View Full Version : box keeps on rebooting.

04-12-10, 18:52
problem just started happening, box has been fine for 4 days since ive had it and all of a sudden its started rebooting itself!!
it comes on for a few mins then reboots itself!! anyone have any ideas as to whats up??

cheers guys.

04-12-10, 19:07
Is it standard reboot or. Green screen reboot. Did you put any files that you remember on the box prior to this happening

04-12-10, 19:09
just a standard reboot by the looks of it. the files ive put on it today is satmate,you tube player,google maps and ive ftp'd a few movies over.

04-12-10, 21:21
For sure something you added is casuing the problem, reflash and add one at a time and see which is causing the problem.

04-12-10, 21:39
I get this sometimes if I send to much to the box and I've not got the swap file running.

moogwai are you running a swapfile, and when you say you've put satmate on, did you do an EPG Download, how many providers did you select?

04-12-10, 23:34
i dont know what a swap file is so i dont know about that!! lol sorry. i did send 3 movies over to it in one go.....maybe that's got summat to do with it and i also only downloaded the uk epg from one sat.
will do a reflash me thinks. thanks for your help chaps.

04-12-10, 23:38
Just test one thing at a time. Then you will have an idea where the problem lies

04-12-10, 23:41
will do mate.

05-12-10, 02:16
Are you using the latest ViX image? That causes looped rebooting if you download and use certain skins.
However it sounds like you don't actually have that scenario.

05-12-10, 11:41
Are you using the latest ViX image? That causes looped rebooting if you download and use certain skins.
However it sounds like you don't actually have that scenario.

i have the vti image installed mate.....and strangley it seems to be working ok again now after the mad patch it went through last night....weird! but if it happens again i'll be reflashing!!