View Full Version : Fried vu+ duo box

02-12-14, 21:02
Hi I'm new to the vu+ box and it got a problem 😥
I was attempting to install a sata hdd all was going well until I went to attach the power lead an do I touched the casting and a big bang causing the leccy to trip. When I restored power the vu+ duo is showing "starting" with a red light
The fan on the box isn't spinning when I turn it on but the hdd is spinning
Can anyone please help please thanks

02-12-14, 21:54
maybe you blew the cap and reg? duo was known for cap or/and reg to go causing above issues,problem is has it done other damage,should be plenty of posts for duo red light fix.


02-12-14, 22:06
Cheers for reply I'm going to get a cap & reg tomorrow so fingers crossed

02-12-14, 22:12
have a look at the boards with box unplugged to see if you can spot any other damage.

02-12-14, 23:30
if the cap is bulging slightly on the top of it then it's shot and needs replacing. replace that 1st and if it all works then just use it.

04-12-14, 11:48
Iv gone over the motherboard with a magnifying glass and can't find any cap bulging so was thinking it's the reg can someone point where it is plz

04-12-14, 12:41
Have a look at this thread


In the second picture the regulators are marked U801, U802, U803. You'll only be able to make out the text for U802. U801 and U803 are next to U802 and look exactly the same.

04-12-14, 14:11
thanks ill take a look

05-12-14, 00:35
Can someone tell me how do I flash my box using the serial port please

05-12-14, 08:07
Have a look at this thread
