View Full Version : Found 13E and 19.2E, but no sign of 28.2E - help :P

09-01-15, 20:04

I now have installed 4 cables and I also have 4 tuners installed in my Duo2 box.

I have 3 LNBs, on a Triax 4 LNB holder. I managed to find 13E, 19.2E and I can't find 28.2E at all.

My dish is 80cm in diameter and I followed Triax instructions.

The table says I need to set the Triax holder to Y +1 which I did and found Hotbird and Astra 1 with no issues, around 70% SNR. Elevation at this point was 30°, and because I couldn't find Astra 2 I fiddled with the dish I changed the Triax holder to Y -1 and the elevation to 31° and Hotbird and Astra 1 were still at 70% SNR mark. Still no sign of Astra 2.

I believe all settings are correct and all tuners do work as I checked. All 4 cables are fine too.
I also tried to concentrate on finding Astra 2 first and then adjust the other two, but still nothing.

Any ideas please? I am missing something?


09-01-15, 21:25

I now have installed 4 cables and I also have 4 tuners installed in my Duo2 box.

I have 3 LNBs, on a Triax 4 LNB holder. I managed to find 13E, 19.2E and I can't find 28.2E at all.

My dish is 80cm in diameter and I followed Triax instructions.

The table says I need to set the Triax holder to Y +1 which I did and found Hotbird and Astra 1 with no issues, around 70% SNR. Elevation at this point was 30°, and because I couldn't find Astra 2 I fiddled with the dish I changed the Triax holder to Y -1 and the elevation to 31° and Hotbird and Astra 1 were still at 70% SNR mark. Still no sign of Astra 2.

I believe all settings are correct and all tuners do work as I checked. All 4 cables are fine too.
I also tried to concentrate on finding Astra 2 first and then adjust the other two, but still nothing.

Any ideas please? I am missing something?

Silly question, but how do you know you are actually on 13 & 19.... Are you actually receiving programs on these sats?

abu baniaz
09-01-15, 21:36
One of the diagrams has the LNBS marked incorrectly, two are fine so I hope you don't get muddled up when adjusting. The one with the measurements is correct.

You've not mentioned your tuner configuration, but an idea is to set tuner as simple, single, 28.2. The 28.2 end needs going up a bit.

Are you sure your dish elevation is correct? Should be round 25.

09-01-15, 23:13
Silly question, but how do you know you are actually on 13 & 19.... Are you actually receiving programs on these sats?

Yes they both work well.

One of the diagrams has the LNBS marked incorrectly, two are fine so I hope you don't get muddled up when adjusting. The one with the measurements is correct.

You've not mentioned your tuner configuration, but an idea is to set tuner as simple, single, 28.2. The 28.2 end needs going up a bit.

Are you sure your dish elevation is correct? Should be round 25.

I'm not sure which diagram?

Each tuner is set to single.

The elevation on my dish has always been the same 30°, but only today I changed it to 31°. There's no way it will work here at 25°.

What do you mean it needs going up a bit? You mean further away from the centre of the holder? I tried many configurations :/


I must be blind as I just noticed my dish needs to be at 27.5°... where did I get the 31° from...? That's if my dish was made by Triax. Do you think it matters?

I need to try 27.5° elevation...

abu baniaz
09-01-15, 23:24
Are you are in th UK?

09-01-15, 23:44
Yes, south east.

10-01-15, 12:13
I tried setting my dish to 27.5°, but I am still not sure whether it is correct looking at the top markings on the bracket.
With this setting, I get 65-70% SNR for hotbird and astra 1. I tried looking for astra 2 only, but still no luck, which I find very strange :/

10-01-15, 14:53
I found them Astra 2 now, but you can see how far LNB for Astra 2 is... 2cm away! And the angle is like +2 or +3...


abu baniaz
10-01-15, 14:59
Have a look at the the picture here to understand what I meant by the 28.2 end needing to be higher. http://www.world-of-satellite.co.uk/Technomate-Triax-Multi-4-Way-LNB-Holder-bracket

Try that first before looking at the dish angle.

10-01-15, 17:23
I got it working now, all satellites at 70% which should do for now...

I attached some pics above, not sure why there's so many of them, but it shows what you're telling me.


Thanks all for your time!:cool:

abu baniaz
10-01-15, 18:06
You will need to secure the bracket otherwise it will go out of alignment every so often. I appreciate the holes for the screws are not lined up.

Aaprt from the slight movement to the side, you are focussed on 19.2. For London, the dish elevation for that satellite is 28 degrees. (I was mistaken in post 3, that is for 28.2) You can check dishpointer.com for details for your exact location.

10-01-15, 22:57
Yeah I managed to use the existing 3 holes and now it is secure :cool:

http://obrazki.elektroda.pl/7969543300_1420927637_thumb.jpg (http://obrazki.elektroda.pl/7969543300_1420927637.jpg) http://obrazki.elektroda.pl/8788552200_1420927640_thumb.jpg (http://obrazki.elektroda.pl/8788552200_1420927640.jpg)