View Full Version : put back VIX Spinner icon version 1.2 in version 1.3

05-12-10, 15:13

I would like to see the previous spinner icon in the vix image 1.3
The new one is nice but I prefer the older one.
Can somebody help me with this and tell me what to do?
thank you


05-12-10, 15:23

I would like to see the previous spinner icon in the vix image 1.3
The new one is nice but I prefer the older one.
Can somebody help me with this and tell me what to do?
thank you


A please would be nice instead of a demand!

I've attached the orig files. They go in /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/

Deleted the new spinner files a ftp the original images.

05-12-10, 15:33
Thank you very much. Sorry for the misunderstanding but it was certainly not a demand.
I appreciate the fast answer, thank you very much.

best regards

05-12-10, 16:25
be warned though, everytime i update the core enigma2 it will revert back to the new VIX spinner

05-12-10, 16:59
what's wrong with the default spinner?

i think the VIX spinner is very inovative and looks reall really good.

well done andy.

regards: canthackit

05-12-10, 17:04
what's wrong with the default spinner?

i think the VIX spinner is very inovative and looks reall really good.

well done andy.

regards: canthackit

lol opinions are like arse holes, every ones got one and there all different.

05-12-10, 17:06
the new spinner is brilll leave it alone please

05-12-10, 17:18
When I first saw the new spinners, i didn't like it but it does grow and its not going to be there all the time.

05-12-10, 19:53
I love the spinner and guess what mine is red

05-12-10, 20:32
Exactly what i was thinking, how do you change it to red fella, would go great with my gooner logos.
Good thing i asked you to do boots without image version on as i can always use same one without mithering you lol.
Or even better would you be able to do the Arsenal crest spinning please, that would be awesome.
If think the footy logos were much, you started something off now lmao.

05-12-10, 20:36
Exactly what i was thinking, how do you change it to red fella, would go great with my gooner logos.
Good thing i asked you to do boots without image version on as i can always use same one without mithering you lol

ask silverfox nicely and he might post you the beta versions i did

05-12-10, 21:01
ask silverfox nicely and he might post you the beta versions i did

is that ok to post them here then andy

05-12-10, 21:05
is that ok to post them here then andy

lol i would say yes it is a yes

05-12-10, 21:07
same procedure to change them and same warnign will revert back to silver when an update happens

05-12-10, 21:19
So Silverfox,
is that an ok ask from me, as it would look ace and i know your S**t hot at this sort of thing.
Footy crest spinning logo please please please
Thanks again

05-12-10, 21:21
lol i was asking andy if i was alowed to post the red ones

thanks for the kind words but i'm not too surei want the image to change from its original feel by changing things with out the teams consent

BTW what you guys think of the new bootlogos

05-12-10, 21:29
Put my Arsenal bootlogos into it, thou the ones you put in are a nice wintery feel to them they are good, But i did notice the shut down one for some reason is way blurry, not sure if you spotted that bud.
As regards the spinners how do you get an image to rotate, i use psp and not sure how to do it as a gunner crest i would love to personally mod it.
Thou the red spinner VIX looks ace against my bootlogos
Thanks bud

05-12-10, 21:32
yes the shut down is ment to be blurry depicting a shut down

the sinners andy made them not me i still have the red ones as i prefered them to the officail silver ones

06-12-10, 15:58
hi how do you install red spinners ??? many thanks

06-12-10, 16:22
sencond or third post andy has explained

06-12-10, 16:27
Guys i'd like to warn you that changing the spinners can cause you to loose spinner completely

so far i have seen that changed spinner upon software update will get deleted and default ones wont get replaced

06-12-10, 16:40
lol opinions are like arse holes, every ones got one and there all different.

and how do you know every one's different pray tell..... AH's i mean LOL

regards: canthackit