View Full Version : [TM-TWIN-OE] Box stuck on booting

03-02-15, 08:35
Hi did an online update this morning after getting the flashing green icon and the result was a screen af horizontal black and white stripes after the penguin/duck technomate page.

So then did a clean usb flash with the same image and getting the exact same results as above, been sitting like this for 10 mins just in case it eventually cleared.

So any help on this before I revert back to an earlier build ?


03-02-15, 09:01
What build? Im having problems with builds 127 & 131 where the skin goes fuzzy

03-02-15, 09:04
Build 132 had that as well if you mean when you bring up any info window eg movies all the background would be like bad snow on old terrestrial channels

03-02-15, 10:07
Checking out this now, could be a driver issue in build 132.

03-02-15, 17:29
Yes that's the issue snowy bands in the skin at the top and bottom and wherever the select is hovering over. I have to reset skin to get rid of it. Sometimes reinstall back up.