View Full Version : need default channel

05-12-10, 11:45
hi for the last couple of days my vu on vix 1.2 has been waking up in the morning or after a shutdown to a hotbird xxx channel ,not the one it was left on [discovery] was quite close this morning when my 6 year old grandson was about to switch on to watch sly i noticed on the front display of the duo s,x v...iw phewww!!

05-12-10, 11:48
Go into your bouquets and highlight the channe. you want to bring up after a restart / power up and select as startup

05-12-10, 11:49
ok will try thanks

05-12-10, 14:26
can find bouquets can you please give me a walk through thanks

05-12-10, 14:27
i mean can not find bouquets

05-12-10, 14:31
Have a reading of the last link in my sig and than head on over to the engima 2 sun forum and download and install silverfoxes bouquet set.
Post if you need further help.

05-12-10, 14:49
I have mr mister bouquets , I just need a walk through on how to get into the bouquet panel

05-12-10, 15:11
Install thw startup service plugin, cant remember if its Plugins under system or extensions. Once installed, open a bouquet, press menu and select a channel as start up service.