View Full Version : ipkg update

01-12-10, 09:36
did a sofware update pli,now when i try to get plugins it says to run ipkg update,how do you do that?

01-12-10, 10:15
Telnet in to the box, and issue that command.

01-12-10, 10:26
might need some help with that,could yoy tell me line

01-12-10, 10:52
What computer are you using? Windows, linux or mac? If linux or mac, telnet is installed by standard. Just open a terminal window, and use the commands at end of document. If you're using windows, you will need to enable the telnet client. Go to control panel add/remove programs, then choose the add/remove windows components. Then, scroll through until you find the telnet client, and install the telnet client. Then, you can load up a command prompt.

Now, in terminal or command prompt, issue the command (where is the local ip address of your vu duo):


Now, it will ask you for the username and password. If you haven't set this up for your box yet, the username is root and the password is left empty (i.e. just press the enter key).

Now, type:

ipkg update

This will then update to allow you to use the plugins and extensions...

01-12-10, 16:38
it came up with :error command failed with return value 1:

01-12-10, 16:58
it came up with :error command failed with return value 1:

What gave that error? Installing telnet, or running the ipkg update command in telnet?

02-12-10, 00:06
running the ipkg update command in telnet

02-12-10, 02:17
running the ipkg update command in telnet to the vuduo,shows web site ,but error for download

02-12-10, 09:24
Can you copy & paste everything it says? Should come up with something like this:

root@bm750:~# ipkg update
Downloading http://www.openpli.com/plugin_feed/vuplus/bm750/feeds/all/Packages.gz
Inflating http://www.openpli.com/plugin_feed/vuplus/bm750/feeds/all/Packages.gz
Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/official-all
Downloading http://www.openpli.com/plugin_feed/vuplus/bm750/feeds/bm750/Packages.gz
Inflating http://www.openpli.com/plugin_feed/vuplus/bm750/feeds/bm750/Packages.gz
Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/official-bm750
Downloading http://www.openpli.com/plugin_feed/vuplus/bm750/feeds/mipsel/Packages.gz
Inflating http://www.openpli.com/plugin_feed/vuplus/bm750/feeds/mipsel/Packages.gz
Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/official-mipsel

Not sure of the exact paths, as I just made it all up. But should have something along those lines if it's successful. So wondering what yours says because you're saying it's unsuccessful...

02-12-10, 09:38
here is a screen shot of box

02-12-10, 09:43
try again hope it comes though

02-12-10, 13:31
try again hope it comes though

i don't think PLi support online updates.

02-12-10, 17:26
As Andy stated Openpli 1.0 does not support online updates, only the daily beta builds.

02-12-10, 17:36

02-12-10, 23:20

i dont think that will work with pli but worth a shot

opkg update

03-12-10, 15:24
As Andy stated Openpli 1.0 does not support online updates, only the daily beta builds.

Sorry, I assumed they did the online updates, as thought that was where I first heard about online updates...