View Full Version : Help I tried really

04-12-10, 03:16
Hi all took the plunge and got myself a vu+ du and an motorised dish, the installer put the dish up and took off and so I did my initial scan, it was on Thor 7 sat and I picked up a handful of german channels,now I managed to install hard drive and flash VIX image on the box then I downloaded and installed a channel bouquet and ccam and various other cams.
Now I thought a scan of the astra ,Eurobird satellite on 28.2e and I'd be up and watching fat channels for beginners.
Now every time I scan this satellite it finds 7 services and none are uk fta I have read through every tutorial tried every setting I've been at it 2 whole days and am so frustrated I feel like stamping on the box!!
The only odd thing I can think off as far as me following steps to set up my tuners is when I'm setting my latitude it will always input 3 instead of the needed 5 I'm pressing on the remote please help

04-12-10, 03:22
ok to start what is your setup are you using usal or dieseqe

and your initial tuner setup what have you got

do not post here but give me you exact longatute and latatude pm me

note you wont get 5 as 360 deg so 3 is you limit but it needs to be converted

04-12-10, 03:48
Hi Silverfox thanks for your prompt reply first of all,and just to let you know this is my first experience of the satellite world so please in any explanations you give me dont assume i know anything.
I have an 80cm motorised dish with a twin lnb a dual wire coming out of the lnb feeding the 2 inputs on the box i think im using diseqe as in tuner config i have it set to diseqe 1.2 and have usals set to no

04-12-10, 03:49
edit: you do need your longs and lat

thats only used in usals

what motor model are you using so i can confirm that

and dont worry take your time learning the ropes no one here is rushing you

04-12-10, 03:54
Just grabbed the box its an Alsat superior Dark Motor not much more info then that on it the dish is an orbital if thats of any relevance.

04-12-10, 03:58
i have p'med you your correct longs and lats will now continue the help on this thread

try that and report back

i'm guessing your setting up tuner to postioner on tuner 1

04-12-10, 04:07
In bed with the iPad now lol, after 2 solid days getting nowhere I had to just power everything down and go into a dark room for a while!!
As soon as I give it a shot tomorrow I'll inform you of my progress :-)

04-12-10, 04:09
no probs made just report your issues here and someone will reply

04-12-10, 04:18
Now I thought a scan of the astra ,Eurobird satellite on 28.2e and I'd be up and watching fat channels for beginners.

I can't help you and don't be offended by my flippancy, but I assume this line was an amusing typo. However, unlike most typos, I have no idea what you actually meant! It tickled me, anyway.

Regarding getting to grips with the VU+ Duo which I have had for about 3 weeks; I was previously fairly familiar with satellite receivers but not linux boxes. I too have had moments / hours of great frustration trying to work out how to do various things on the Duo. Documentation anywhere in English is sparce.
The official manual itself is better than most receiver manuals I have read, but doesn't go into any great depth or really explain why you might want to use a certain feature, which for me and probably you, is critical. Of course, anything unofficial isn't covered in it at all.

All you can really do is give things your best guess and if you ask for help on a forum such as this, just hope somebody answers. This forum seems to have a handful of regular helpers.

04-12-10, 04:26
All you can really do is give things your best guess and if you ask for help on a forum such as this, just hope somebody answers. This forum seems to have a handful of regular helpers.

with all due respect this is a support forum and its a collective mass of information from as many people as we can get it from.

Although as you say there is a handfull of helpful people, even they dont know it all and get stumped with a solution like your audio sync i actaully tried to find out the issue for you at 2 am the other day but was stumpt and there was no point posting sorry cant help you so i left it in the hope that some one else would answer.

The one thing to remember here is this is collective knolledge what one may not know another may do. but an answer may not come untill that person who knows the answer see's the post

And to both of you i really do hope we can be helpful to you and get you the help and solution you both require

04-12-10, 04:37
Sure yes, Silverfox, I wasn't saying that in any kind of barbed way.
I suppose an extension of my comments is that searching a forum is no substitute for thorough documentation. However that comment is not specific to any particular image.

I suppose we are all different, but for me, taking your example, I would have liked to have seen you post 'I can't get it to work either', otherwise I and other people don't know if anyone's tried or it's just me. Again, I'm not having a go in any way, and today for example I found the flow of info quite productive on here.

So, thanks for all your and others' help and I am trying to help people too, as I learn more.
However I am very wary of misleading people with possibly incorrect info, hence my regular requests for others' experiences to verify mine.


04-12-10, 04:51
Sure yes, Silverfox, I wasn't saying that in any kind of barbed way.
I suppose an extension of my comments is that searching a forum is no substitute for thorough documentation. However that comment is not specific to any particular image.

I suppose we are all different, but for me, taking your example, I would have liked to have seen you post 'I can't get it to work either', otherwise I and other people don't know if anyone's tried or it's just me. Again, I'm not having a go in any way, and today for example I found the flow of info quite productive on here.

So, thanks for all your and others' help and I am trying to help people too, as I learn more.
However I am very wary of misleading people with possibly incorrect info, hence my regular requests for others' experiences to verify mine.


i understand your point mate and agree if i was talking to you on the phone or email then yes i would be replying every second but being a forum with rules i' very wary of breking them and a post like that, although i think the admin would not mind but i would be reluctant to post just incase it was seen as spamming

but yes i see where your comming from just to know that an attempt was made to help just so you know that some one tried

i think now we should get back on track with this thread it veering off course a little

04-12-10, 06:50
ok Silverfox, no problem. I wouldn't think it could be classed as spamming at all, but I haven't been here very long so maybe I should read the rules.
Anyway, I have indeed sidetracked this topic. I hope Jaxter can get his bits working. I only have 2 fixed dishes and a DiSEqC 1.0 external switch, so it's much easier for me in that regard, although limiting.


04-12-10, 08:39
I'm assuming your installer aligned your dish correctly with 1 deg thor, if so USAL's should work fine.

First make sure you tuner setup is correct as per screenshot below but using your own long and latt settings: -


Once checked thats correct follow this guide to send some Enigma 2 settings/bouquets to your Duo http://www.vuplus-support.co.uk/showthread.php?623-How-to-send-save-Enigma-Settings-to-the-VUDuo-using-DBEdit

Motorised Enigma 2 settings can be found here, download few packages, open them in Dreamboxedit first and see which ones you like the look of.

04-12-10, 13:00
Hi all yes the installer definitely set it to Thor and scanned it's the only time I've seen any channels come up at all, but my Germans not to good so not ideal for me lol.
I have my tuner set up exactly like the screenshot above but of course with my long and lats I've set up tuner A and left tuner B not configured at the moment and just began a scan if I still get nothing I'll configure both tuners A+B and rescan then report.

Ok scanned with my amended long and lats (thanks silverfox) on just tuner A and on Tuner A+B and im getting absolutely nothing whatsoever im going to do a factory reset and try again.

04-12-10, 14:03
Ok tried all of the above and I'm getting absolutely nothing :-(

04-12-10, 14:31
Are you using USALS ? Have you transferred a bouquet to the box before trying to scan ?
Have you tried the Goto 0 function in Positioner setup then select a satellite such as 13e and try a scan

04-12-10, 14:59
Hi maxwell I've tried the goto 0 position in positioner setup but do not know how to try 13E some more instruction would be appreciated

04-12-10, 15:53
Are you using USALS ? Have you transferred a bouquet to the box before trying to scan ?

04-12-10, 17:49
first of all, when you scan a sat, you need to set the scan mode to sat, rather than a single transponder, I suspect thats why you only got a few channels listed
also in tuner config, once you have set your USAL,s settings, you also need to activate the various sats that you need, ie, 28 east = lnb 1 on tuner A, then hi lite 28 east, and press your sideways button, and select say 19 east, then 13 east and so on ( I think this might be your problem, with not finding sats)

USAL,s if your dish alignment is correct, will work very well

also...there are channel listings that can be downloaded, saves you a lot of time


04-12-10, 18:11
Ok in tuner config I've gone to advanced config mode set satellite to astra/Eurobird (28.2e) Lnb to 1 Diseqc mode to 1.2 use usals for this sat to yes and my long and lat values as kindly provided to me by silver fox based on my postcode.
Maxwell I've scanned with silver foxes bouquet and without ,Basil I've set up a manual scan selected scan satellite on astra 28.2e I'm at 70% with no services found :-(

04-12-10, 18:55
have you used "sat finder" (menu/setup/service searching....satfinder)

and see if the unit finds say 19 east..if it does, then ask it to find 13 east/then 28 east

if your USAL setting is correct, ( very likely it is ) if you see signal strengths go up, then down, I would adjust your east west setting by a few degrees then retry satfinder again


ps, if this fixes your problem, your dish alignment is not correct

04-12-10, 19:00
load up this bouquet file using DBedit, its the one I use at the moment, then select any channel on 28E that is FTA if you successfully get the channel you can assume that your dish and settings are ok, if not we need to go through it all from the beginning step by step.


04-12-10, 19:04
Ok will give that a try would be great to get this sorted before MOTD!

04-12-10, 19:31
ok i reflashed box with vix image went through setup wizard set tuner a and b in simple mode positioner entered long and lats uploaded the current bouquet and rebooted box,installed ccam switched to bbc1 on astra 28.2 and nowt ,i assume i should now try a scan?

04-12-10, 19:34
put tuner b to not configured, unless u r using a quad lnb with a second cable going into tuner b m8, if you are using a quad lnb with a second cable going into tuner b then change setting to second cable of motorised lnb,

04-12-10, 19:38
No with that channel file I gave you, you should be getting the channels without having to scan. so it sounds like you have another problem.
Did you setup the tuner before or after you uploaded the channel file. If it was before set both tuners to not configured and reboot, once rebooted go into tuner setup and reconfigure the tuners as jjp2701 has said.
One other thing make sure that the tuner you configure as positioner is connected to the cable that actually goes to the motor as the other cable will go direct to the lnb.

04-12-10, 19:43
I'm using a dual Lnb going from motorised dish to input A n B on box scanning 28.2e now it says 10 services found better then the none I was previously getting! Retrying with manual search on same sat
No I put in bouquet after configuring tuners in the wizard I will do as you have said above

04-12-10, 19:49
sounds like you are not on correct sat, setup tuner A as positioner and disconnect the cable from tuner B and try to move the dish verify movement by a visual check, if it has not moved change the cables over at tuner A and try again

04-12-10, 20:02
Ok I disconnected Lnb input 2 went into positioned set up and moved dish west and seen the LEDs on the motor blinking and the sat moving.
I'm stumped don't really know what to do now!

04-12-10, 20:11
leave tuner B disconnected use goto 0 then select a channel on 28E and see if the dish moves there ok if it does you should be able to see all the chans on 28E if not your long and lat could be wrong

04-12-10, 20:18
if i pm you with my postcode would you give me my right long and latitude as i have 3 sets that people have told me are the ones but have been going with silverfoxa thanks

04-12-10, 20:26
I can garrentee that the settings that were given to you by silverfox, were correct jaxter


04-12-10, 21:01
I can garrentee that the settings that were given to you by silverfox, were correct jaxter


Dont doubt it at all Baz just making sure, if he has the correct lats and longs and the dish is moving using USALs then there is no reason that he cannot get the channels unless the dish alignment is out, we know his lnb is good because he has seen some channels with more than 70% signal they just dont match up with the sat he is supposed to be looking at.

04-12-10, 21:08

not having a pop at you,

but if some channels are being found, not related to the sat required, the dish is either very badly aligned, or not moving at all, and is on the sat, that it was set up on, and there fore find a few freqs that tie in with those on 28 east, my guess is, its on 19 east, rather than 28 east, if so, there is not a lot we can do, until the alignment is sorted, or a fixed dish is used


04-12-10, 21:35
np baz didnt mean it to come across as a retort. :)

He has verified that he has visually seen the dish move just fine, I agree with you that it is looking at 19E when he found the few channels and he has also stated previously that the installer set it up on 1W, my guess is the installer did a p*** poor job and left in a hurry, how many installers leave the customer with no viewable FTA channels and some basic instruction on how to access them especially as it is a Linux box. The installer doesnt have to get too involved just use the original image to get the guy running without any 'special' features,

04-12-10, 21:56
where is he located??

there might be a relyable member near by


04-12-10, 22:09
Hi im located in central Coventry as for your speculation about the installer not being able to rush off fast enough your right,in fact he was scanning and i told him that i would have to flash an image on the sat before any channels would show.
In fact the installer didnt even have a direct mobile number of the people he was doing the job for(it was past 4pm shop line was closed) and when an hour after calling them someone got back to him i heard the installer say to him ill pass you to the customer and the shop dude say no dont do that! then he proceeded to shout at the installer "its just your job to put the satellie up,not to set up the bloody reciever" the installer was so intimidated by him that he wouldnt even dare to ask him if we needed to flash the image before scanning!!!

04-12-10, 22:22
thats made things a lot clearer

I suspect that your settings are at least 9 degrees out
what it will mean, is sat signals, ( with a change to your USAL setting ) will be very poor

try adjusting your USAL setting if simular to,

Address: coventry
Latitude: 52.4058°
Longitude: -1.5127°

- = a west setting
try changing that setting to Full-screen

Address: coventry
Latitude: 52.4058°
Longitude: -10.5127° (west)

if no go, change it to Full-screen

Address: coventry
Latitude: 52.4058°
Longitude: +8.5127° (east)

04-12-10, 22:31
if you then follow my other surgestion...and use sat finder...look for 19 east/13 east
note the sig stengths, then try 28 which is likely to be very poor, as the dish assembly is most likely so far out

if we are correct, your dish set up will need correcting, lock stock and barrel


04-12-10, 22:35
Thanks Baz I'm going to troubleshoot all of this then report back

04-12-10, 22:38
please do, along with your east west setting, if you finally find a sat thats watchable,


04-12-10, 23:03
Ok I'm using sat finder and looking at the snr 13east hot bird shows 0% snr,as does astra 19.2 and astra 28.2!,

04-12-10, 23:35
have you changed the USAL setting to my surgested settings in your tuner A config??


04-12-10, 23:43
just an off topic thanks basil for helping on this thread i was starting to run out of ideas

05-12-10, 00:11
@ silverfox
thanks and although late, Happy birthday ( off thread as well )

back on track,

I wonder jaxter, if you have a static 28 east dish,...if so...connect your unit to it


05-12-10, 00:23
I don't have a static dish m8 but I just realised that the shop I brought from has a forum had a little whinge on there and the mods been really helpful as have all who've contributed here u guys are solid gold!
I sent him my postcode and he told me to scan with longitude 00x.511
Latitude. 0xx.419
I have started a scan on astra 28.8 and though only at 37% its saying 361 services found so fingers crossed fellas light at the end of the tunnel :-)

05-12-10, 00:29
just an off topic thanks basil for helping on this thread i was starting to run out of ideas
your welcome lol

05-12-10, 00:33
yep, a sig strength such as that, indicates dish misalignment,....if you adjust your west setting by a few degrees ie 3.511 west it should improve if not keep as is,..and change west to east

but in the end,..you need your dish set up sorting out


05-12-10, 00:44
Ok finally I'm up and running it must have been incorrect long and lats cause after 3 days I did exactly what I did in the first instance tuner in simple config mode enter lon lats scan and voila I'm so happy I'm just going to joyfully flick thru channels for a while lol!
Meanwhile I've got my second tuner disconnected do I plug this back in and?

05-12-10, 00:48
yes plug it back in and make sure you set tuner b to second cable of motorized dish as baz suggested earlier, out of interest what long and lat are you using

05-12-10, 02:06
Hi im located in central Coventry
wow, me too. There's a spooky coincidence.
(I'm not revealing anything personal there; it is implied in my username after all)


05-12-10, 03:08
Hey Lee you should of stayed hidden in the shadows I'll be hassling you to death now!!! :-)

05-12-10, 04:44
Hey Lee you should of stayed hidden in the shadows I'll be hassling you to death now!!! :-)
I've never installed a dish system and am fairly new to the Duo, but will be happy to help if I can. I mean, we have to escape the misery of Coventry by watching Euro satellite, right?



05-12-10, 14:11
Lol deffo gotta do something to survive winter in Cov!! lol :-)

06-12-10, 01:02
Hi all just an update flashed the new VIX image on today used vu control center to load a bouquet and all is good, loaded picons which i think are brilliant by the way so far motoring along no probs,would somebody be kind enough to explain cams to me as i have installed ccam and dont really know what it does also keep reading about ccam config file do i need to ftp this to my box and if so from where? thank you. :)

06-12-10, 05:50
Well done, Jaxter.
I haven't looked into what 'picons' are yet ... I assume they're some kind of logo to accompany channel names?

I don't know how much you know, but cams such as CCcam are for card sharing. The point of it is to open scrambled channels by sharing 'keys' in near real time over the internet.
Any kind of CS is illegal, except possibly sharing a legit card of your own between receivers in your own home. That in itself may violate your card provider's Terms Of Service.

CS can be 1-2-1 (sharing and taking) or one-way using pay or free servers.
Your IP address can be traced and as far as I know, cannot be masked.

The basics are very simple, especially on a receiver like the VU+. You should probably open a new topic on this, but I don't know what the rules are on this site regarding CS chat. Do check them first if you plan to enquire further on here.
Also, 'Google is your friend' as they say, and will reveal one or two forums specialising in CCcam help and advice.
Suffice to say regarding your question, cccam.cfg is a file which, at its most basic and functional, contains the server details that you are connecting to and goes into
via ftp


06-12-10, 12:18
Thank you Lee understood thats a great explanation and we'll leave it at that as its obviously getting into the darkside of the force! Ok if i want to manually scan a satellite and i get the message nothing to scan does this just mean the satellite is out of range? Also do i need to have any kind of motor settings installed and if so why? Thank you.
And leee you would be right in that picons are channel logos and very pretty indeeed!!

06-12-10, 22:32
You can only scan the sattellites you are connected to so for example if you tried to scan 19E but youyr dish was point at 23W you would not get anything. Likewise no point downloading motor settings if you do not have a motor.
CCCAm can be used for the darkside but you also need it to read a card in the VU without venturing to the dark side

07-12-10, 01:11
CCCAm can be used for the darkside but you also need it to read a card in the VU without venturing to the dark side
Thanks, I didn't know that.

Jaxter, I only have 2 fixed dishes and unfortunately have no knowledge of motorised setups.
I didn't go motorised for fear that the noise of it, although not great, might disturb my neighbours who are adjacent to the dish location. ie I'm in some flats.


07-12-10, 03:31
I thought id go motorised cause i didnt want to spend out twice in the event i got a fixed dish and then needed to watch something only broadcast on another satellite going through the channels at the moment (total crap) im not sure if i made the right move,oh well the satellite looks cool though lol :-)

07-12-10, 18:58
You only really benefit from being motorised / having lots of satellites if you have one or more subscriptions or go to 'the dark side'. ie most FTA stuff is rubbish or solely in non-English. That's partly an assumption on my part because I've never seen anything other than Astra1, Astra2, Hotbird or Hispasat. However I doubt the other visible satellites are much different.

08-12-10, 01:32
You Assume correctly, can be kinda fun going through the non english channels but the novelty is already starting to wear off .Alas it looks like ill be settling on Astra 28.2 and embracing the ways of the Sith !! Lol

08-12-10, 02:14
Alas it looks like ill be settling on Astra 28.2 and embracing the ways of the Sith !! Lol
I'm not familiar with that phrase. Is it an alternative way of saying 'go to the dark side'? If so and you do, you don't need to restrict yourself to Astra 28.2 for that.
Most satellites have loads of foreign pay channels which have English audio tracks.