View Full Version : EPG is one day late...

04-12-10, 22:41

My EPG is one day late. Today the epg lists yesterdays programs.

Anyone who've experienced the same?

04-12-10, 22:55
Hello and welcome to the forum
Is the date and time on the duo correct ?

04-12-10, 23:00
Thanks for answer :)

The date and time is correct in the Infobar...

04-12-10, 23:13
What image and epg are you using ?

04-12-10, 23:25
I'm using VIX 1.2, and have tried both CrossEPG and RyVIX. I'm living in Norway, so i'm subscribing the nordic epg's.

When I'm changing channels are the information in the infobar corrected to the one who's for today. But in the channellist and in cool epg is everything exactly one day late.

Have tried to re-install image, and delete all epg-files and reload. But it is still the same...

04-12-10, 23:29
hav eyou checked

menu, setup, system, timezone

04-12-10, 23:33
I've checked this one. It's set to GMT+1. No other choices in this menu

05-12-10, 12:45

My EPG is one day late. Today the epg lists yesterdays programs.

Anyone who've experienced the same?
I have the same problem. I'm in Sweden and using VIX 1.2. The EPG started to go wrong around last Wednesday (+- one day).

The date is correct in the info-bar and after waiting a short while, the infobar displays the correct epg info (from the satellite data I suppose), but the EPG view is one day off. I'm subscribing to Rytec Sweden.

/ Påhl

05-12-10, 13:22
hi i think you need to contact rytec by pm here at this forum or go to his rytec epg official section on the pli forum and let him know as seems to be a problem with his epg sources.

05-12-10, 14:05
Thanks, I just asked on the www.pli-images.org forum.

/ Påhl

05-12-10, 18:06
I've checked this one. It's set to GMT+1. No other choices in this menu

press left/right whilst it highlighted ;)

05-12-10, 19:38
Is there any update on this EPG problem, i too am having the same problem with the EPG being 1 day late. Means that i cant set any timers etc, pain the ar$e!

05-12-10, 19:40
Is there any update on this EPG problem, i too am having the same problem with the EPG being 1 day late. Means that i cant set any timers etc, pain the ar$e!

what epg data are you using ?, make sure you have set the correct timezone

05-12-10, 19:51
what epg data are you using ?, make sure you have set the correct timezone

Yeah Andy the timezone is correct and ive tried both with Cross EPG and RyVIX both with same result

05-12-10, 20:03
It's the same with me. Timesone is set to GMT+1 (Norway)

05-12-10, 20:34
Hi - I had this problem earlier, and posted this to rytec:
Hello RyTec -
Although very happy about your service - it's excellent - I've had a problem that I've seen also among others. I suspect it may have something to do with your service, but I'm not sure. I'll try to describe and give you some details:

Several users (me also) have reported in different forums that the EPG shows current date's programs AND yesterdays', all mixed up. The error has been reported on several images, and also on both VU+ and DreamBox 8000 (running PP image). The users have tried altering settings, and different EPG plugins (at least both CrossEPG and RyTec/RyVIX are mentioned). We have also tried to disable plugins, deleting downloaded EPG info, reinstalling image - all without a solution to the problem.

My solution was to reset the receiver to factory settings, WITHOUT loading my settings (a "clean" install, if you will). The error is gone, but since I've not dared use your service again... I know that the error occurred a couple of weeks ago - before that the EPG was ok. This error also (as far as I know) applies to RyTec Nordic or Norway.

Hopefully, you can look into this - and should there be an error in your settings files, please correct it for the next update. I'd rather use your service as before, but I'll wait until I'm fairly confident that the error has been fixed.

Should you find that this error has nothing to do with your settings files - please forgive me for bringing it up.


As you can see, this is not image related - and although I got an answer from rytec, I dare not try the service again... It was so terribly irritating, and my autotimer EPG works great. It seems that the error has not been fixed, so I would advise you to uninstall all EPG plugins, and use autotimers instead.

Anyway - here's rytecs answer:

Thanks for your remark.

I have seen this behaviour on my Vu+ for the één from Belgium. I could trace this error to the webgrab. I was able to correct the download, and did not see this anymore on this channel.

This happening in the Nordic download has not been brought to our attention before. Normally the webgrabs work OK, however errors are always possible. But most of the times they are limited to a couple of channels and one day. However the wrong information remains in your box until it expires. (The error could have happened a couple of days ago - and when you see it it cannot be traced anymore)

If you observe this behaviour, I recommend you first get rid of the epg into the box by the following method:

In telnet type in:


init 4 <ENTER>
rm /media/hdd/epg.dat <ENTER> or /media/usb/epg.dat or /media/cf/epg.dat if the epg.dat file resides on these locations.
init 3 <ENTER>

Now perform a new epg import and check the results.
If they are OK now then you know for sure that the error happened a couple of days before, and the current file is OK. At this moment I cannot trace the error anymore.


Feel free to test his solution - the service is excellent, and should this error be resolved, I'd go back to using it again.
