View Full Version : [GiGaBlue QUAD] Snr and db reading

13-02-15, 17:48
Does the DB reading in the image work? (to show DB instead of snr)
I have changed the setting in settings (Swap SNR in % with SNR in db) but it still shows SNR
Can't remember this working in previous versions either
Tried 2 different skins Vix Night and youvix green

03-03-15, 18:39
Anyone know?

03-03-15, 19:17
depends on your boxes drivers.
it worked for me on my et8000 and mutant.

03-03-15, 19:37
Certainly works for me........ But then again they are all Xtrend

03-03-15, 20:11
Ahh ok thanks
I have had it working before on my quad but i think it may have been a different image

03-03-15, 20:11
it definatley works as i made a skin tweak just recently for it in youvix.

03-03-15, 21:05
Ok thanks, must as you say be a driver issue, Tried youvix green and still the same
Any other quad users out there has this working?

11-03-15, 18:46
If I remember after work in the morning I will reflash my quad and check for you.

Sent from my iPad Air using Tapatalk

11-03-15, 19:05
Just tried it on my Quad+ and it dose not work so I tried on the Mut@nt and it didn't work on that either

41124 41125

11-03-15, 19:22
maybe its something to ask manufacturers to add support for
as xtrend have it working fine.

11-03-15, 19:26
It's not something that really bothers me I was just curious to see if it worked :D:cool:

11-03-15, 19:33
me either, but if 1 manufacturer can do it, others should be able too, for those who do use the reading in db.

11-03-15, 19:35
me either, but if 1 manufacturer can do it, others should be able too, for those who do use the reading in db.

LOL, look how long it finally took for the likes of Vu+ to get on board with the 1080 frame buffer, long after every one else did.

13-03-15, 21:11
If I remember it right GB Quad had drivers with dB last summer and it got drivers with dB about a year earlier. And the dB were incorrect, you had picture with SNR about 1 dB smaller than QEF point. The dB seems not to be in top of to-do list of GB. But I think that even wrong dBs are better than percents, because the phenomenon is logarithmic. And the BER is not working at all, BER worked with the drivers without dBs two years ago, but stopped working in drivers with dBs. And there are also no dBs or BER for the plug-in T/C-tuner. Also live tv bit-rate information does not work with the bit rate view plugin, but it works with recordings.

14-03-15, 00:46
LOL, look how long it finally took for the likes of Vu+ to get on board with the 1080 frame buffer, long after every one else did.

if we ask now, we can hope for around xmas :)

15-03-15, 01:04
Thanks everyone for testing...i would like to see the db as well as snr...as i said before i remember it working sometime ago but i think i may have been using a different image perhaps with a older driver

18-03-15, 18:07
Just to let you know...I tried openmips and the db works

18-03-15, 21:25
Just to let you know...I tried openmips and the db worksIs that image using the latest driver?

If both images are using the same driver the dB reading must be from an internal algorithm rather than something the driver is supplying.