View Full Version : VIX Team Vu+ Solo Image v1.1 - 05/12/2010

05-12-10, 14:17

New VIX Image - v1.1
04/12/2010 - OE1.6

From VIX Team

Based on Official 5.4 Image

Enigma: 16-11-2010-experimental.
Enigma Plugins: 16-11-2010.
GCC Version: 4.4.3.
Drivers: 20101203

Sorry for all delays with this image, just wanted to ensure all working fine :D Hopefully we've removed most problems ;)

Also, due to the image differences in original 5.3 and 5.4, an online update to VIX 1.1 will not be possible. A full flash will be required. Sorry guys...

Team VIX Enhancements

All the same Enhancements as the previous image, along with some extra enhancements, as listed below...

New Enhancements in v1.1

VIX Solo 1.1 Bootlogos, Radio Logos and Shutdown Logos.
New VIX Spinner icon.
Softcam slightly rewritten - This was to remove the bug of CCcam crashing when using the Autostart feature. This was due to the way the check to ensure CCcam was running was working.
Major rewritten core code to help with stability and memory issues that were in previous v1.1 build.
Movie list has been re-written to allow threading - This is only used if you use more than one storage device/partition. Previously, if moving a file from one drive to another, the box would be frozen whilst the movie was moved. Now, the move happens in the background allowing you to carry on using your box. NB, only one move/delete will be allowed to happen at any one time. the button labels will go blank whilst the file action is in progress, moving through the movie list checks the progress, so you can then move another recording.
VIX Cron Manager Added - There is now a front-end in the VIX Menu to allow you to add cronjobs. This is only a basic add which will run a certain command at a certain time everyday. If you want a more advanced cronjob added, you will need to manually edit the root file in /etc/cron/crontabs
VIX-EPG - This is a simpler, faster version of CoolTVGuide, modified for the image. In our tests, this is faster than CoolTVGuide. If you still wish to use CoolTVGuide, you can install it from our feeds and you will need to edit the setting in the VIX Menu.
VIX QuickEPG - This is VIXs' version of QuickZap. You can see the full epg data for the channel, not just now and next. Picons work within QuickEPG. You can change channels using the left/right keys or by keying the channel number, zap to a channel using OK, use up/down to scroll through the epg list an event at a time, or use channel +/- to scroll 2 at a time. By default, QuickEPG is entered by left/right. This can be changed in the VIX Menu Settings.
NFS Server added to image and set to run automatically - To edit the folders you wish to share, you will need to edit file /etc/exports.
OpenVPN added to image - This will need to be configured to your need first then use the manager to setup to autostart. The team have never used this, so it still needs testing, if you find any bugs supply a config file that we can use to test it with.

Autosleep function added to VIX Menu - This allows you to automatically put the box to sleep at your chosen time. If for any reason you are still watching tv when box tries to go to sleep (e.g. you decided to stay up late to watch a film or something ;)), you can choose to cancel the sleep, and it will retry sleep at intervals set by you.
VIX Network Manager added to VIX Menu - This allows you to stop and start certain network features. The features you can stop/start are: FTP, NFS, VPN, Samba and Telnet.
Subserivice Option - This option allows you to assign the Subservice shortcut to a long green press. To change this option, go to VIX Menu -> VIX Setup.
Softcam Manager added to extensions menu (short blue).
VIX Menu added to extensions menu (short blue).
Crossepg updated to latest version (svn 152) - This version allows download of rytec sources, as well as XEPGDB (hosted by krkaddoni) sources. XEPGDB is a new epg format, and seems much faster in testing :) See bug list below
CCcam 2.2.0 & 2.2.1 added to feeds - This will allow the ECM times to work correctly in the image ;)

Bug Fixes in v1.1

Softcam manager crashed while checking to ensure CCcam was running - An interim fix for this was to ensure a swap file was running. This is not now required due to modifications of Softcam Manager.
IMDB Plugin not working correctly - Plugin has been updated in new versions of enigma ;)
ECM Timings in CCcam - This is only fixed if you are using CCcam 2.2.0. If you are using this version of CCcam, then the ECM timings will be shown. If you are using an earlier version of CCcam, then you will not get anything showing in regards to ECM times. See screenshots below of second infobar as to where it will be shown.

Button Mappings

Short Red - Show current event info.
Long Red - Show current channel EPG.
Short Green - Timers.
Long Green - AutoTimer Timers.
Short Yellow - EPG Search.
Long Yellow - IMDB Database.
Short Blue - Extensions.
Long Blue - Plugins Menu.
EPG - Opens VIX EPG.
Left/Right - Opens VIX QuickEPG.

Known Bugs

Crossepg - There has been a bug that the team has found with this version, where the box does not necessarily listen to your requests (i.e. once a day at 4am for example), and randomly downloads data. To try overcome this a little, we have put a check in to ensure that it will only download when the box is in standby. this why the need of Autostandby, so make sure you set Autostandby before the crossepg download time
Motor moving image does not display - Problem with main driver, reported to VU+.
Front VFD display showing the play button at the end of a video unless it is stopped manually - Problem with main driver, reported to VU+.
Installing other skins may cause the box to get into an infinite loop. Only skins in the feed are tested and recommended by us. If you want to use other skins, you will need to use OE1.6 skins (i.e. those created for VTI 2.0 or later), and may need adapting for the image (espcially in terms of the CCcam info displaying on the second info bar)... Should we still have this as a bug?

Special thanks to the following members:

rytec - for his continued support.
CoolMan - for his CoolTVGuide plugin.
silverfox0786 - for his bootlogos.
irshchris - for testing sundtek drivers.



Loading Enigma 2:


Shutting Down:

VIX Spinner:

About Screen:

VIX Menu:

VIX Setup:

AutoStandby Setup:

Cron Manager:

Extensions Menu:

VIX Network:

CrossEPG Menu:

Recordings Movie List:



Standard Info Bar:

Second Info Bar:



Also check this thread (http://www.vuplus-support.co.uk/showthread.php?4346-VIX-Team-Vu-Duo-Image-v1.3-Online-Software-Updates) for updates as to what has been fixed.

05-12-10, 16:48
thnx pooface , but where the download links ? when i refresh the page the links gone away ?

05-12-10, 17:03
thnx pooface , but where the download links ? when i refresh the page the links gone away ?

A small bug was found on release, new images are going to be uploaded.

05-12-10, 18:05
Forgive my lack of knowledge but before I flash from Vix 1.0 to 1.1 is there a way of saving settings channels etc or do I have to start from scratch again? Thank you for your help.

05-12-10, 18:07
Not at the box but there are settings in the menu to allow you to back up your settings, top of head its in menu>software management

Mr. Mister
05-12-10, 18:10
Yes buddy.. Go to :

Menu > Setup > Software Management > Backup system settings

and follow the instructions

Then after you flash your box with USB stick.. you will be asked " Do you want to restore settings " or words to that effect..

Choose YES.. and all you will have to do is Download emu.. and then ftp your cfg and thats all you have to do..

Hope this helps..

05-12-10, 18:12
Thank you Mr.Mister and Stanman for your quick replys. Have found where to perform backup. Thanks again

05-12-10, 22:04
Excellent news for my sis and her solo, many thanks the vix team, the continued support for our boxes
Much appreicated

05-12-10, 22:08
your welcome foxy glad your happy with it

06-12-10, 18:32

when i install the partnerbox plugin, the VIX plugin goes missing from the menus. the VIX opusing is still in the plugin menu though
if i uninstalled the partnerbox,m the VIX comes back on

any ideas why or a workaround?

06-12-10, 18:54

when i install the partnerbox plugin, the VIX plugin goes missing from the menus. the VIX opusing is still in the plugin menu though
if i uninstalled the partnerbox,m the VIX comes back on

any ideas why or a workaround?

atm partner box is not fully working, i need to try to fix the code in it

06-12-10, 21:52
cheers 4 the reply andy.
it was working on 1.2, does the code in the partnerbox need to be redesigned?

07-12-10, 11:19
cheers 4 the reply andy.
it was working on 1.2, does the code in the partnerbox need to be redesigned?

it seems so, or at least my core plugin

07-12-10, 11:21
atm partner box is not fully working, i need to try to fix the code in it

I did tell you about this, but then when I stopped using partnerbox, I forgot all about it :( lol

07-12-10, 12:35
I did tell you about this, but then when I stopped using partnerbox, I forgot all about it :( lol

working on Fix now :)

07-12-10, 13:12
Cheers, will put it back on the box then :D Can give it a thorough testing :D

07-12-10, 22:56
it was working fine on 1.2 Duo and 1.0 solo. let me know if u need me to test

11-12-10, 11:47
Hello Again,

Love this image but how do I get the programme guide as it is in the screenshot with preview window and I see it also uses the picons. Mine is just a full page guide when I press the epg button. Thank you for your help.


11-12-10, 13:45
Hello Again,

Love this image but how do I get the programme guide as it is in the screenshot with preview window and I see it also uses the picons. Mine is just a full page guide when I press the epg button. Thank you for your help.

Indivdual channels is OK than red button. EPG press will give you 5 channels at a time and than right button to go to diff times.

11-12-10, 16:22
Thanks Stanman, but when I press epg I get a page with eleven channels showing and no preview window and normal channel names with no picons as there is no room.

11-12-10, 18:12
Thanks Stanman, but when I press epg I get a page with eleven channels showing and no preview window and normal channel names with no picons as there is no room.

in that window, press menu and than settings I think, change no of channels to 5 and enable picture in graphics and IIRC picons as well - the settings are all in there.

11-12-10, 18:30
Excellent Stanman - thanks very much


11-12-10, 20:24
If you want to post thanks rather than posting thanks click the thanks button in the post you want to thank.

02-01-11, 12:45
Thanx to all of you , my solo works perfect on this image.
Very happy with it.