View Full Version : how to stream vu box to vu app

27-11-14, 14:18
trying to stream my vu solo 2 box to the vu app on my iphone 6 which is on ios 8

tried to do this many a times but i get no where all the time

what i want to do is be able to steam the box to my phone over phones network
i can however get it work when using home wifi but not out side of it

i have a sky router so please tell me how to open the correct ports to get to work on phones network

which app is also best to use to get this to work as ive got two vu apps on my phones too

hope someone can help and i may need a remote help if all fails as ive tried this so may times starting to lose faith in doing it

thanks in advance

27-11-14, 14:36
I tried this when I first got my solo2, your right you need to open ports on your router, but do you then need the hassle of people hacking your box which frequently happened to me? Ps default ports for these apps are 80 & 8080 usually.

27-11-14, 14:43
Go to port forwarding on your router and setup up
You will need the i/p address of your VU and the port which I think is 80 or 8080
Start and Finish Port 80 or 8080
Protocol TCP & UDP
I/P Address look in network section on VU for I/P address

Once set up you will login as

[url]http://192.168.x.xxx:80 or 8080

Suggest you password protect your VU so no one else can access it.
You can change the default ports on you Vu to something else in the range 80 to 89 or 8080 8090 or something like this and choose a good username and password

27-11-14, 14:53
You say you have Sky router and it doesn't work outside. The answer given is for 192.168.x.x network ie internal. So there are three additional steps:
1. In the WenBrowser plugin, change the default port away from the likes of 80 or 8080 or 8001 - pick a random value in high 1000's
2. In Firewall rules on SKy router - allow this port through but only to the statis address assigned to your Vu+ box (that's another router setup feature)
3. Each time the Sky router registers with their DHCP, it gets a different address so you will need to get registered with a static DNS address from a provider (easily Googable - say US$20 a year)
4. Change the root passwd!

Your address will then be NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN:port_num as assigned by DNS provider and port picked by you.

27-11-14, 15:00
go and search No-Ip
easy to set up and you can install a little program that will automatically watch and update you I/P address for you.
Use the Free Version to start with.

02-12-14, 15:02
can someone help from the start as want to start a fresh with someones right guidance