View Full Version : How to tell if your box is a clone or not?

07-12-14, 03:04
How can you tell if your box is a clone or not any help would be great lopkong to upgrade image or update software

07-12-14, 08:42
some of the most obvious things to look out for are.

The price you paid for the receiver and the place you purchased it.
Does it have any stickers or markings indicating a version such as V2 or V3 ?, or any web addresses to so called "safe" images ?.
Does it have a mini USB connection on the back plate ?, some clones do but not the originals.

Ideally we would need more information from you in order to say one way or the other if it's a clone or not. and if it is a clone we can't and wont provide support for it here.

07-12-14, 11:38
A hugely important thing is where you bought it. WOS and ********** to name 2 reputable retailers don't sell clones, whereas eBay is rife with clones.

07-12-14, 11:39
Did this really just star out gold wafers?!?