View Full Version : vu+DUO with samsung V+ hard drive ?

30-11-10, 16:14
jus wondering before i buy a hdd , is it possible to use the hdd in my samsung v+ in this box , any help much appreciated :)

30-11-10, 16:17
jus wondering before i buy a hdd , is it possible to use the hdd in my samsung v+ in this box , any help much appreciated :)

If its a subbed V+ box I wouldn't touch it as its cable owned equipment. Does it use a SATA drive?

30-11-10, 17:07
yes its a sata drive , ive had the box over 12 months and still pay my sub , jus dont really use the samsung recording as much as i would on the vu duo ...

30-11-10, 17:19
yes its a sata drive , ive had the box over 12 months and still pay my sub , jus dont really use the samsung recording as much as i would on the vu duo ...

Remember its their property, if you ever leave VM they will ask for it back ;)

Buy yourself a HDD and save yaself future hassle.

30-11-10, 18:07
Yes they do work fine bud, i tested one out of MY v+ box and put it in the vu and not problems

30-11-10, 18:18
as sic has pointed out in your TOS ( terms of service ). any equipment provided to you from virgin remains their property no matter how long you have had it. unlike sky where it becomes yours to do as you see fit after the term of your contract has been reached.

30-11-10, 18:21
The way around this is to send them an email asking them to come and pick the hardware up. they wont and after 3 months you can do as you like because you have given notification.

30-11-10, 18:26
The way around this is to send them an email asking them to come and pick the hardware up. they wont and after 3 months you can do as you like because you have given notification.

technically no. by law they still retain ownership of the box no matter if you have asked them to pick it up or not. dont get me wrong the likely hood of them ever claiming it back is slight at best but if they did and you could not return it then you would be billed £250 for the box and the same for the card again.

30-11-10, 22:56
thanks for you 'concern' phoenix , but thanks to foxy lady for providing the answer to my question , cheers bud :)

30-11-10, 22:59
to be honest it was not concern i was just pointing out the law as it stands.