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View Full Version : Android-x86 4.4-r2

04-01-15, 07:36
Android-x86 - Porting Android to x86

ReleaseNote 4.4-r2
Android-x86 4.4-r2 (KitKat-x86) 2015/01/01

The Android-x86.org is glad to announce the 4.4-r2 release to public. This is the second stable release Android-x86 4.4 (kitkat-x86). The prebuilt images are available in the following site:



Key Features

The 4.4-r2 release is based on the Android 4.4.4_r2 (KitKat-MR2.2) release. We have fixed and added x86 specified code to let the system runs smoothly on x86 platforms, especially for tablets and netbooks. Except the functions of 4.4-r1, the additional features include
Upgrade the kernel to the latest stable version 3.18 with more drivers enabled. Allow us to support more modern hardware like Intel Baytrail platform.
Primary support booting from UEFI. Note the installer still doesn't work for GPT partition table. But you may manually install it.
Improve suspend/resume.
Merge updates from upstream (ffmpeg, filemanager, ...)
A lot of bugfixes.
Released Files

We tried to create universal images for most x86 platforms. This release contains two files. One is the traditional ISO file that can be booted on devices with legacy BIOS. The other is the EFI image that can be used on more modern devices with UEFI firmware. You can choose one of them depends on your devices. In doubt, try the ISO file first.
ISO image: android-x86-4.4-r2.iso
sha1sum: 67867c7990c3c0bbd01cadecf18188701b53315f

EFI image: android-x86-4.4-r2.img
sha1sum: b3e4f2a11b77408457825f22360c79d4eabd874b

Both files can be dumped into a usb drive to get a bootable usb stick, like

$ dd if=android-x86-4.4-r2.img of=/dev/sdX
where /dev/sdX is the device name of your usb drive.

Known issues

Suspend and resume may have problems on some systems.
The installer can't format ext3 filesystem.
Bluetooth isn't stable.

Please report bugs to the android-x86 forum with detailed specs of your machine and error logs.


Source code

The source code is available in the main git server,


$ repo init -u http://git.android-x86.org/manifest -b android-x86-4.4-r2
$ repo sync

Read this page for how to compile the source code.



