View Full Version : Some ideas to improve the Graphical EPG screen

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16-04-15, 19:57
Sorry, can't help. I thought what I put was correct because it would be the obvious way of specifying the text size right after the name of the font.

It maybe a global thing like you said.

I have just tried it on blue-hd and same as you didn't seem to make any change.

16-04-15, 20:01
Well this needs to be sorted before we can even suggest it for the main image.
Really needs to be skinned regardless of global settings.

16-04-15, 20:09
I think if you put in this statement on the skin.xml

<alias name="ChoiceList" font="menulist" size="42" height="60" />

Then this does increase the font size but it does effect other parts of the skin that's uses the choicelist as it's a global statement.

16-04-15, 20:33
yep thats right

18-04-15, 23:05
Can someone please tell me where I can get this skin with the boquets across the top of the epg please.

18-04-15, 23:52
Can someone please tell me where I can get this skin with the boquets across the top of the epg please.
I believe it's the blue_hd skin

18-04-15, 23:55
Can someone please tell me where I can get this skin with the boquets across the top of the epg please.Last I heard, this mod wasn't making into image.

If you're referring to the sky look-a-like skin then you need see Rossi's BlueHD skin from plugin feeds (now listed as OpenVix BlueHD or something similar). However, you need to use Matt's mod files to see list of your bouquets.

If you want to manually add this as a mod then see Matt007's posts. You can get the files from post 118 and see where they go in post 75.

You can still use < and > even now to switch bouquets but unless you're using Matt's mod, you can't see the actual bouquets

18-04-15, 23:57
Thanks for the information

19-04-15, 00:01
@Markus, in a previous post of yours you quoted some code for possibly changing text size, etc...

In this code, have you tried specifying "center, center" (or "centre, centre") as the position of the red button pop-up? That maybe how you can centre the pop-up. Not certain, just a guess really tbh. I can't test now as box is in use.

02-05-15, 23:13

here is the EPGSelection.py

and then here is the EPGList.py
Is there anyway of checking on github when the epgselection.py file was last updated/comitted so I can see that I don't apply matt's modded version against a recent update (ie as part of new oe-a/image release)?

It states:
andyblac on 28 May 2014 [EpgSelection] fix possible BSOD.Is this the last time this file was updated?

04-10-15, 14:17
Sorry for the bump but i just registered to say you guys have done an amazing job on this! THanks a lot matt and bbbuk for your channel search update. I can see why OpenViX won't integrate stuff like the channel search and some customizations because it's very sly-like rather than versatile. However, I do think the default key mappings of Ch+/- being horizontal are completely obsurd, it's completely illogical given the layout of the remote. I get that +/- 24 hours is a preference inherited from sly usage.

Regardless, great job on your hacking, it works great! i do recommend you guys package it properly and release it as package that can just be unzipped into root ftp directory, because this is a massively underrated feature. It took me about a half hour of googling to come across this thread after I wanted to try and mod it in myself...then I read 27 pages of posts and got the epg.png, skin_Blue-HD.xml and EpgSelection.py from various posts, then I had to search where these are placed within FTP, then finally install.

I think a fresh thread with a release of "Blue-HD Sly EPG Keymappings" with a package which has the directories preconfigured would really help the less tech savvy people find this useful mod!


12-10-15, 01:18
Hey Guys

I've been building on matt007 and bbbuk's work, and decided to add something that I found strangely missing:
As you can see, I've added Channel numbers to the Graphical EPG, which in my opinion makes things much tidier and easier to find your favourite channels.

Also, I've added some 'primary bouquet' functionality:

What this does is, when displaying channel numbers on the Graphical EPG from a different category, it'll use it from the 'Primary Bouquet'. Currently this is hardcoded to be the first bouquet available (i.e. 'All Channels'), but in future could allow the user to select which bouquet Channel numbers are inherited from. What this means in practice is, that all Bouquets will use the channel numbers from All Channels, rather than keep adding numbers for different categories. The Channel from the Primary Bouquet is also zapped to.

Attached is the files required to install this, including matt007 and bbbuk's excellent key remappings (Ch-/Ch+ for scrolling pages, and Yellow/Blue for +/-24 hours, 0-9 keys for channel search) and all their work so far.

I hope this helps someone - I did it mostly for myself but learning some Enigma2 was somewhat rewarding. Please note, the setup.xml may require manual modification because this file has changed in newer versions of OpenVix - so you may lose some main menu items. If this is the case, open the original file and edit it manually according to source code changes (https://github.com/Talidan/enigma2/commits/Dev).

Remember to keep backups in case something goes wrong! Use OpenVix's image backup feature!

After installing, you need to make the following changes in settings:
Menu -> Setup -> System -> EPG -> GraphicalEPG:
* Set "Service Title mode" to include Channel number
* "Use Channel Numbers from First Bouquet" -> Yes

12-10-15, 19:51
Works great. I'm looking to slightly rework MetrixHD's EPG so may look at integrating this. Cheers.

Rob van der Does
13-10-15, 06:29
The zip-file only contains compiled files. If you also supply the source files, I can have a look if we can embed this in ViX.

13-10-15, 07:34
The zip-file only contains compiled files. If you also supply the source files, I can have a look if we can embed this in ViX.

This is something I'd love to see in ViX.

Rob van der Does
13-10-15, 07:43
Hold your horses: it will need a thorough check, also in relation to the other available EPG's (multi/single).
So let's await the source files first.

13-10-15, 08:30
The zip-file only contains compiled files. If you also supply the source files, I can have a look if we can embed this in ViX.He has included link to his own github section forked off from Vix. It looks like it is setup for Graphical EPG only as that's where the option is included and so it won't do anything for other types of epg's. However, a look at his github implies he is working on infobar epg!

@killercow, Thanks for this. I've got a few ideas of extending this even more now and will have a play this weekend :)

Rob van der Does
13-10-15, 09:11
Please show me the link; I don't see it.

13-10-15, 11:46
Here's my work on github:


it works on the Graphical Infobar EPG if you make a 1 line change to UsageConfig.py (as in the latest commit). I can make a .zip package if desired.

Rob van der Does
13-10-15, 13:08
Yes, please give me the complete package as source files.
Did you already check if these changes influence the other EPG's (Quick/Single/Multi)?

13-10-15, 14:30
Yes, but I only use the quick infobar, graphical EPG and graphical infobar EPG. I haven't thoroughly checked the others, but it should be impossible anyway because as you'll see from the diffs on github, no modifications were made to those EPGs. It's probably easiest you just download my source tree from github: https://github.com/Talidan/enigma2/archive/Dev.zip (to ensure they're the latest files)

Relevant files are the same ones from my previous package:
data/setup.xml -> usr/share/enigma2/setup.xml
lib/python/Components/EpgList.py -> usr/lib/python/Components/EpgList.py
lib/python/Components/UsageConfig.py -> usr/lib/python/Components/UsageConfig.py
lib/python/Screens/EpgSelection.py -> usr/lib/python/Screens/EpgSelection.py

For anyone wanting to install the latest version (i.e. Channel Names in graphical infobar EPG), first make sure you've installed matt007's skin modifications from the .zip file (just install everything) from my previous post, then you can install the files listed above from Dev.zip in their corresponding directory.

Then, just like with Graphical EPG, go into Graphical InfoBar EPG settings and set Service Title mode to include channel names.

abu baniaz
13-10-15, 15:27
Maybe this helps for reference/comparison purposes

13-10-15, 20:56
Thanks abu. According to abu's definitions, here's the status of Channel Numbers:

Graphical EPG: Main functionality of this mod - Channel Numbers are here after installation.
Info Bar: This functionality existed already, in Menu > Setup > System > User Interface > Settings > Show channel number in infobar. Previous behaviour unaffected.
Second Info Bar: Same as "Info Bar". Previous behaviour unaffected.
Graphical InfoBar EPG. Standard setting (Multi EPG): This was added in my most recent commit.
Graphical InfoBar EPG. Single EPG: I personally don't use this Infobar, so this does not have any channel number modifications. I reckon it should be very easy to add if anyone actually wants. Previous behaviour unaffected.
Single EPG: I don't use this either, and I don't think having Channel Number is needed or in demand here. Previous behaviour unaffected.

13-10-15, 21:26
they should be pretty straight forward to pick into vix if need be.

but as was discussed before, the idea was rejected to be included in vix.

13-10-15, 21:34
they should be pretty straight forward to pick into vix if need be.

but as was discussed before, the idea was rejected to be included in vix.

Only by the people with power, the majority would love for it to be integrated fully into vix.

abu baniaz
13-10-15, 21:52
It took a while for me to understand that Enigma2 does not have true numbering. It is dynamic.

Official receivers are limited to the one provider, the UK and a few other countries, have the numbers system whereas most do not.

Removal of the number navigation is detrimental to those with multi sat/mode receivers. So long as changes are configurable, then that is the best way to go

13-10-15, 23:22
Only by the people with power, the majority would love for it to be integrated fully into vix.

yeah well luckily for us this is not a democracy so regardless of what the majority would love, WE still get the final say. That said 90 percent of the ViX image has been tailored specifically to the users needs over time but at some point we have to just say no, that is not going to happen.

13-10-15, 23:54
they should be pretty straight forward to pick into vix if need be.

but as was discussed before, the idea was rejected to be included in vix.

I personally don't really understand this notion. I'm in fact pretty sure that Graphical EPG channel numbers was never rejected (feel free to correct me). I could have easily posted this in a fresh thread in another section of the forum and dropped any previous baggage of this thread - it's an isolated feature that has no reliance on any previous mods. In the past the solution to this problem was to switch out AutoBouquetsMaker with Lraizer's AB, as can be seen in many threads:
etc. The previous request used to be to add Channel numbering into ABM. As far as my research went, this is not deemed a proper solution and I understand why - hacking in numbers into the service name is inelegant. My development thus far was inspired by this very post:
The idea being, that channel numbers should be implemented in a non-hacky way that conforms to the way E2/ViX works. That's what I hoped I've achieved.

The only thing that was 'rejected' was matt007's bindings and visual changes. And the reasons for rejection were dubious at best: http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?44345-Which-coloured-EPG-options-do-you-prefer . There's some (imo) crazy logic to some of the rejections, which led me to install it myself:

Displaying the other available Bouquets is illogical because not everyone has < and > keys. What?? You could make this argument for absolutely anything. Displaying the other Bouquets has almost nothing to do with keys because the functionality exists whether you have them or not - only before there are no visual cues for it.
Assigning blue/yellow to Add Timer and Add Autotimer when the recording button is a much more logical key that already serves this purpose. Freeing up these leaves a nice place for +/- 24 hours, or even something else.
Using Ch+ and Ch- keys, which are arranged vertically on a remote, to navigate horizontally

These are all points that have been argued before. As for other customisations (such as Green for recordings), I believe they're inherited from preferences of being used to a Sly box, so it's understandable that they're not accepted. The borderline case is number keys - I'm sure people are used to these shortcuts and like them just how they are. However, they seem incredibly power-user with absolutely no visual guidance for them (besides the obscure HELP screen). This is why a number search fits so much more naturally to number entry. There are other valid reasons for rejection such as skin compatibility - but it is very disappointing to see an entire implementation rejected rather than trying to make the solution compatible or accepting the compatible changes, and I hope the same doesn't happen here.

Anyway, I'm not trying to start an argument here, as I say people are free to install these mod if they choose to, I just thought I'd get my opinions from previous UI development across. Ultimately the solution has to come to a user preference option because it's what makes ViX great. Whatever the case, I purposely pushed my changes to GitHub to allow the developers to cherry pick things as they like, or not. I did do this for myself for fun and ultimately it's Team ViX's decision which I'll respect because they've built such a great firmware by maintaining a strong codebase.

p.s. rossi, i think your blue-hd skin is absolutely fantastic and I dont mean to cause any offense, just spark some debate!

Rob van der Does
14-10-15, 06:01
they should be pretty straight forward to pick into vix if need be.
OK, I'll leave it to you then.
Be aware that all skins need to be adapted.

14-10-15, 08:52
I personally don't really understand this notion. I'm in fact pretty sure that Graphical EPG channel numbers was never rejected (feel free to correct me). I could have easily posted this in a fresh thread in another section of the forum and dropped any previous baggage of this thread - it's an isolated feature that has no reliance on any previous mods. In the past the solution to this problem was to switch out AutoBouquetsMaker with Lraizer's AB, as can be seen in many threads:
etc. The previous request used to be to add Channel numbering into ABM. As far as my research went, this is not deemed a proper solution and I understand why - hacking in numbers into the service name is inelegant. My development thus far was inspired by this very post:
The idea being, that channel numbers should be implemented in a non-hacky way that conforms to the way E2/ViX works. That's what I hoped I've achieved.

The only thing that was 'rejected' was matt007's bindings and visual changes. And the reasons for rejection were dubious at best: http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?44345-Which-coloured-EPG-options-do-you-prefer . There's some (imo) crazy logic to some of the rejections, which led me to install it myself:

Displaying the other available Bouquets is illogical because not everyone has < and > keys. What?? You could make this argument for absolutely anything. Displaying the other Bouquets has almost nothing to do with keys because the functionality exists whether you have them or not - only before there are no visual cues for it.
Assigning blue/yellow to Add Timer and Add Autotimer when the recording button is a much more logical key that already serves this purpose. Freeing up these leaves a nice place for +/- 24 hours, or even something else.
Using Ch+ and Ch- keys, which are arranged vertically on a remote, to navigate horizontally

These are all points that have been argued before. As for other customisations (such as Green for recordings), I believe they're inherited from preferences of being used to a Sly box, so it's understandable that they're not accepted. The borderline case is number keys - I'm sure people are used to these shortcuts and like them just how they are. However, they seem incredibly power-user with absolutely no visual guidance for them (besides the obscure HELP screen). This is why a number search fits so much more naturally to number entry. There are other valid reasons for rejection such as skin compatibility - but it is very disappointing to see an entire implementation rejected rather than trying to make the solution compatible or accepting the compatible changes, and I hope the same doesn't happen here.

Anyway, I'm not trying to start an argument here, as I say people are free to install these mod if they choose to, I just thought I'd get my opinions from previous UI development across. Ultimately the solution has to come to a user preference option because it's what makes ViX great. Whatever the case, I purposely pushed my changes to GitHub to allow the developers to cherry pick things as they like, or not. I did do this for myself for fun and ultimately it's Team ViX's decision which I'll respect because they've built such a great firmware by maintaining a strong codebase.

p.s. rossi, i think your blue-hd skin is absolutely fantastic and I dont mean to cause any offense, just spark some debate!

no offense caused at all.
fyi i wanted these features in.

maybe some of the configurable items can be picked in.

14-10-15, 08:53
OK, I'll leave it to you then.
Be aware that all skins need to be adapted.

depends on what gets picked as to whether skins needs updating.

14-10-15, 15:24
@killercow, would it be possible to attach a copy of just your mods, i.e just the channel number addition, not the button reassignment code.

15-10-15, 01:59
@killercow, would it be possible to attach a copy of just your mods, i.e just the channel number addition, not the button reassignment code.

I'm working on something that should work - however in the mean time if you want to compile something yourself you can simply checkout the diff on github.

18-10-15, 15:42
Ok, over the weekend i've been working on allowing users to customise the coloured buttons to their preferred preference (within reason) for use within the Graphical EPG.

I've had the idea for a while now but thanks to @Matt007, @bbbuk, @Markus and @killercow for their ideas and some code to get me going.

Options available to users (for each of the coloured buttons) are: IMDb search, Timer, AutoTimer, (Display) Bouquet List, EPG Search, Show Movies, +24hr, -24hr and goto Date/Time.

By default, the Graphical EPG will use Vix's default preferred coloured options unless changed by user within menu settings for Graphical EPG.

Do people think there would be a demand for this and then hopefully included as standard within Vix?

Some screenshots:-

Menu Options (default):

EPG using default options:

Menu Options that I changed:

EPG using menu options I chose:

abu baniaz
18-10-15, 16:17
So long as things are configurable and there are no crashes, shouldn't be an issue. One of the reasons for rejection of previous code was that there is a crash.

Long press of the coloured button would be a bonus. Being a part of Button Setup even better.

18-10-15, 18:03
Hey Guys

I've been building on matt007 and bbbuk's work, and decided to add something that I found strangely missing:
As you can see, I've added Channel numbers to the Graphical EPG, which in my opinion makes things much tidier and easier to find your favourite channels.

Also, I've added some 'primary bouquet' functionality:

What this does is, when displaying channel numbers on the Graphical EPG from a different category, it'll use it from the 'Primary Bouquet'. Currently this is hardcoded to be the first bouquet available (i.e. 'All Channels'), but in future could allow the user to select which bouquet Channel numbers are inherited from. What this means in practice is, that all Bouquets will use the channel numbers from All Channels, rather than keep adding numbers for different categories. The Channel from the Primary Bouquet is also zapped to.

Attached is the files required to install this, including matt007 and bbbuk's excellent key remappings (Ch-/Ch+ for scrolling pages, and Yellow/Blue for +/-24 hours, 0-9 keys for channel search) and all their work so far.

I hope this helps someone - I did it mostly for myself but learning some Enigma2 was somewhat rewarding. Please note, the setup.xml may require manual modification because this file has changed in newer versions of OpenVix - so you may lose some main menu items. If this is the case, open the original file and edit it manually according to source code changes (https://github.com/Talidan/enigma2/commits/Dev).

Remember to keep backups in case something goes wrong! Use OpenVix's image backup feature!

After installing, you need to make the following changes in settings:
Menu -> Setup -> System -> EPG -> GraphicalEPG:
* Set "Service Title mode" to include Channel number
* "Use Channel Numbers from First Bouquet" -> Yes

Solo2, latest VIX image.

I've tried this twice now and each time it's stopped my box from working. I'm copying the files onto the box and then setting the Graphical EPG as above. When I then go into EPG it just locks up, black screens and re-boots. I try and flash the box with a recent back-up and then the box gets stuck on 'Starting......'.

The only option is to USB flash the box and set-up from scratch.

There's enough Thankyou's on this post to make it suggest I'm doing something wrong.....no idea what!

18-10-15, 18:42
Long press of the coloured button would be a bonus. Being a part of Button Setup even better.I thought about that as I was coding the normal button's but I thought to get normal button presses sorted first and then once all okay and everyone is happy it shouldn't be too much to add the code for the 'long' press of the coloured buttons.

So long as things are configurable and there are no crashes, shouldn't be an issue. One of the reasons for rejection of previous code was that there is a crash.I've been running it for a while without crashing. Looking at previous versions they weren't user configurable so it was forcing everyone to like that specific layout of buttons regardless and I know Vix is all about allowing configurable settings.

Sorry I forgot to add source code to my post #285 (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?42788-Some-ideas-to-improve-the-Graphical-EPG-screen&p=378036&viewfull=1#post378036) so here it is. There are only three files I amended and each of these three files if you search for my username within them you can see what i've done (this was to make it easier for mods/admins to find the sections(s) that i've added).

After installing, you need to make the following changes in settings:
Menu > Setup > System > EPG > GraphicalEPG:
Select whichever coloured button you wish to re-assign and scroll through available options.

NB: These amendments were taken from already modded versions of these files by others in this thread. If admin/mods would prefer these amendments based on original Vix source code then I could do this :)


19-10-15, 00:59
Nice work ketmp. I had actually planned to do work based upon something to that effect, but it's great that we have it done now. Only issue is that it seems like we have multiple source trees now - because I allowed the setting of any primary bouquet. It may be cool to merge my latest changes into it: https://github.com/darkdreamingdan/enigma2/commit/e98acd458ddc916cdb6eef8e5dfaf35348123ddf

@simon05 - you should still be able to FTP into your box after a crash. If so, FTP to /home/root/logs and post the crash log. I'm not sure why it would crash though, but I suspect it has something to do with a mixture of ViX versioning (i'm on an old build). Hopefully if we get it merged into ViX we can avoid these issues. You may want to consider modifying the setup.xml by hand instead of copying the files over, that file is impacted by ViX version.

Being a part of Button Setup even better.
The issue with the Button Setup is that it has absolutely no support for contextual button mappings - even though enigma inherently is built that way (as in keymap.xml). It makes it very hard to effectively provide UI for button mappings.

If there are any crashes, i say we'll work towards coming up with fixes.

The final question is, what do ViX want us to present? I had assumed forking on GitHub with tracked changes would be the way things are handled, like the majority of OSS.

abu baniaz
19-10-15, 01:12
What happens if someone does not have the large first bouquet?

19-10-15, 01:18
What happens if someone does not have the large first bouquet?Such as me. I do not have (nor do I want) "All Channels", as that's what the rest of the lists add up to.
I do have all channels listed such that each can be reached by entering its Freeview Channel ID.

19-10-15, 01:54
What happens if someone does not have the large first bouquet?

Such as me. I do not have (nor do I want) "All Channels", as that's what the rest of the lists add up to.

As of the latest commit, you select whichever bouquet is your primary bouquet. If you don't want it, you simply don't enable it.

I do have all channels listed such that each can be reached by entering its Freeview Channel ID.

I'm not sure what you mean here (not seen this scenario first hand either). You effectively have an 'All Channels', but it's for Freeview instead?

https://github.com/darkdreamingdan/enigma2/archive/Dev.zip (to ensure they're the latest files)

Relevant files (install over my previous .zip with skin mods):
data/setup.xml -> usr/share/enigma2/setup.xml
lib/python/Components/EpgList.py -> usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/EpgList.py
lib/python/Components/UsageConfig.py -> usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/UsageConfig.py
lib/python/Screens/EpgSelection.py -> usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/EpgSelection.py
lib/python/Screens/InfoBar.py -> usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBar.py

abu baniaz
19-10-15, 02:10
Tested using just the attachments in post 288.

1. The chanenl number navigation must be optional if there is any chance of this being incorporated. At the moment, there is a loss of functionality. How does one jump to primetime or go down a page? A list of what the number buttons do is listed below. Shame to lose them.


2. Tried to reproduce the crash that was reported in the Dev side. Could not reproduce it.
3. Numbers not showing for me. Am I missing something? I'm using the default skin, so quite possible.
If I set to channel number and picon, I get the teh picture shown. I have tried with/without the large bouquets (Not installed/transferred the picons yet)

Positive move forwards.

abu baniaz
19-10-15, 03:21
Using files from post 263 and downloaded files at 0216, I'm getting a bootloop with this crash

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 660, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 495, in runScreenTest
runNextScreen(session, screensToRun)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 491, in runNextScreen
session.openWithCallback(boundFunction(runNextScre en, session, screensToRun[1:]), screen, *args)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 303, in openWithCallback
dlg = self.open(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 313, in open
dlg = self.current_dialog = self.instantiateDialog(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 251, in instantiateDialog
return self.doInstantiateDialog(screen, arguments, kwargs, self.desktop)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 273, in doInstantiateDialog
dlg = screen(self, *arguments, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBar.py", line 91, in __init__
config.epgselection.graph_primarybouquet = ConfigSelection(choices = cfgbouquets, default = "Disabled")
NameError: global name 'ConfigSelection' is not defined
< 1078.076945> [MAIN] (exit code 5)

19-10-15, 08:32
Nice work ketmp. I had actually planned to do work based upon something to that effect, but it's great that we have it done now. Only issue is that it seems like we have multiple source trees now...I agree. I was working of a mixture of previous amendments that had been done in this thread.

I'm sure it's prudent to only introduce one thing at a time. Maybe if you get yours working and signed off and if ok with powers that be, it gets released into Vix and if no problems we then introduce my customisation. I think merging both at same time would leave us with problems.

What do mods/admin think to this?

19-10-15, 09:36
Using files from post 263 and downloaded files at 0216, I'm getting a bootloop with this crash

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 660, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 495, in runScreenTest
runNextScreen(session, screensToRun)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 491, in runNextScreen
session.openWithCallback(boundFunction(runNextScre en, session, screensToRun[1:]), screen, *args)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 303, in openWithCallback
dlg = self.open(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 313, in open
dlg = self.current_dialog = self.instantiateDialog(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 251, in instantiateDialog
return self.doInstantiateDialog(screen, arguments, kwargs, self.desktop)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 273, in doInstantiateDialog
dlg = screen(self, *arguments, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBar.py", line 91, in __init__
config.epgselection.graph_primarybouquet = ConfigSelection(choices = cfgbouquets, default = "Disabled")
NameError: global name 'ConfigSelection' is not defined
< 1078.076945> [MAIN] (exit code 5)

My bad. Forgot to commit a line of code. Will fix ASAP tonight. To anyone interested in using my builds, don't install till i've fixed it tonight. If it's already too late, wait till tonight and i'll submit a fixed version which you can FTP to.

I agree. I was working of a mixture of previous amendments that had been done in this thread.

I'm sure it's prudent to only introduce one thing at a time. Maybe if you get yours working and signed off and if ok with powers that be, it gets released into Vix and if no problems we then introduce my customisation. I think merging both at same time would leave us with problems.

What do mods/admin think to this?

We'll wait for feedback on this, but I'm happy to merge it onto my GitHub (since i merged matt007/bbbuk's changes already).

19-10-15, 11:55
Such as me. I do not have (nor do I want) "All Channels", as that's what the rest of the lists add up to.
I do have all channels listed such that each can be reached by entering its Freeview Channel ID.

The reason the receiver has or had a ALL channels list was because Enigma was designed that way. The all channels section was not meant for you the user to use, it was for the receiver it self. Bouquets were meant for the user for the user to adapt ro their own needs. Maybe that has changed in recent times with improved code but thats how it always was so no need to get arsey over something that has been there since the birth of the OS.

19-10-15, 12:18
I do have all channels listed such that each can be reached by entering its Freeview Channel ID.
I'm not sure what you mean here (not seen this scenario first hand either). You effectively have an 'All Channels', but it's for Freeview instead?No.
I spilt them into bouquets based on how Freeview splits them. So I have SD (1-100), HD (101-119), Children's (120-129), News (130-169), Adult (170-199), Text (200-224), Streamed (225-600), Interactive (601-699) and Radio (700-730), all with blank channel padding to get the correct channel numbers set. Each channel only appears once. There is no All Channels.
So provided that I can switch the numbering off and it won't try to do anything at all that would be OK. Although if you could also have an option to number all channels in bouquet order then that would be even better (for me).

I could always produce an "All Channels" bouquet fle (and not use it), so perhaps you could make the "All channels" file selectable from the file system, rather than assuming it to be the first one loaded.

But I wouldn't want to navigate within the EPG by channel number (as the number keys are used for other EPG functions).

abu baniaz
19-10-15, 13:33
As the other code has been merged, might as well as merge the coloured button customisation.

Sorry, to repeat this again: if the number pad navigation is lost, there is little chance of this being implemented.

Pretty sure that if all changes are optional, then there won't be objection. Obviously we'll have to discuss it on the other side.

19-10-15, 18:46
Sorry, to repeat this again: if the number pad navigation is lost, there is little chance of this being implemented.Just checked and as it currently stands it looks like this has been replaced by zapping to a channel entered via number buttons.

I see two possible options here. Add a menu setting to enable zap to channel from epg as a yes/no. Choosing No obviously would keep original number key function in tact.

The other option is, and here I couldn't help, but is it possible to have original numbering key on long presses instead? If possible, @Abu Baniaz, do you think this would be a possible solution?

abu baniaz
19-10-15, 19:25
configurable menu would be better. long press of buttons to navigate is not good.

19-10-15, 19:26
Assuming the Primary Bouquet was the first one loaded was just part of the first commit and is no longer the case, and I had always intended to make it user-selectable. Regardless, it's disabled by default and must be opt-in.

Although if you could also have an option to number all channels in bouquet order then that would be even better (for me).

I don't know what you mean here. You turn on Channel Numbering, it shows the numbers for the relevant bouquet. This is activated by the "Service title mode" setting. In your case it would simply show the e.g. "News" bouquet if you had that open, and the channel numbers would be 130-169.

A completely separate setting is Primary Bouquet. Here's how it might work for you:

You set Primary Bouquet to "HD"
You open Graphical EPG for "News" bouquet
Where applicable, channel numbers are replaced with those from HD within the EPG. E.g. BBC News HD shows as 1xx instead of 3xx.
No changes are made to actual channel numbers, just how they're perceived in EPG.

In your case, it makes sense to just leave Primary Bouquet off and not worry about it. You may want to turn on Channel numbering however.

Just checked and as it currently stands it looks like this has been replaced by zapping to a channel entered via number buttons.

I see two possible options here. Add a menu setting to enable zap to channel from epg as a yes/no. Choosing No obviously would keep original number key function in tact.

The other option is, and here I couldn't help, but is it possible to have original numbering key on long presses instead? If possible, @Abu Baniaz, do you think this would be a possible solution?

In my mind there's only one possible option: the former. We must provide an option, and have previous behaviour by default, if we expect the Vix team to merge this without fear of backlash. I think that's completely fair. The same goes for scrolling by channel numbers. Adding an option seems like a simple add to me.

I'll work with ketmp to try and get everything needed to meet everyone's requirements.

In the mean time, bootloop crash on my tree should now be fixed. As always:

https://github.com/darkdreamingdan/enigma2/archive/Dev.zip (to ensure they're the latest files)

Relevant files (install over my previous .zip with skin mods):
data/setup.xml -> usr/share/enigma2/setup.xml
lib/python/Components/EpgList.py -> usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/EpgList.py
lib/python/Components/UsageConfig.py -> usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/UsageConfig.py
lib/python/Screens/EpgSelection.py -> usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/EpgSelection.py
lib/python/Screens/InfoBar.py -> usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBar.py

20-10-15, 01:32
A completely separate setting is Primary Bouquet. Here's how it might work for you:

You set Primary Bouquet to "HD"
You open Graphical EPG for "News" bouquet
Where applicable, channel numbers are replaced with those from HD within the EPG. E.g. BBC News HD shows as 1xx instead of 3xx.
No changes are made to actual channel numbers, just how they're perceived in EPG.

But each channel in my set-up only ever appears in one bouquet.

You may want to turn on Channel numbering however.Well, I might - but it's only going to do something useful for me if it can find a list of all channels - which I don't have in a single bouquet anywhere. Hence the suggestion that this list could be obtained from a bouquet file on the file system rather than a used bouquet, as to make it a bouquet it would have to be the first (to get the right numbers for Freeview) and then all of the sub-sections I have set-up would be wrong.
Bear in mind that Freeview is the only provider I have, and it does have "defined" channels for each service.

abu baniaz
20-10-15, 02:15
Unless alternate numbering is on
The way E2 works with regards to "numbering" is the numbers are cumulative. If there are no repeats and there are relevant place holders, the numbers will tally. There is no need to use any bouquet for numbering. On the other hand, where there is large first bouquet (encompassing the sections), the "channel number" in the subsequent bouquet will be the cumulative one. Depending on whether someone has not indexed on or not, will affect the "channel number" of the first channel in the enertainment bouquet.

For satellite, if the first bouquet is HD only/HD First, i.e only 1-100 are occupied, the first channel in the Entertainment bouquet will still be 101 and the rest will also tally. For Terrestrail, there is no space in 1-100, so any option other than "no" for the forst bouquet will throw things out of sync.

As E2 splits the services between TV and Radio and usually omits the data ones, this complicates maters. The Neutrino mode does things differently.

The Info Bar displays the chanenl number from the current bouquet. This is why it was simple and added. When you press the EPG button, or open the bouquets, you will be presented the bouquet from which the channel was selected. This is easy where the cumulative number is the same as there are no duplicates.

Now, if we have the large first bouquet, things start getting complicated.
Navigate to the Sports bouquet. Select a channel. When you open the bouquets or press EPG, you will still be in the Sports bouquet because this is where you selected it from. However, if you key in 413, you will be taken to 413 in the cumulative "numbering system". If you now press TV or EPG, you will open up the the large first bouquet.

This is easy for those just using 28.2 and images that support place holders.

Not the very experienced with this, so I would be grateful for any corrections.

20-10-15, 06:44
This thread has got very mixed up. People need to start their own threads to avoid this.

There is no intention to reassign any buttons. Not sure why people are trying to reinvent the wheel.

Channel numbers in the G-EPG would be a nice optional edition, if, and only if, it follows E2's channel numbering. i.e. numbering additive from channel 1 in first bouquet, or if alternative numbering is on, numbering from 1 in the current bouquet.

20-10-15, 08:23
I agree. I was working of a mixture of previous amendments that had been done in this thread.

I'm sure it's prudent to only introduce one thing at a time. Maybe if you get yours working and signed off and if ok with powers that be, it gets released into Vix and if no problems we then introduce my customisation. I think merging both at same time would leave us with problems.

What do mods/admin think to this?

this is a good way imo

21-10-15, 23:30
Hey guys

Thanks for abu baniaz for help testing. I have submitted a GitHub pull request to the team to merge this into the main development tree directly - should be just a button click away from being merged. It includes support for Channel Numbers and Primary Bouquet for 28.2 users.


Manual installation provided at the bottom of the page.

But each channel in my set-up only ever appears in one bouquet.

Well, I might - but it's only going to do something useful for me if it can find a list of all channels - which I don't have in a single bouquet anywhere. Hence the suggestion that this list could be obtained from a bouquet file on the file system rather than a used bouquet, as to make it a bouquet it would have to be the first (to get the right numbers for Freeview) and then all of the sub-sections I have set-up would be wrong.
Bear in mind that Freeview is the only provider I have, and it does have "defined" channels for each service.

After reading this a few times, I finally understand the point you're making here. Unfortunately, it doesn't really apply to my use case so I had no interest in implementing it for myself. However, I do feel like the channel numbering has always been a lingering issue in E2 and had investigated a way to improve things. If there's some demand for it (more than just yourself), i'd be interested in coming with a universal solution that would be useful for all users, rather than the very 28.2-centric Primary Bouquet feature I created now.

My next job is to create a pull request for customisable keys for the Graphical EPG. I'm hoping providing no defaults are changed, and that everything is stable, that Vix will be willing to pull these as well. It'll provide some button customisation support to cater for the 27 pages and poll-winning (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?44345-Which-coloured-EPG-options-do-you-prefer) 28.2 users who dislike the current layout.



data/setup.xml -> usr/share/enigma2/setup.xml
lib/python/Components/EpgList.py -> usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/EpgList.py
lib/python/Components/UsageConfig.py -> usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/UsageConfig.py
lib/python/Screens/EpgSelection.py -> usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/EpgSelection.py
lib/python/Screens/InfoBar.py -> usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBar.py


Relevant files (install over previous .zip with skin mods http://www.world-of-satellite.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=45055&d=1444608948):
data/setup.xml -> usr/share/enigma2/setup.xml
lib/python/Components/EpgList.py -> usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/EpgList.py
lib/python/Components/UsageConfig.py -> usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/UsageConfig.py
lib/python/Screens/EpgSelection.py -> usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/EpgSelection.py
lib/python/Screens/InfoBar.py -> usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBar.py

abu baniaz
22-10-15, 00:00
You don't need to worry about Birdman's scenario. His numbers should work just fine.

22-10-15, 02:07
You dont need to worry about Birdman's senario. His numbers should work just fine.True.
I was just presenting my set-up as a situation that was probably a different scenario (one provider with provider-defined channel numbers).
I can (and do) switch to channels using their channel number at the moment - but have no wish to do that from within the EPG. The only thing which would interest me would be to display these numbers in the EPG. I did once do something to the Graphical EPG which put the number sin there, but they took up so much space that the rest of the display (the channel name?) was adversely affected, so I removed them.

abu baniaz
22-10-15, 03:02
For the time being, those wishing to add the numbers to Graphical EPG, these are the files needed. Extract and transfer the whole "usr" folder.

Rob van der Does
22-10-15, 06:01
I have submitted a GitHub pull request to the team to merge this into the main development tree directly
Thanks: I merged it, so we can test it in our dev-images the next couple of days.

abu baniaz
22-10-15, 08:17
I have tested this. From my tests, I could not find a fault with it. No existing code was broken. I tested with alternate numbering on and off with several providers.

22-10-15, 08:23
Guys, for now the merge has been temp reverted. We'd like to fully test this files posted.

OpenViX is for more than only 28.2. We need to look at how this affects all our users, not only our users using Astra 28.2.

abu baniaz
22-10-15, 08:34
Does this file contain all the changes?

For now the merge has been temp reverted.
Yes all the changes.

Tested with alternate numbering on and off. Using three providers in ABM. Using differnt the "primary bouquets". E2 numbering still adhered to. Just to be thorough, I made Sky Uk as the second provider. The existing behaviour of E2 numbering was fully respected. I deliberately selected the wrong bouquet as the primary bouquet, still adhered to.

Obviously one person's tests cannot encompass all eventualities and is limited. On the flip side, people wanting to reject something will always find a reason.

22-10-15, 09:28
Guys, for now the merge has been temp reverted. We'd like to fully test this files posted.

OpenViX is for more than only 28.2. We need to look at how this affects all our users, not only our users using Astra 28.2.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the whole point in the Dev branch to allow things to be tested - then it gets pushed the master? How can something be tested if there are no official builds for it. Fair enough if it's more about reviewing the code before merging though.


22-10-15, 09:28
Sorry to intrude to this conversation even never reading the posts. But I have to tell you one thing. Testing so many images in my boxes, the reason to come back to ViX is always the same. Excellent graphical epg. My favourite skin is Magic-HD-Noire

Rob van der Does
22-10-15, 10:44
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the whole point in the Dev branch to allow things to be tested - then it gets pushed the master?
Yes it is. That's also one of the reasons that commits have to be about one, preferably small, specific issue.

22-10-15, 11:03
Guys, I've only just started looking at this, due to real life I've not been able to follow this whole thread.

This does not work with all scenarios or for all users.

This is a brief outline of my test.

Fresh flash of Build 015.

Tested as follows:

1) Installed Vhanniabals Motor settings.
2) Setup ABM with FreeSat, Sky UK and Tivusat to remain at top of bouquets.

Transferred the files posted, rebooted, enabled the modifications.

Look at my screenshots, channel numbers in epg are screwed.

Would never work for the setup I've just posted.

For this mod to be considered for integration it needs to work for all scenario's, not only Sky UK, unless I've missed something, if so please feel free to point it out.

22-10-15, 13:16
Guys, I've only just started looking at this, due to real life I've not been able to follow this whole thread.

This does not work with all scenarios or for all users.

This is a brief outline of my test.

Fresh flash of Build 015.

Tested as follows:

1) Installed Vhanniabals Motor settings.
2) Setup ABM with FreeSat, Sky UK and Tivusat to remain at top of bouquets.

Transferred the files posted, rebooted, enabled the modifications.

Look at my screenshots, channel numbers in epg are screwed.

Would never work for the setup I've just posted.

For this mod to be considered for integration it needs to work for all scenario's, not only Sky UK, unless I've missed something, if so please feel free to point it out.

Could you try again, setting "Use Primary Bouquet for Channel Numbers" to "Disabled". I think this is the desired behavior for your configuration. If it doesn't would appreciate screenshots of this scenario (if different). Will look into fixing if so.

22-10-15, 13:59
Could you try again, setting "Use Primary Bouquet for Channel Numbers" to "Disabled". I think this is the desired behavior for your configuration. If it doesn't would appreciate screenshots of this scenario (if different). Will look into fixing if so.

Tried that, yes corrected my issue and tested more. I'll be honest, don't think we'd consider adding that part.

Can you please post links to the code required for Channel numbers only in bouquets only and we'll take a look. Thanks.

22-10-15, 14:56
The other problem is it needs a restart every time you change bouquets otherwise the menu no longer corresponds with the bouquets loaded.

22-10-15, 20:32
Tried that, yes corrected my issue and tested more. I'll be honest, don't think we'd consider adding that part.

Can you please post links to the code required for Channel numbers only in bouquets only and we'll take a look. Thanks.

Before I spend any time removing what I deem to be a useful feature, I implore you to see the value in this functionality. I get that it's very 28.2-centric but it effectively let's you break free of the constraints of the E2 numbering system when used correctly. Simply have an initial bouquet with any channel numbers you want - then all other bouquets' channel numbers are abstracted away. Of course there are drawbacks, and it's mainly useful to users only using one provider at a time, but I believe most of them can be resolved - and ultimately it should be up to users to decide.

I would rather spend my time trying to find a way where this functionality can remain in Vix in some form. I'm open to trying to find a way to make this tie in better with E2 if that's what you want - but in my opinion the entire Bouquets system is severely limited already and this was the easiest solution I could come up with.

22-10-15, 21:21
I would like say that whilst I understand that Vix is not just for 28.2, I'm sure that majority (if not at least a fair few) of Vix users do use it for 28.2, albeit not all maybe on it's own.

I think @Killercow's coding improvements (based on Matt007's and others ideas) is a great opportunity for Vix to stand out even more than other images than it does now. I'm not aware of other images that have all these proposed features in their Graphical EPG images as standard. Vix could be the first and improve on an already great EPG system (when compared to some images).

Yes, some of the proposed features may not suit everyone but that's why they can effectively be turned on/off. Those that don't wish to use it don't have to. Isn't this the way most other features work in Vix as not everyone has need for all the features Vix offers. It's effectively about giving us Vix users even more choice.

For example, the customisable coloured button options I've not noticed such feature in any of the main images built-in EPG system.

Rob van der Does
23-10-15, 03:43
Point is: the proposed change was about two things. That's not good. Every amended/bew functionality should be in it's own commit. That's the only way things can be changed/tested/committed, and the only way GIT-history is useful.
And I can't see us accepting anything that can't be used universally, anything that's only useful for a specific setup. Even when it can be turned On/Off.

23-10-15, 08:27
Adding features is a balance. When coding in the future one has to be careful not to break that feature. The more features added the harder that becomes. And when feature the needs to be disabled just to run a basic setup like Scillian's it doesn't make sense adding it.

23-10-15, 08:46
...And I can't see us accepting anything that can't be used universally, anything that's only useful for a specific setup. Even when it can be turned On/Off.It's not just 28.2 (although obviously majority of Vix users would use it for 28.2), to the best of my knowledge it can be used by Virgin customers as well and probably other single ABM providers (although I can't actually test this).

Sometimes features are included for a specific setup/group because it's not always possible (for various reasons) to have it available to all users (although this would be nice). One such thing is XBMC is only available to specific setup/group of users and not all users.

The customisable coloured button (when coded) would be available to all users as that isn't based upon a specific group of users.

What features do you think could possibly be included (once tested, etc)?

Thanks for your time and explanations.

Rob van der Does
23-10-15, 09:54
Sometimes features are included for a specific setup/group because it's not always possible (for various reasons) to have it available to all users (although this would be nice). One such thing is XBMC is only available to specific setup/group of users and not all users.
I don't think ViX has any option/setting for any specific group/user/setup.
Certainly not XBMC: it's available for everybody who has a box that supports this.

23-10-15, 10:04
Point is: the proposed change was about two things. That's not good. Every amended/bew functionality should be in it's own commit. That's the only way things can be changed/tested/committed, and the only way GIT-history is useful.

So what you're saying is, for two closely related features (which have already been tested by multiple users) to be merged into a testing branch (Dev), it needs to be split into several commits (which it is within my own fork) so that they can be tested(???). This is pretty outlandish, and is trying to argue against a feature in a way that's completely unrelated to the merits and totally related to bureaucracy - despite us asking multiple times how to present source code to Vix with no guidance.

And I can't see us accepting anything that can't be used universally, anything that's only useful for a specific setup. Even when it can be turned On/Off.

I can't say this any better than ketmp, but the point is: it can be used universally. This feature applies to anyone who wants to use whatever channel numbers they want without duplicates - they just have to setup a bouquet with the correct channel numbers. For many users, ABM does this for them already. Here are some examples of current settings where similar logic could be applied:
Alternative numbering mode
Enable multiple bouquets
Enable unlinked bouquets

Adding features is a balance. When coding in the future one has to be careful not to break that feature. The more features added the harder that becomes.
Yes, this true. However, based upon the code submitted, can you suggest any plausible scenario where this is possible? It's just speculation unless you can quantify any measure of risk.

And when feature the needs to be disabled just to run a basic setup like Scillian's it doesn't make sense adding it.
No, you're wrong. It just doesn't need to be enabled. The difference here is staggering.

I've still heard absolutely no suggestions about how this same functionality can be achieved while being more 'universal'. Seriously, if you're not happy with it, let's suggest a way to move forward.

23-10-15, 10:29
I don't think ViX has any option/setting for any specific group/user/setup.
Certainly not XBMC: it's available for everybody who has a box that supports this.Sorry I wasn't clear in my post :)

XBMC is only available to those that have a box that supports it (as you said) which isn't that many as far as i'm aware when compared to how many boxes you support and in similar circumstances these proposed features are also available to those that can make use of it (which is probably more of Vix customer base than boxes that support XBMC).

I was just trying to say that not all features Vix has can be used by ALL users (for various reasons including individual setups, boxes, etc).

Rob van der Does
23-10-15, 12:07
So what you're saying is, for two closely related features (which have already been tested by multiple users) to be merged into a testing branch (Dev), it needs to be split into several commits (which it is within my own fork) so that they can be tested(???). This is pretty outlandish, and is trying to argue against a feature in a way that's completely unrelated to the merits and totally related to bureaucracy - despite us asking multiple times how to present source code to Vix with no guidance.
It's not only about testing, but also about history as I tried to explain before.
GiT history is very important for maintaining of the software and for debugging. That simply requires that a commit is as small as possible, and certainly only related to one issue.

No, you're wrong. It just doesn't need to be enabled. The difference here is staggering.
But enabling it shouldn't give issues, for nobody and for no setup. That's one of the requirements we have and the thing we test as good as possible every time we add or amend functionality.

Seriously, if you're not happy with it, let's suggest a way to move forward.
That has been suggested/asked already: supply a patch/pullrequest holding only the service numbering in EPG. That will probably be accepted.

Sorry I wasn't clear in my post :)

XBMC is only available to those that have a box that supports it (as you said) which isn't that many as far as i'm aware when compared to how many boxes you support and in similar circumstances these proposed features are also available to those that can make use of it (which is probably more of Vix customer base than boxes that support XBMC).

I was just trying to say that not all features Vix has can be used by ALL users (for various reasons including individual setups, boxes, etc).

Of course different boxes have different options, depending on hardware & drivers: some have HDMI-in, transcoding, multiple tuners, scart, HbbTV, blindscan etc etc and others have not. Of course we (try to) support all options a specific box has.
But I fail to see the relation between this and the subject at hand, which is a general E2-change and is hence applicable to all boxes.

23-10-15, 12:13
But enabling it shouldn't give issues, for nobody and for no setup. That's one of the requirements we have and the thing we test as good as possible every time we add or amend functionality.

That has been suggested/asked already: supply a patch/pullrequest holding only the service numbering in EPG. That will probably be accepted.

The history is there as part of the pull request, and the commits are already staggered. I also don't agree that it causes 'issues' for anyone - there's no crashes or errors, it facilitates the desired behavior in all circumstances.

Regardless, I can split it into a separate pull request (that seems to be the issue here, not commits), but what I meant is that no one has suggested how duplicate channel numbering can be elegantly avoided in Vix. Primary Bouquets is the first working solution (afaik) that tackles this problem.

23-10-15, 13:35
I did some testing with the G-EPG numbers (Had no change color button option, skin issue?).
I created 4 bouquets.
1st: cable all channels
2nd: cable FTA
3th: Freesat all channels
4th: Freesat FTA
Alternative numbering on, no use of primary bouquet.

This displays the numbers in all bouquets the correct way. no issues.
Alternative numbering off:
Channel numbers correct in all bouquets, no issues.

Choose first bouquet as main bouquet:
channel numbers in 1st bouquet ok, in second bouquet it has the numbers of the first bouquet. Also when you are in the 2nd bouquet and choose another channel using the G-EPG, suddenly you are back in the 1st bouquet. That is not wanted behavior.
The 3th and 4th bouquets has there own channel numbers.:confused:

It doesn't matter if you have alternative numbering ON or OFF, it's the same behavior.

During testing I had 1 BSOD when I choose G-EPG.

IMO that 'choose primary bouquet for numbers' is complete unnecessary and give you unwanted behavior of channel picking.
Without it, it acts like it should be.

abu baniaz
23-10-15, 13:46
The primary bouquet thing is for people who have the large Sky UK bouquet. If you haven't got that, leave the setting as default. It is optional to switch it on.

Just like Virgin EPG is useless to lots of people and at the same time useful to lots of other people. The same applies here.

If you can upload the crashlog, it can be remedied.

Rob van der Does
23-10-15, 13:50
The primary bouquet thing is for people who have the large Sky UK bouquet. If you haven't got that, leave the setting as default. It is optional to switch it on.
An option that causes issues for a normal setup will not be taken aboard of ViX.

Just like Virgin EPG is useless to lots of people and at the same time useful to lots of other people. The same applies here.
That's a different story: turning 'Virgin EPG' on doesn't give any issue at all when you don't receive the data.

23-10-15, 14:16
The primary bouquet thing is for people who have the large Sky UK bouquet. If you haven't got that, leave the setting as default. It is optional to switch it on.

I don't understand what a large bouquet has to do with messing up channels in another bouquet.
A bouquet is an user defined channel list. You put channels in it, in an order you want and (when you know how to do it) you give it channel numbers you want (like ABM is doing it for you).
Why should there be an option to mess up your channel numbers in a bouquet and worse, when you choose another channel using G-EPG you suddenly hop to the "main" bouquet?

23-10-15, 14:43
no one has suggested how duplicate channel numbering can be elegantly avoided in VixChannel numbers do not exist in E2. The numbers shown in the list are just accumulative from the start of the first bouquet but in no file does a numbering system actually exist and correlate to services. If you want channel numbers build an SQL database of channels and have the channel numbers as one of the columns. Lots of work, but the correct way to do it.

abu baniaz
23-10-15, 14:58
allowing unlinked bouquets messes up order of bouquets. we have that option in image too.we imported it as default of being enabled. changed it to disabled because we discovered issue with it.

alternate numbering spoils some people's bouquets. perfect for others.

there is no numbering in E2. it is just the order they are loaded.

23-10-15, 15:34
Choose first bouquet as main bouquet:
channel numbers in 1st bouquet ok, in second bouquet it has the numbers of the first bouquet. Also when you are in the 2nd bouquet and choose another channel using the G-EPG, suddenly you are back in the 1st bouquet. That is not wanted behavior.
The 3th and 4th bouquets has there own channel numbers.:confused:

What do you mean "main bouquet"? I assume you mean Primary Bouquet? If so, this is /exactly/ the way it's meant to work. The Primary Bouquet has precedent over any other Bouquets, and where a service exists in the Primary Bouquet, this one is preferred. The idea is, you can assign channel numbers however you like in your Primary Bouquet, and create any other categories without worrying about cumulative numbers. If a service exists in a Primary Bouquet, it will always override a matching service in other bouquets. If you want to make use of the Primary Bouquet it's simple - just create a Bouquet list with all the channel numbers you want and set this is as the Primary Bouquet.

There is no need for you to use a Primary Bouquet because it seems you don't have a need for this functionality, whereas many others do. Simple.

As for the crash, it seems to be a crash in Enigma2 core and I can't trace it back to any python or EPG related activity. Keep an eye out if more crashes happen.

23-10-15, 15:42
Channel numbers do not exist in E2. The numbers shown in the list are just accumulative from the start of the first bouquet but in no file does a numbering system actually exist and correlate to services. If you want channel numbers build an SQL database of channels and have the channel numbers as one of the columns. Lots of work, but the correct way to do it.

Yes, a database of channels makes sense, and I had considered that. Actually, i think XML is more suited to this task as there is not going to be frequent reading/writing, so SQL would be a bit ott. The issue with this approach is that it would require every Bouquets maker (including ABM) to be aligned with this channel creation approach. Not only is this a large task in itself (given how difficult it is to get anyone to implement this relatively harmless change already) but it may not comply with OE-Alliance compatibility.

Let's not get into symantics over Channel Numbers not existing in E2 - i've heard this several times and I'm aware. There are numbers that appear when i select a channel. I'm going to call these Channel Numbers, regardless of where they're inherited from. You can't tell me that the numbers I type to Zap to a channel are somehow irrelevant. So, this is built for the users of today. The users that don't care and don't even know that E2 doesn't have channel numbers. The users that type a number to jump to a channel. The users that have requested more than once for improvements to the system.

abu baniaz
23-10-15, 16:00
The only objections have been from people usingvthe primary bouquet feature when they should not have.

Might as well as add numbers only for now. 28.2 users who complain about numbers not tallying can be told to use the main bouquet =HD

24-10-15, 02:55
So what you're saying is, for two closely related features (which have already been tested by multiple users) to be merged into a testing branch (Dev), it needs to be split into several commits (which it is within my own fork) so that they can be tested(???).As far as I can see they are only related in that they both affect the EPG. Beyond that they are two separate extensions to functionality.
So splitting them into two sets of changes would make sense in that it allows one to be added while the other is rejected.

24-10-15, 14:35
Guys been watching this thread for some time and I wanna bring our attention back to the original suggestion.

I mainly use the hdmi cec funtionality to control from my TV remote as this is part of vix otherwise this option wouldnt be there to enable and forces us to use the box remote etc only.

Heres the issue i have in the G-EPG you cant access the bouquets or even change to a differant bouquet as you dont have those extra SPECIAL buttons, also no way to access the recordings from anywhere within vix unless again you a special button dedicated to that job.

Plus is the IMDB red button actually any better than the information supplied within the epg data its not much use for tv shows is it, and heres another thing about IMDB its not anywhere to be seen in the movielist/recordings as you have the red button for the delete green for move yellow for location and blue to sort by etc.also go and watch something you have recorded earlier lets say a movie etc if i press the RED button it brings up the epg selection.

Dont say go and buy a harmony remote as i want to use the HDMI-CEC functionality instead.

As for showing numbers or referencing them to a main bouquet I have to say i have really no need for this as i find changing bouquets just as easy, think the only time ive used channel numbers directly is zapping to a channel etc like sky new 501 etc.
I can see it being usefull for sky uk etc like what I have but i can understand if you have a motorized dish than it could become quite confusing.

Rob van der Does
24-10-15, 15:33
You mean you're using the TV's R/C (via HDMI-CEC) to control the STB? Then you will indeed miss a lot of buttons.
IMHO you should do it the other way around: control the TV via the STB's R/C. After all, for controlling the TV when using an STB as source, you'll only need the TV to go 'on' and to the correct input (and maybe the volume & mute as well).

24-10-15, 16:11
You mean you're using the TV's R/C (via HDMI-CEC) to control the STB? Then you will indeed miss a lot of buttons.
IMHO you should do it the other way around: control the TV via the STB's R/C. After all, for controlling the TV when using an STB as source, you'll only need the TV to go 'on' and to the correct input (and maybe the volume & mute as well).

Yes thats exactly what i mean controlling the stb with the TV's R/C , yes you can control the TV via the STB's R/C but only if its a univeral type like with a VU remote etc but I would say most STB's you can buy now are not the universal type ie control STB and TV.

Rob van der Does
24-10-15, 17:57
No, I meant HDMI-CEC the other way around; let the STB control the TV via HDMI-CEC.

24-11-15, 13:42
"Killercow 20151022 GraphEPG Numbers" were working fine with 3.2.021, but since 3.2.023 it crashes in a bootloop when loading GUI. Anyone else having this?


24-11-15, 22:17
The relevant bit from the logs is:
KeyError: 'timer_sanity_check_enabled'
which was added in 023. Something to do with using a remote receiver, IIRC.

25-11-15, 19:41
"Killercow 20151022 GraphEPG Numbers" were working fine with 3.2.021, but since 3.2.023 it crashes in a bootloop when loading GUI. Anyone else having this?Had a quick look. Use the attached file in replace of existing one in "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/".

Let me know if it sorts it :)

26-11-15, 11:23
Thanks, but there is no "UsageConfig.py" in "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/" so the problem will be the same.

26-11-15, 19:31
Thanks, but there is no "UsageConfig.py" in "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/" so the problem will be the same.There isn't, but if you put it there and restart the GUI you will find that a new UsageConfig.pyo (the compiled version) is built from it and used.

07-12-15, 21:12
Hey Guys

Been looking at the entire 350 posts to possibly implement matts code into my new skin and have noticed that theirs different mods and improvements by many contributers namely Matt007, BBUK,Ketmp , darkdreamingdan , KIllerCow and others.

Is there a all in one download now to implement these changes as you have to trawl though the thread trying to work out what to implement or not.

For example below.

darkdreamingdan post 307 (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?42788-Some-ideas-to-improve-the-Graphical-EPG-screen&p=378561&viewfull=1#post378561) for the modified work from matt007 and bbuk for adding the options menu , green for recordings also adding search by channel in the epg.

Then we have
KIllerCow post 310 (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?42788-Some-ideas-to-improve-the-Graphical-EPG-screen&p=378575&viewfull=1#post378575) for seeing the channel numbers in Epg Guide and referencing them to the main bouquet for example 101 in the All Channels Bouquet is matched with the same channel in the entertainment bouquet.

Previously in post Post 285 (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?42788-Some-ideas-to-improve-the-Graphical-EPG-screen&p=378036&viewfull=1#post378036) and 288 (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?42788-Some-ideas-to-improve-the-Graphical-EPG-screen&p=378050&viewfull=1#post378050) by Ketmp

He came up with the mod to change what the colored buttons do in the Epg Graph such as red for Imdb, Bouquet List, Show Movies, +24 Hours etc same with the other colored keys.

I think Ketmp's mod would work great with the above but not sure if his mod uses the options menu like in matt007's code .

Can someone add to the above and let us know if the mods have been merged.

Would be grateful.

16-12-15, 20:35
I agree, just read this entire thread and am totally confused. Does killercows components just bring in the numbers, or do they also include matt007 and bbuk, epg tabs and button changes. As there is no PY files provided from killercow there is no way for me to check this or combine the 2. I am also presume if I install killercows files its going to overwrite matts files. So reading between the lines its one or the other at the moment. Is that correct.

02-12-18, 23:16
Thanks for your help twol, all working again.
Now I just need to figure out what has changed in the EPGselection.py that is causing my custom file to crash the epg in 015

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

What skin are you using? Theres been some changes I have updated EPGselection.py to work with tabs on slyk1080r19_2.04_20181117 If your using an older skin then delete this section in the epgselection.py https://github.com/OpenViX/enigma2/commit/293b06947fd57b0b24f73868112d8d7352e01ded#diff-408709214d51e87e6c4bc90116c358edL461

03-12-18, 06:54
What skin are you using? Theres been some changes I have updated EPGselection.py to work with tabs on slyk1080r19_2.04_20181117 If your using an older skin then delete this section in the epgselection.py https://github.com/OpenViX/enigma2/commit/293b06947fd57b0b24f73868112d8d7352e01ded#diff-408709214d51e87e6c4bc90116c358edL461

I use YouVIX-Blue

I modded mine, so that CH+ & CH- paged up and down. Green to recordings, yellow -24 hours and blue +24 hours.
Problem is I did it so long ago, I can’t remember how I did it??
I can’t even get the file to display properly in Notepad ++, its all characters and symbols.
At least now I’ve got multiboot working correctly I can mess around and still have a good image to fall back on.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

03-12-18, 11:12
I can’t even get the file to display properly in Notepad ++, its all characters and symbols.
That sounds as though you're looking at the EpgList.pyo file?
You should have a EpgList.py one.

If not, post the EpgList.pyo file and I'll try to work out the diffs for you.

03-12-18, 12:01
I use YouVIX-Blue

I modded mine, so that CH+ & CH- paged up and down. Green to recordings, yellow -24 hours and blue +24 hours.
Problem is I did it so long ago, I can’t remember how I did it??
I can’t even get the file to display properly in Notepad ++, its all characters and symbols.
At least now I’ve got multiboot working correctly I can mess around and still have a good image to fall back on.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Try this Epgselection.py it has code for tabs too but it shouldn't matter.

04-12-18, 21:09
Try this Epgselection.py it has code for tabs too but it shouldn't matter.

Thank you dsayers, that is exactly what I wanted. Should be in vix by default.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

04-12-18, 21:15
I agree with changing functions of buttons but not so much for record and series link. Maybe vix can add the code that ATV has to change functions of colours buttons but also add options for ch+ and ch-

abu baniaz
04-12-18, 21:45
The options ought to be added to button setup/hotkey

04-12-18, 22:25
I agree with changing functions of buttons but not so much for record and series link. Maybe vix can add the code that ATV has to change functions of colours buttons but also add options for ch+ and ch-This has been talked about for a very long time and a very popular addition but ultimately without success when having Vix adopt this.

ATV did commit the pull requests I did for first half of epg mod. I then got side tracked and forgot about remainder.

05-12-18, 21:11
This has been talked about for a very long time and a very popular addition but ultimately without success when having Vix adopt this.

ATV did commit the pull requests I did for first half of epg mod. I then got side tracked and forgot about remainder.

I did try adding guide-list bouquets a few years ago but the commit was rejected and they wanted a previous bouquet tab showing but I couldnt work it out.

Could you possibly look at adding them to ViX?

I tried here https://github.com/davesayers2014/enigma2-1/commit/73aaf44ecd3a76f2e4076d6e5610e155cdee44f0

But I get crash

< 44197.086> Traceback (most recent call last):
< 44197.086> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 51, in action
< 44197.203> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 104, in okbuttonClick
< 44197.203> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1583, in openBouquetEPG
< 44197.203> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 320, in openWithCallback
< 44197.204> dlg = self.open(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 44197.204> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 330, in open
< 44197.204> dlg = self.current_dialog = self.instantiateDialog(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 44197.204> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 267, in instantiateDialog
< 44197.204> return self.doInstantiateDialog(screen, arguments, kwargs, self.desktop)
< 44197.204> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 290, in doInstantiateDialog
< 44197.204> dlg = screen(self, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 44197.204> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/EpgSelection.py", line 99, in __init__
< 44197.204> self.RefreshColouredKeys()
< 44197.205> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/EpgSelection.py", line 1660, in RefreshColouredKeys
< 44197.206> if config.epgselection.graph_red.value == "24plus":
< 44197.206> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/config.py", line 1889, in __getattr__
< 44197.206> AttributeError: graph_red
< 44197.206> [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method ActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.ActionMap instance at 0x9ec5a198>>,('OkCancelActions', 'ok')) failed)

It would be good if you can add ch+ and ch - minus too.

Crash log attached.

The options ought to be added to button setup/hotkey

What would be bad with adding to EPG menu?

06-12-18, 00:47
What would be bad with adding to EPG menu?Given that they aren't meant to be global keybindings (the idea is for them to be EPG-specific) - I would say, "Nothing".

06-12-18, 00:54
I tried here https://github.com/davesayers2014/enigma2-1/commit/73aaf44ecd3a76f2e4076d6e5610e155cdee44f0Long series of if tests always give the impression that the coding could be simplified.
If nothing else, 8 if tests in a row for the same value should be replaced by 1 if and 7 elifs, as it can only have one of the values at a time.



class FuncMap(dict):
def __missing__(self, key):
return None

RGYBKeyMap = FuncMap()
RGYBKeyMap = {
"24plus": "self.nextService()",
"24minus": "self.prevService()",
"timer": "self.RecordTimerQuestion(True)",
"imdb": "self.openIMDb()",
"autotimer": "self.addAutoTimer()",
"bouquetlist": "self.Bouquetlist()",
"epgsearch": "self.openEPGSearch()",
"showmovies": "self.showMovieSelection()",
"record": "self.RecordTimerQuestion()",
"gotodatetime": "self.enterDateTime()",

for graph_yellow in ("24plus", "autotimer", None, "gotodatetime"):
if graph_yellow:
to_call = RGYBKeyMap[graph_yellow]
to_call = "self.openEPGSearch()"
if not to_call: # Set default
to_call = "self.openEPGSearch()"
print graph_yellow, "maps to function", to_call

07-12-18, 18:29
Looks like I missed a few of bbbuk commits https://github.com/davesayers2014/enigma2-1/commit/68fac5abd1543c60a33d5dc48b6b5310f7bb7ea4

Only issue I had to # #self['dialogactions'] lines.

07-12-18, 19:15
Looks like I missed a few of bbbuk commits https://github.com/davesayers2014/enigma2-1/commit/68fac5abd1543c60a33d5dc48b6b5310f7bb7ea4Which has one array repeated 4 times.
Just create it once and use it 4 times...

07-12-18, 20:35
Which has one array repeated 4 times.
Just create it once and use it 4 times...

Thanks ill take a look when I get chance.

07-12-18, 22:42
Given that they aren't meant to be global keybindings (the idea is for them to be EPG-specific) - I would say, "Nothing".Unfortunately, it was overuled by some in Vix!

If I remember correctly there was even a poll and it was very popular but thread was ultimately closed.

I do know there is at least one member who did try to keep mod upto date with changes within Vix.

abu baniaz
03-01-19, 01:25
What would be bad with adding to EPG menu?
It was discussed, as a team, the decision was no.

It is definitely bad hacking out code that has been added to the image instead of adapting code. All images allow users to select bouquets within the G-EPG. It is the TV button on OEA images. PLI uses bouquet/Ch+/-

bbbuk always used to add debug to indicate it was his file in use. Saved so much messing around with identifying issues.

18-01-19, 20:03
Can we change "Add Timer" to "Record" and "Add AutoTimer" to "Record Series"? for regular users who are used to regular boxes coming to OpenViX is a big leap to take. How would a regular user know what Add AutoTimer means?

18-01-19, 20:09
Can we change "Add Timer" to "Record" and "Add AutoTimer" to "Record Series"? for regular users who are used to regular boxes coming to OpenViX is a big leap to take. How would a regular user know what Add AutoTimer means?
You've already had answers to the same question you asked a few days ago.

"timers" have always been used for recordings for as long as I can remember.

I used to have a Sony C9 Betamax recorder.... 1982 Review... "From the consumer point of view the C9 is a stylish front loading machine which has a 9 event 14 day timer...".

18-01-19, 21:28
How would a regular user know what Add AutoTimer means?

Autotimer doesn't mean just record a series! It can be used to search for a programme name that hasn't appeared in your EPG yet, perhaps in 3 to 6 months time. Also Add Timer can be used to record a series (if episodes are reapeated an the same time daily/weekly)

Like most boxes I've owned some of the terminolgy is different to what I've owned previously but I've soon got used to the functionality of a new box and the terminology it uses. For instance on a previous (non Enigma2/Openvix) box similar functionality was referred to as PowerSearch, SeriesSearch and TextSearch. All 3 could be used to automatically set timers in the future and 2 modes allowed recording a series). Autotimer contains the functionality of most of the PowerSearch and TextSearch. Series search on my previous box used a facility not available in Openvix. OpenVix already has a "record" function and a Power timer, albeit the latter is not necessarily related to recording programmes.

Add Autotimers can be much more powerfull than the simple "Record Series" as implemented on lesser Freeview/Freesat branded boxes.

22-01-19, 11:12
Autotimer doesn't mean just record a series! It can be used to search for a programme name that hasn't appeared in your EPG yet, perhaps in 3 to 6 months time. Also Add Timer can be used to record a series (if episodes are reapeated an the same time daily/weekly)

Like most boxes I've owned some of the terminolgy is different to what I've owned previously but I've soon got used to the functionality of a new box and the terminology it uses. For instance on a previous (non Enigma2/Openvix) box similar functionality was referred to as PowerSearch, SeriesSearch and TextSearch. All 3 could be used to automatically set timers in the future and 2 modes allowed recording a series). Autotimer contains the functionality of most of the PowerSearch and TextSearch. Series search on my previous box used a facility not available in Openvix. OpenVix already has a "record" function and a Power timer, albeit the latter is not necessarily related to recording programmes.

Add Autotimers can be much more powerfull than the simple "Record Series" as implemented on lesser Freeview/Freesat branded boxes.
and how did you discover this new terminology? how did you find out for yourself what AutoTimer means?

22-01-19, 13:17
and how did you discover this new terminology? how did you find out for yourself what AutoTimer means?
Personally, by clicking on the button and seeing what the options were. Then it was obvious what it was.

22-01-19, 19:45
Autotimer doesn't mean just record a series! It can be used to search for a programme name that hasn't appeared in your EPG yet, perhaps in 3 to 6 months time. Also Add Timer can be used to record a series (if episodes are reapeated an the same time daily/weekly)

Like most boxes I've owned some of the terminolgy is different to what I've owned previously but I've soon got used to the functionality of a new box and the terminology it uses. For instance on a previous (non Enigma2/Openvix) box similar functionality was referred to as PowerSearch, SeriesSearch and TextSearch. All 3 could be used to automatically set timers in the future and 2 modes allowed recording a series). Autotimer contains the functionality of most of the PowerSearch and TextSearch. Series search on my previous box used a facility not available in Openvix. OpenVix already has a "record" function and a Power timer, albeit the latter is not necessarily related to recording programmes.

Add Autotimers can be much more powerfull than the simple "Record Series" as implemented on lesser Freeview/Freesat branded boxes.
how can you know what the programme title is going to be 3 to 6 months in advance?

The Power timer only works when a channel is being watched. If the EPG, settings or a plugin is open then the Power timer does nothing.

22-01-19, 19:46
Personally, by clicking on the button and seeing what the options were. Then it was obvious what it was.
you sure about that?

22-01-19, 19:54
how can you know what the programme title is going to be 3 to 6 months in advance?

I often leave my autotimers in place after a series has finished. It will automatically pick up the next series without having to bother.

22-01-19, 19:58
I often leave my autotimers in place after a series has finished. It will automatically pick up the next series without having to bother.
And if there's something you've missed, you can set up an autotimer to record it the next time it's broadcast. Simple.

22-01-19, 20:15
The Power timer only works when a channel is being watched. If the EPG, settings or a plugin is open then the Power timer does nothing.The reference to a PowerSearch (on a different box) is nothing to do with a Power Timers, which in turn has nothing to do with recording,.

22-01-19, 20:16
you sure about that?Yes, I'm certain.

22-01-19, 20:21
I often leave my autotimers in place after a series has finished. It will automatically pick up the next series without having to bother.
if the events start at the same time in the next series. that would probably work for coronation street idk about every series. It's nice to know that it might catch it if you do miss the start of the next series though.

22-01-19, 20:23
The reference to a PowerSearch (on a different box) is nothing to do with a Power Timers, which in turn has nothing to do with recording,.
but they all have one thing in common, they are all timed functions.
What are we talking about Power searches for? Surely a search function should also be separate from a timer function? I think yellow is for searches right?

Also set a Power Timer on your box to automatically turn put your box into standby mode after 1 hour then open the EPG and leave your box for 1 hour. It will not turn off even if there is no activity in the EPG. It will even detect that you have been inactive and still function as normal but it will not turn your box off if you have the EPG open. When you close the EPG it will show a notification telling you that you have been inactive for 1 hour and the box is automatically going to turn off. But closing the EPG is a form of activity and the box is supposed to stay switched on when your are active with this particular type of timer.

22-01-19, 20:28
but they all have one thing in common, they are all timed functions. except what are we talking about Power searches for?We're not. You are. For some reason.

22-01-19, 20:32
if it starts at the same time with the next series. that would probably work for coronation street idk about every series. It's nice to know that it might catch it if you miss the start of the next series though.

You can set autotimers to pick up any time, any day, any channel. When your programme appears in the epg it will set a record timer for it, or a zap timer, or record and zap depending on what you set it for.

22-01-19, 20:34
You can set autotimers to pick up any time, any day, any channel. When your programme appears in the epg it will set a record timer for it, or a zap timer, or record and zap depending on what you set it for.
some series get repeated twice before the start of the next series. but not all of them. I agree this is a nice function and can work well for some types of series.

abu baniaz
22-01-19, 20:36
There is no native functionality to check episode or series numbers in Enigma2

22-01-19, 20:37
We're not. You are. For some reason.
you're trolling me now.
Power search should be contained within the yellow (i think) search button.
Auto timer should be contained within the blue timer button.
Record should be contained within the green record button.

22-01-19, 21:04
The reference to a PowerSearch (on a different box) is nothing to do with a Power Timers, which in turn has nothing to do with recording,.

The use of PowerSearch related to a Topfield box and was used as an example to demonstate that not all boxes use the word "record" to set criteria for setting timers.

On an Enigma2/OpenVix box a power timers can be used, for example, to
Put your box into standby/deep_standby at a certain time of day, say, when you usually retire to bed.
Put your box into standby/deep_stabdby if you don't touch a button on the remote for a given period of time.

22-01-19, 21:13
The use of PowerSearch related to a Topfield box and was used as an example to demonstate that not all boxes use the word "record" to set criteria for setting timers.

On an Enigma2/OpenVix box a power timers can be used, for example, to
Put your box into standby/deep_standby at a certain time of day, say, when you usually retire to bed.
Put your box into standby/deep_stabdby if you don't touch a button on the remote for a given period of time.
do you use the record button to set a power on/off timer?

23-01-19, 02:15
do you use the record button to set a power on/off timer?No, I go via the Timer menu, which is where I can set timers - such as setting a recording to occur at a future time.

07-03-20, 15:52

I would like to add my request to the long list of requests.
I currently use KiddaC mod on one of his skins and it has a great layout for the buttons:

The Red button is called "Options" and combines "Record" , "Record Series" , "search EPG" and "Search ImDB"
The Green Button takes to to "Recordings" aka File List
The blue and yellow buttons are +24 hours and -24 hours in the EPG

This seems to be a really good setup. However..... KiddaC's modification is a bit broken as its based on an old epgselection.py file so is not working quite right.

I guess what I'm really asking - is it possible to have the above or

a) Be able to customize the buttons both at the top level and then a sub level. That way each person can pick and choose what functions they would like on the buttons to match their usage
b) Have a selection screen where you can choose this setup and perhaps 2 or threee other "popular" setups.

That would give something well above other builds and make make VIX even more popular (in my humble opeinion).


abu baniaz
16-12-21, 16:38
Just to update this thread, most of the changes in this thread have been added to ViX. Press Menu while in an EPG screen, there will be options for you to define what the buttons do.

16-12-21, 16:58
Yes, thanks Simon for the revamp.

19-02-22, 16:50
just installed latest vix 6.007 and now when i push epg multichannel and then bouquetes the list with bouquets above the epg is very small .Where can I adjust that now ? Using standard skin on my vu duo 2

19-02-22, 18:09
just installed latest vix 6.007 and now when i push epg multichannel and then bouquetes the list with bouquets above the epg is very small .Where can I adjust that now ? Using standard skin on my vu duo 2Try this: