View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] blank seprator auto bouquet pages

03-02-15, 01:15
box = vu+ solo2
had my box over a week, came flashed with vix (131), been working spot on

Got a flashing green icon so upgraded to appollo build 132 (from 131)

As soon as I upgraded there were multiple blank ABM sperarator pages in the EPG (in between the correctly displayed bouquet pages), along with random posisitioned 'last scanned' and 'favourites' (which I never had set up and which were unticked), the blank seperator pages would go on for ever (and you would have to zap all the way back to get to your bouquets).

I deleted all the ABMs, rescanned, changed providers, rescanned, re-deleted etc. etc. (and redownloaded the crosss epg etc.) and rebooted the box multiple times - nothing made any difference,, as soon as I reverted back to 131 image all was back to normal.

bug ?

abu baniaz
03-02-15, 10:12
Can we confirm you are referring to list of Bouquets within Graphical EPG?

This is to distinguish whether issues is in EPG or channel system.

How many providers have you got selected in ABM?

The favourite and last scanned are "system values", you can't get rid of them.

03-02-15, 21:00
Can we confirm you are referring to list of Bouquets within Graphical EPG?

This is to distinguish whether issues is in EPG or channel system.

How many providers have you got selected in ABM?

The favourite and last scanned are "system values", you can't get rid of them.

I confirm it's the list of Bouquets within the graphical EPG, there are blank pages in between the sections, I'll try an upload some screenshots.
I only have one provider selected 'Sky UK (SD)'
I have tried the upgrade again (after reverting back all was ok) and exactly the same result.

Thanks Abu, I was being impatient and also posted here, I couldn't find a way to delete this thread so many apologies for cross posting, please dont ban me as was just frustrated to get some help. will you delete this one? (and leav other) and help me out on the other one? apologies again, donation coming to the site
