View Full Version : Help with editing Sat Chan lists

04-12-14, 12:36
Any chance that someone can help me out here. I have the latest VIX F/W installed on a Mutant 2400HD done a channel search all OK installed all necessary CAMs etc.
Downloaded and installed dreambox edit and connected to the Mutant, downloaded all the sat info all was fine in the viewing screen. So far so good.
Now the problems start, when I edit the list to create section etc and save the new layout, so far so good, every time I try to upload the new edited files to the Mutant it reports error uploading the lame db file to the mutant box, and the operation does nothing. So basically I'm left with the same sat list as before. This is really annoying. When I had my old DB back in the day this was such an easy process.
This has happened before with a VU+ box. So I'm thinking is it my PC, is it a problem with dreambox edit or is there another issue. Does anyone have any ideas ? or could someone recommend a different editor that I can try.
Help would be much appreciated.

abu baniaz
04-12-14, 12:39
Save your channel list and upload here. Easiest way for someone to reproduce it.

What settings have you set for DBedit? What are the exact errors you get?

04-12-14, 14:27
Are you using the latest v6.0 version of Dreambox edit.

04-12-14, 15:00
always put enigma to sleep when overwriting lamedb "init 4"

04-12-14, 17:07
Thanks for the help , but I've done that and every time I get the following error for the uploading of the lamedb. See file


04-12-14, 17:44
Are you sure that's the correct IP address for your box?

04-12-14, 18:00
Yes It's the same IP that is used for the download of the sat files

04-12-14, 18:58
1. go to setting / network on the mutant and find out out what the I/p address is and use this in dreamboxedit I would think it will be 192.168.x.x
2. Save you edited sat file list then exit dreamboxedit, restart dreamboxedit and load the file that you saved on your computer. then try to upload it to the receiver.

04-12-14, 20:10
The IP is as shown I set this to match the network I use. If it was the incorrect IP I would not be able to FTP , or TCP or even ping the box.

04-12-14, 20:27
Not sure it will make a difference, but run as administrator .... sometimes it fixes issues. :)

06-12-14, 14:52
Finally found out what the problem was. It was the firewall on the network. Kept ports open for download but blocked ports for up load?? Changed the settings in the Foirewall to keep ports open and all worked.But thanks anyway for all the suggestions.