View Full Version : Recommended Internal Hard Drive?

Wild Bill
20-01-15, 10:49

Having searched through old posts, I am having trouble finding anything on this topic from the past year, so I would like to double-check my understanding: that the Ultimo can use up to 2TB with no problems, but if over that size, say 4TB, the new HDD would need to be partitioned into 2x 2TB partitions and mounted, for example, as /media/hdd and /media/hdd2. Is this still correct or have things changed?

I am planning on using a 3.5" drive based on relative cost compared to a 2.5", but what about 5400 rpm vs 7200 rpm?

Do people still recommend WD as the best brand, and if so, which colour (although I think 7200 rpm is only available in the blue and black) would you go for?


20-01-15, 17:03
I don't think there are any real limitations with hard discs any more although I don't have any drives over 2 TB in my boxes. Speed is not really a problem either but some prefer the 5400 rpm drives for reduced noise and heat generation, although it has never really made a difference to me.

Sent from my iPad Air using Tapatalk

Wild Bill
26-01-15, 11:50
Thanks. Maybe I should go with a 2TB just to be sure then since larger has not been confirmed by anyone, at least without partitioning re the older posts. I now also understand why people actually prefer the slower 5400rpm drives which wasn't clear to me. What colour WD would you recommend?

26-01-15, 13:19
I am running a 3TB 3.5" 5800rpm Toshiba Drive in my Duo2 and it is running perfect never had a problem with it, I also tried it in my LX3 and it worked fine :)