder which has picon of active service is the one used.
For the other two, you need to enable them. Post back once you have got them infobar ones working.

There is no such thing as incompatible picons. If a picon with the service refernce is found it will be dispalyed, then looks for picon with servicename

Contrary to what has been posted above, the internal flash memory is the best place for them. Obviously if you are putting 60MB of picons then, that internal flash may not be the best place. A USB stick is next best irrespective of whether it is mounted as hdd, usb, sdb2.

13-02-15, 19:51
Duo2 has more than suffient flash for picons.

13-02-15, 21:55
Thanx everyone, I've placed picon folder on flash usr/share/enigma2/picon and all resolved but still don't understand why they don't show when placed on root/picon of either HDD or USB

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abu baniaz
13-02-15, 22:25
Did you create a folder called "root" and put the picon folder in there?

13-02-15, 22:46
No just placed picon folder on root of HDD and USB but wouldn't work, both drives mounted correctly and working, USB has working EPG and HDD records TV fine just won't work for picons

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

13-02-15, 22:56
I disagree with you, flash is more than adequate for picons. EPG is not recommended on flash. I've had picons on my flash for a couple of years now n no issues whatsoever.

Agreed, I have picons in the flash for all but the very lowest spec boxes, with no problems at all.