View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] where can i download the old images?

27-11-14, 18:08
hi all
where can a get the older images (older than apolo)
this new image keeps crashing my duo so would like to do backwards please

abu baniaz
27-11-14, 21:00
Older images were deleted from our servers. You will be able to get then from other sites where people upload them. Be aware that you will not be able to install from the plugin feeds.

If your receiver is crashing, you should really document what is happening, what settings you are using and upload the crash logs from the crashes. Surely if there is a problem it should be fixed?

27-11-14, 22:58
Have you tried keeping the latest Apollo, but setting up a swap file. Give it a try to see if it solves your crashes.

29-11-14, 20:06
Have you tried keeping the latest Apollo, but setting up a swap file. Give it a try to see if it solves your crashes.

thanks for your replys
what is the differance in the apollo and apolloHD? please
i have been using the HD version and when it crashes it just locks up with the rotating circles in the top left of screen......
so is it stillcreating crash logs like when we use to get with the green screeen?
i will try the none hd next
once again
to you all:)

30-11-14, 16:26
thanks for your replys
what is the differance in the apollo and apolloHD? please
i have been using the HD version and when it crashes it just locks up with the rotating circles in the top left of screen......
so is it stillcreating crash logs like when we use to get with the green screeen?
i will try the none hd next
once again
to you all:)

forgive my ignorance but what is a swap file and how do i use it?
i have had my duo for about 3 years and always prefeard the vix images

30-11-14, 17:06
do you have the latest bootloader installed and what image on your box, no point in putting old image on box,
check bootloader, clean flash with latest image

abu baniaz
30-11-14, 17:12
A swap file is basically virtual RAM. This is cretaed ons torage device such as a HDD. When the system requires more memory to complete a process, the swap file is used.

Blue > Vix > Swap Manager

Don't confuse following:
Flash memory. (Internal memory where image is saved)
Storage space on HDD/USB

01-12-14, 08:14
thanks again
i have the latest bootloader in the duo..
i have put the Apollo image in now and it seen stable now maybe it was my faulty for using the ApolloHD i dont know what the differance is..
is there a tut to show me how to use a swopfile?

01-12-14, 14:54
Set up the swap file on your hard drive as described above. It will give you extra working memory and take only a tiny amount of space on your HDD.

In use it is automatic, whenever you need more memory the system will use some of the swap file - if you look at the info screen you can see how much is used.

24-12-14, 20:21
I try that too because the new(er) VIX looks very nice but keeps crashing my system.
Strange my other box has a VIX form years ago and NEVER crashes.
Very disappointing VIX experience so far. What I really don't understand either is why on earth there is a new image every day, 365 days a year????
Any suggestions of a working stable VIX version?


24-12-14, 20:28
I try that too because the new(er) VIX looks very nice but keeps crashing my system.
Strange my other box has a VIX form years ago and NEVER crashes.
Very disappointing VIX experience so far. What I really don't understand either is why on earth there is a new image every day, 365 days a year????
Any suggestions of a working stable VIX version?


Crash = crashlog.
Without uploading them, it's just a waste of time guessing what your issue might be.

24-12-14, 20:33
What I really don't understand either is why on earth there is a new image every day, 365 days a year????

Because without that constant drive to update and better the image from day 1, you would not have a ViX image to begin with, nor would half of the current receivers on the market have any kind of Enigma2 support.

Any suggestions of a working stable VIX version?

ALL of my receivers are running Apollo series images with little or no observable issues, that said every ones setup is different and not all will work as expected. As judge said above we need crash logs and detailed bug reports or there is simply no hope that we will ever be able to discover why you seem to be having problems with your receiver.

24-12-14, 21:23
might he have needed cacheflush on the duo as resources run low might that cause issues?:smash::smash:

24-12-14, 21:41
might he have needed cacheflush on the duo as resources run low might that cause issues?:smash::smash:

Without him telling us what exactly is going on with the receiver, we will not know.

25-12-14, 07:09
Vu+ Duo is an old machine in comparison to the newer generation. It's a must to setup a swap file for these type of boxes, especially a Vu+ Duo and Vu+ Solo, these receivers lack memory so setting a swap file will greatly improve things.
All you need to do is blue button, ViX, Swap Manager, blue button to create, go with the 256mb option on your hard drive. After a minute or two, you will now see a path saying something like "Swap Place/media/hdd/swapfile". At this point press yellow button, then green button and what this does it enable the swap file on startup and activates it for you. Then finally just red button to close and exit.

25-12-14, 11:23
Happy Christmas to All,

Not wishing to hijack this thread as the information that has been detailed so far sounds sensible and I am reading this thread with interest and taking onboard the comments and positive suggestions that have been so far added, ie it is it advisable/recommended to create a swap file as a vix user(Vu+solo2)


25-12-14, 11:26
John, not advisable for the newer models especially a Vu+ Solo2, plenty of memory on these boxes!!

25-12-14, 11:28
OK, where do I find a crashlog?


25-12-14, 11:46
IMO it is very contra-productive to make new images on a daily basis, there is no way to verify the working of such image with its thousands of plug-ins.
Never mind, I have seen and had this discussions in all other image websites too, builders still prefer making images with bugs on daily basis rather then keep a stable one and go from there.
My setup is very basic although the first crash happened after I tried some EGP additions. I removed all that but the box still crashes on a regular basis.
NOTE my other box with vix form a few years back NEVER crashes.


25-12-14, 11:56
boxes should not crash,any time i do a new image is by usb and no backups used always start from scratch ,i dont get box crashing or if i do is because i pressed remote too quickly which brings up an error,have you read the vix manual from downloads? i use cross epg.

25-12-14, 12:38
cross epg doesn't give much epg on the British channels. Some downloader did but then my box hangs and crashes every time.


25-12-14, 13:09
cross epg doesn't give much epg on the British channels. Some downloader did but then my box hangs and crashes every time.


CrossEPG is the best EPG currently possible for sky uk and has worked flawlessly for me for the four years I have been using it.

25-12-14, 14:07
used to use xmltv but when i manually tried to download,it was like a snail dam slow and now as i said use cross epg to a usb instead:D

25-12-14, 15:04

Thank you very for you're reply its really appreciated.


26-12-14, 13:06
Well almost none of the british channels show EPG info with crossEPG.
Some other downloader did show EPG on allmost all channels but that crashes my box every time.


26-12-14, 13:09
Well almost none of the british channels show EPG info with crossEPG.
Some other downloader did show EPG on allmost all channels but that crashes my box every time.


Which British channels ?.

27-12-14, 13:25
Basically none of the british channels showing EPG.
( using the HansSettings http://www.detransponder.nl/downloads/kanalenlijsten/ )
I have to switch to each channel and after that that particular channel might show EPG, most don't.
CrossEPG doesn't show any channel after "downloading".
Bigger problem is that my box still crashes and I see no log file.


27-12-14, 14:02
where on settings is the epg been stored?do you have a working usb in rear of box,sometimes i reformat on pc and reset it up on box when i have epg issues and use the blue button to download it again if needed.

27-12-14, 15:25
where on settings is the epg been stored?do you have a working usb in rear of box,sometimes i reformat on pc and reset it up on box when i have epg issues and use the blue button to download it again if needed.

I don't konw where the EPG info is stored, I use no USB, should I?


27-12-14, 16:35
You are getting your self confused, exactly which satellites do you want EPG's for ?, be specific because you will likely need to use a combination of both CrossEPG and internet based EPG downloader.

abu baniaz
27-12-14, 17:42
What storage devices do you have on your receiver?
In the EPG menu, where have you set it to save the EPG? I hope it is not internal flash.

28-12-14, 12:37
I want EPG for all satellites I install. At the moment I look at Astra 19e 23e 28e and the hotbird 13e.
Most channels show EPG as it is although CanalDigitaal (dutch TV) on 28e never show the correct progeams :-)
British channels are on 23e and hardly ever show EPG and that is what I want a solution for.


28-12-14, 12:41
for 28.2 east use CrossEPG with the OpenTV streams, thats exactly the same EPG that sky uk use and it covers every thing for a full 7 days. I have used this for over 4 years and it has always worked perfectly for me.

Rob van der Does
29-12-14, 11:54
Moved to this section.

Please read this thread HERE (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?33154-ALL-MEMBERS-PLEASE-READ!-New-method-of-posting-in-ViX-Support-Section-coming-soon!)

abu baniaz
29-12-14, 14:35
@edmundf, please answer following

What storage devices do you have on your receiver?
In the EPG menu, where have you set it to save the EPG? I hope it is not internal flash.

29-12-14, 18:21
It is saved on the Harddrive.
