View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Acess lost to FTP & SSH

24-11-14, 22:29
I have recently reinstall for the OpenvixHD firmware.

I have done a clean install from flash and clean HDD.

My issue is that I lose access to both FTP and SSH after a night. When I attempt to log in to either the connections are refused.

If I re-flash and reinitialize the HDD I can then access everything then overnight it is gone again. Is this a common issue or is there some setting to prevent it reoccurring as a clean install each I want to access the box is a bit much.

25-11-14, 16:35
Do you have DHCP enabled in your receiver? If so, it may well change IP when rebooted so your FTP will be looking for the wrong IP.

25-11-14, 18:12
Yes, I have DCHP enabled but it is the same IP as it is set at the router. This is not the issue as I can see the box from the router and what IP it is on.

I am connecting to the box and the box is rejecting the access attempts each time.

25-11-14, 18:55
What FTP client are you using and is the IP in that the same as your receiver?