View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] Backup of "manually" (not from Feeds) installed plugins?

12-02-15, 15:40

sorry for a perhaps stupid question / idea:

Is there a possibility, to save "manually" installed (not from Feeds) Plugins, so they will automatically reinstalled when a restore is make after a new flash?

For example is it possible, to create and save a file with build in backupmanager with a reference to a directory on usb stick, in which these plugins are stored as .ipk files, so that they will be installed automatically when you do a restore after new flash?

That would make flash of new imageversion more easily, respectively "couchflashing" even more comfortable (for me).


13-02-15, 01:51
Assuming that such off-feed plugins all install to their own directory then all you need to do is add those directories to the standard backup file list (under the Backup manager somewhere). i.e. you backup the installed files rather than the wrapped-up packages (which would just unpack to the same location anyway).

I save my ssh keys this way.

13-02-15, 07:42
delete (double post)

13-02-15, 07:42
Sorry! delete - double post 2 ...

13-02-15, 07:48

I think my "manually" installed plugins are unpacked only in default directories ("/usr/lib/eingma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins or Extensions").

These directories are certainly backed up by default when run build in backupmanager? Nevertheless, it has not been worked out with an automatic installation of these plugins in a restore.

But I will soon try it again.


13-02-15, 08:38
You will find that there will be other files in other directorys that are required for the plugin to run and realistically only the author of the plugin will know all the directirrys, I have a similar problem with Sundtek control panel.

13-02-15, 09:27
As I said, the plugins I mean have, as I remember, only files in the standard directories (at the time before, I had unzipped the .ipk files to see, in which directories something is unpacked).

But as I said, I will look and test again.

13-02-15, 14:36

I think my "manually" installed plugins are unpacked only in default directories ("/usr/lib/eingma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins or Extensions").So just find out which files get installed and select any this-plugin-only directories, plus all/any files which get put into communal directories.