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View Full Version : [ABM-DVB-S/S2] Struggling with AutoBouquet

08-02-15, 10:35
Hi, I setup my VU+ Solo2 on Friday and everything seemed to go well. I am currently only setup to receive FTA channels and I configured the AutoBouquet Providers to Freesat (UK) and did a scan. My EPG is set to CrossEPG. This all seemed to work fine in the the Channel List only listed the FTA channels and I had channels numbers such as 101 for BBC 1. The EPG also looked fine and I even had some picons that I loaded onto USB stick. However this morning I tried to load some new picons and did't like them so reverted back to my old set and rebooted my Solo. However the Bouquet/Channel list seems to have gone wrong. I have tried to do another scan to no avail. Basically I am now getting every channel including Sly premium ones. The channel list no longer shows channel numbers and is sorted in channel name order and there are no favourite sections - Entertainment, News etc like before.. I cannot seem to get it to revert to how I had it. Please could someone assist....I have shown some screenshots below that may help


08-02-15, 10:50
In the second screen, press PROVIDERS (yellow button) and you will see FREESAT listed. This will take you to the correct bouquets.

08-02-15, 10:54
That only shows me one channel (Fashion TV I think) but it did that before when it was setup correctly:confused:

08-02-15, 10:55
Or BLUE for favourites. Will take you to your complete bouquets list. Right now you are in the ALL channels list.

08-02-15, 11:04
Favourites used to give me options such as Entertainment, News etc. Now regardless of which provider I choose using yellow button I see no favourites when pressing Blue button.


08-02-15, 11:15
Run ABM again. Check the provider is still Fresat and then run a scan.

08-02-15, 11:32
OK have run another scan. It finds 209 services (170+ TV which is what I would expect being Freesat). However my Channel list still showing the same....


08-02-15, 11:38
By the way - if I connect to my box via a browser using Open Webif the EPG and Channel list looks absolutley fine and as I would expect in that I am only seeing FTA channels.

08-02-15, 12:04
You need to open the channel list. Then press BLUE. Then select a bouquet. Then srlect a channel. From then on the channel list is up to date.

08-02-15, 12:08
OK I bring up the channel list and press blue (favourites) but there is nothing in there to select from? Below is screenshot of what I see when I press the Blue button :


08-02-15, 12:16
what i would do is not setup for freesat but choose my location as its ireland and sd and use abm to scan in that 560+ channels saved then go to favourites via blue button and next page has section on fta and choose from there if you wish,if at a latter stage you need cams box is setup:D

08-02-15, 12:20
Run ABM again and post the debug log.

08-02-15, 12:25
Thats made no difference - it did find many more services of course but channel list still the same and nothing showing when I press the Blue button. I did have an issue this morning that the box froze when I tried to do a GUI reboot. The box has been rebooted since then though but wondering if this has anything to do with it? Also, when I look in my /etc/enigma2 directory I see a userbouquet.favourites.tv file which has a datestamp of 01/01/1970 which seems odd.

08-02-15, 12:31
Just means it was created when the clock was not active.

Debug log please.

08-02-15, 12:32
Excuse my ignorance but where is the debug log?

08-02-15, 12:42
OK I found the debug logs setting and have enabled it. I have rerun a ABM scan but no debug log has been created

08-02-15, 12:54
Have rebooted the box which has produced the following debug log if it is of any use


08-02-15, 13:50
Just some more info....I have downloaded the bouquets created by ABM into Dreambox and they are as I would expect them - only FTA channels - correct channel numbers etc. So I am still baffled why the Channel list does not display them or give the option to display them - instead just shows ALL channels in alphabetical order and therefore also causing my EPG to be a nightmare to use.

08-02-15, 14:00
What happens when you press the TV button on your remote? On the Solo2 remote you will have a Radio button one side n a TV button on the other side, thats the TV button I mean.

08-02-15, 14:10
TV Buttons seems to mimic what happens when I press Blue in the channel list in that it shows nothing as in screenshot 1 below. The radio button seems to be ok as shown in 2nd screenshot


08-02-15, 14:26
You have done something wrong. What I would do is go into ABM and set your freesat to no etc so you have no channel providers listed n then start scan. This should clear your list hopefully. Then restart your receiver. Then I would go back into ABM n setup your freesat, and start scan. When the scan is complete, restart gui and then press down n see what is listed then?

08-02-15, 14:41
OK I set all the providers to no and tried to run a scan but it would not let me. So I took option to delete Bouquets and this did clear all the userbouquet.abm.* files from /etc/enigma2. I then rebooted the box - set my FreeSat provider to Yes and reran a scan - found the 209 services as I would expect. Press TV button but still nothing showing

08-02-15, 14:44
When I go into my box via webrowser I see the Bouquet fine.


08-02-15, 15:17
As a last resort I decided to restore an image backup that I took on Friday after I had set the box up and that has resolved the issue with the Bouquet Channel List and EPG. Thanks for everyones input at trying to help me resolve this :)

08-02-15, 16:17
As a last resort I decided to restore an image backup that I took on Friday after I had set the box up and that has resolved the issue with the Bouquet Channel List and EPG. Thanks for everyones input at trying to help me resolve this :)Well that is not a practical solution. The bouquets are there and loaded (according to your log).

Press TV, then GREEN, then BLUE and the Freesat list will show.

08-02-15, 16:37
Huevos - there was nothing showing no matter what I tried. I played with the satellites (Green), Providers (Yellow) and Favourites (Blue) as shown by all the screenshots I posted and nothing seemed to be solving the issue. I ftp'd some different picons onto my USB stick this morning and when I tried to do a GUI Restart the system froze on the Vix screen. I left it for 10 minutes and in the end I turned the box on and off. I wondering if this somehow caused the issue. Apprectaite the restore was not a practical solution but didn't seem to be any other choice after trying all sorts to get it working.

22-03-15, 13:28
had the same issue, fixed it by factory resetting the box, ran ABM again and channels appeared with favourites.

22-03-15, 23:04
when i first run a scan with abm everything is blank but click on the blue favourites and it expand it to show all the bouquets,if and when tired i too can forget it.:thumbsup:

abu baniaz
23-03-15, 00:03
when i first run a scan with abm everything is blank but click on the blue favourites and it expand it to show all the bouquets,if and when tired i too can forget it.:thumbsup:
Better to press the TV button if your remote has one.

23-03-15, 00:45
too many remotes with unknown buttons i might get lucky:D