View Full Version : [MB Premium Twin HD] AutoDeepSleep not working

02-01-15, 19:11

I have powertimers setup. The autodeepsleep is activated when I put my box into standby mode and after 10 mins the box boots down to deep sleep. This feature did work but as on the later builds stop working. it seems to be about build 90 something changed in the powertimers code. its only seems to be autodeepsleep setup which is at fault.

What happens now once in standby mode as the box as been in this mode for about 6 mins the hardrive wakes up as if it is going to do something, but the box just stays in standby mode. the box will boot back up to normal mode by using the remote power on button so its not crashing out.

seem to be missing in the code the shut down command.

02-01-15, 19:21
I've found that on my box often after an image update certain things like some power timers (including deep sleep after being on standby for 10 minutes) don't work UNTIL the box has first been manually put in deep sleep and then allowed to fully boot again. After the box has been given the manual (nearly) cold boot the power timers and certain other functions revert back to working reliably again.

02-01-15, 23:59
Tryed a complete restart still same problem. If I get time tomorrow I will try a full fresh flash of build 115 and see if I have the same problem.

03-01-15, 12:45
I'm having Power Timer issues too.
I have a repeating one to put it into Standby after 60mins and another to put it into Deep Standby after 20 mins if it is in Standby.
The former one cuts in even when I am watching a recording (so after ~60 mins I get a pop-up saying it's going to shutdown) and the latter never runs - it just seems to repeat the Standby one instead.

03-01-15, 15:39
The latter one Birdman is the one that I am having problems with the when in standby after the set time its suppose to go into deep sleep but as you say stays in standby. It did use to work but something in the code from earlier builds as now changed and its not working. is this just on the Miraclebox's are can someone try it too using the setup below in the powertimer events on a different box using these settings.

Go into powertimers from main menu.
press green button to Add new event.

Timer Type set to autodeepsleep
Only active in standby Yes
Sleep Delay 010
Repeat Type Repeated

03-01-15, 19:58
I'm currently running Apollo 109 on a Miraclebox Twin and I have an identical power timer that still works.

03-01-15, 20:00
is this just on the Miraclebox's are can someone try it too using the setup below in the powertimer events on a different box using these settings.

Go into powertimers from main menu.
press green button to Add new event.

Timer Type set to autodeepsleep
Only active in standby Yes
Sleep Delay 010
Repeat Type RepeatedOn my Solo2 running build 115 (fresh usb install with no settings restored), I too found that autodeepsleep settings as listed didn't work. I waited 20mins after putting into standby.

Either later today or tomorrow I will try again with debug running and post debug logs as just popping out now.

03-01-15, 20:20
I'm currently running Apollo 109 on a Miraclebox Twin and I have an identical power timer that still works.

ABM have you been doing couch updates are fresh flashs. As couch updates only changes the files which have been amended.

03-01-15, 23:16
Ok, attached is screenshot of my powertimer I set along with debug log.

For clarification, I have a Solo2 running build 115 which was a fresh flash with no restore settings. Mostly default settings upon installation except setting ABM, EPG and installing TSMedia and MGCamD 1.38. Skin is BlueHD.


Even after setting above powertime, I waited over 20mins and it never went into a deepsleep!

04-01-15, 02:28
I couch updated to latest image. Then cold booted my box (on/off switch) for good measure.

Deep standby didn't work after waiting 20 minutes in standby (the timer is set for 10 minutes)

BUT - normally before retiring for the night I switch off all peripheral equipment (including my router) at the same time as putting my Miraclebox into standby. My Miraclebox is connected via cable to my router.

So - I switched off my router, put the Miraclebox into standby and 11 minutes later the blue deep standby LED came on.

On this limited experiment it appears that something on the network may be stopping the deep standby timer from working.

04-01-15, 02:36
On this limited experiment it appears that something on the network may be stopping the deep standby timer from working.

Does your Miraclebox support WOL? Not a box I use so not upto date on its features...

04-01-15, 02:44
On this limited experiment it appears that something on the network may be stopping the deep standby timer from working.Hmmmmm. Perhaps I need to run tshark to look at the network traffic...

I do have a feeling that sometimes mine goes to Deep Standby too. Just not when I reckon it should.

04-01-15, 05:17
So - I switched off my router, put the Miraclebox into standby and 11 minutes later the blue deep standby LED came on.

On this limited experiment it appears that something on the network may be stopping the deep standby timer from working.At time of setting my powertimer, I did think of that but then I thought well the box is in standby so should it make a difference if there is a little bit of net traffic from say, box checking NTP server for time (not sure if it does this from standby or not). My box is setup not to check for updates so I know it wouldn't be that.

I did notice there were some skin errors in log, not sure if that would make a difference or not.

04-01-15, 07:43
At time of setting my powertimer, I did think of that but then I thought well the box is in standby so should it make a difference if there is a little bit of net traffic from say, box checking NTP server for time (not sure if it does this from standby or not). My box is setup not to check for updates so I know it wouldn't be that.

I did notice there were some skin errors in log, not sure if that would make a difference or not.

All regular standby does is kill the audio and video output feeds, every thing else is pretty much running at full pelt, which is why you are still able to telnet and FTP etc. Deepstandby kills almost every thing, but still allows the receiver to wake for recordings and timers etc.

04-01-15, 10:26
Does your Miraclebox support WOL? Not a box I use so not upto date on its features...

No............ (It seems that the forum software will not let me just post the word 'No')

04-01-15, 14:28
I am also in the same position as OP with my Gigablue Quad Plus. Power timer to go to deep standby after 10 min in standby used to work with a few of the earlier software updates, but for the last few updates just doesn't work. When I put to standby, it just stays that way until I the next day. I have tried various things (shut down completely etc) but still the same. Mine is also hard wired to my router, which I never shut down.

04-01-15, 14:52
I can't see it being purely related to fact that router maybe kept on, etc as otherwise this would never of worked from beginning on older images as most people probably don't bother powering down their router. I know I don't.

04-01-15, 15:03
Its happening on other boxes too, so there is something which as changed in the powertimer code what is now affecting the correct operation of the function. the shut down line in the code is not being executed anymore so needed to be addressed or corrected if possible. am going to try some early builds to see when it changed to give some idea to see what changes were made.

04-01-15, 15:09
I never turn my router off, and I know for sure the auto deepsleep did work on early versions as i have had the same timer setup on my box since build 036. I have noticed that it had stopped working about 3 weeks ago and just put it down to bad build and hoping it would be sorted in future builds.

04-01-15, 16:21
Just gone back into time.... to build 090 and using these same powertimer setting, was still unable to get box to go into deepsleep from standby.

UPDATE: Whilst still using build 090, I did a further test by using same powertimer setting but this time changed, 'Only active when in standby' to No.

This eventually caused a prompt about shutting down which I ignored and after countdown it did go into deep standby.

Therefore, the problem isn't the fact it's not going into deep standby rather the fact it maybe isn't detecting the fact its in standby to start the 10mins countdown to begin with?!?

04-01-15, 17:11
Ok further testing on build 090 but this time I removed ethernet cable from back of receiver before putting box onto standby. Powertimer still didn't put box into deep standby.

04-01-15, 17:48
We would need to see some debug or serial logs of these times before we could even hazard a guess at the problem.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

04-01-15, 18:02
We would need to see some debug or serial logs of these times before we could even hazard a guess at the problem.Supplied log and screen grab of settings in a previous post, #9 (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?43139-AutoDeepSleep-not-working&p=335668&viewfull=1#post335668).

04-01-15, 19:14
So - I switched off my router, put the Miraclebox into standby and 11 minutes later the blue deep standby LED came on.

On this limited experiment it appears that something on the network may be stopping the deep standby timer from working.

Today I've put my box into standby 4 times with the router still connected and working
On all 4 occasions the box has gone into deep standby. I cannot say how long it took after going into standby because I wasn't around to watch but every time I came back to the box it was in deep standby.

05-01-15, 02:01
Ah, good.
It turns out that tshark isn't available for OpenVIX, so tracing the network was going to be a problem.