View Full Version : TS Media blocks box on Vu+ Duo...help!

09-01-15, 23:22
when I select TS Media on my Vu+ Duo box it flashes up and then the screen goes back to the TV and I can't use anything else on the remote control/box - the display on the front of the box says "Main Menu" but I can't get this to go off without switching the box on & off again. I'm not able to use TS Media because of this - any suggestions? Thanks guys

09-01-15, 23:24
What image & build number are you using?
Does pressing exit when this happens bring you back to live tv?

09-01-15, 23:33
no, nothing I press works - the TV is showing but I can't do or change anything and the TS Media menu doesn't come up either so I can't use that. The only way to clear it back to "normal" is to switch it off at the back.
don't know the answer to your question about image & build number....where would I find this? My husband "may" have pressed something on the remote that has caused this, he's a fiddler and has been given strict instructions not to fiddle, but has done anyway....grrr!!

09-01-15, 23:40
To find out image & build number, Menu -> Informtion -> About.
It might be worth uninstalling TSMedia & trying kodidirect instead.

09-01-15, 23:42
build is 2014-1-05-master/
image isn't on there, says firmware, blackhole 2.1.4 kernel version 3.9.6 if any of this helps?

09-01-15, 23:54
Sorry, blackhole isn't an image I use so not really familiar with it.
I'd try going to Menu -> Plugins -> Remove plugens & remove TSMedia.
Then try installing kodiderect, it's a newer version by the same developers I think.
Uploaded here earlier:

10-01-15, 00:11
this may be a very silly question....but how do I install something new? :)

10-01-15, 06:49
this may be a very silly question....but how do I install something new? :)

Easiest way would be to put the .ipk file onto a USB stick then insert it into the receiver while watching live TV (with no menu's open), you should then be asked if you want to install the newly discovered plugin.

10-01-15, 10:37
Hi judge,
you mixed up TSmedia with xbmcaddon. Xbmcaddon was the predecessor of kodidirect.

Sorry I never heard of such a problem with TSmedia and I hardly use BH and then only for tests. You can try to connect with telnet to you box and enter
init 4
Now you see debugging info in the telnet window. When you start TSmedia now it is possible that you can see now the reason for the problem in the telnet log.


10-01-15, 13:52
Hi judge,
you mixed up TSmedia with xbmcaddon. Xbmcaddon was the predecessor of kodidirect.

Yes I did. Thanks for pointing out the correction.

11-01-15, 13:27
Hi my tsmedia is doing exactly the same thing was wondering if anyone had managed to sort it and if so what do I need to do I am new to all this so I will apologise now if this has been discussed somewhere else but any help would be appreciated. :confused: