View Full Version : Channel list

11-02-15, 00:54
Hey Guys, Please be patient I'm new to this :hello: . I'm looking for some advice regarding channel lists for Sky UK. I've just upgraded from a skybox F5 to a VU+ Duo2 which I purchased from World of satellite which came pre-installed with Vix Image. I'm struggling to find a decent up to date channel list that just contains Sky SD channels that will run on my new box. The skybox was very straight forward when it came to installing a new channel list but this bad boy is a little bit overwhelming, any suggestions or advice would be much appreciated. Thanx in advance :thumbsup:

11-02-15, 01:02
Menu -> Setup -> Service searching -> AutoBouquetsMaker. Sky UK (SD) in the providers menu should suit your needs.

abu baniaz
11-02-15, 01:02
Use AutoBouquetsMaker and you will not have to worry about channel lists again

Menu > Setup > Service searching > Autobouquuetsmaker
Select Sky UK (sd) as you provider then select your region
In the extended menu, also enable "not-indexed" chanenls

12-02-15, 22:34
hi there, i have got skybox f3, it has all channels of 28e but i want the channels on 13e and 19e any one could help me with that thanks

13-02-15, 07:03
hi there, i have got skybox f3, it has all channels of 28e but i want the channels on 13e and 19e any one could help me with that thanks

This is an enigma2 forum, you will need to find a forum that supports enigma1. They are 2 completely different things. Sorry I can't be of much more help.


13-02-15, 18:56
Hi I'm a newbie and confused as to how I get a channel list or bouquet?

1. I have scanned all channels and if I select the up arrow on remote I get all channels listed.
2. I now want a structured channel list when selecting the epg button. how do I do this?
3. I followed AutoBouquetsMaker. Sky UK (SD) instructions above and it seemed to scan the sky and freesat regions I selected.
4. where can I now find this bouquet/channel list?

Thanks in anticipation for your help, apologies if the questions are dumb?!?

13-02-15, 19:06
3/ restart gui and the channel list should be visable.