View Full Version : [Mut@nt HD2400] New HD240 won't boot after flashing

13-11-14, 14:11
Brand new flashed with 080 Vix, also tried 079

Flashes ok and reboots and that's as far as it gets !

With the HD version front display shows Booting...

With the non HD image display just shows HD2400

in both cases the TV just shows the Mut@nt logo

Any suggestions ?

EDIT: now not even getting logo on TV !

EDIT 2: now it only switches on intermitantly, hope this is not indicative of the quality of these boxes !

13-11-14, 14:27
As a rule I always use MAX 8GB Kingston USB stick with ANY receiver I flash, although I've used 16GB with the HD2400. Kingston 8GB MAX are most compatible with more or less all receivers.

Always use a rear USB port, format USB stick FAT32 using this HP Tool http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?45-HP-USB-Stick-Drive-Format-Tool

Allow the unit to Flash and reboot itself Automatically.

Flashing guide here http://www.openvix.co.uk/openvix-builds/Guides%20and%20Tutorials/Flashing%20Guides/How%20to%20flash%20a%20Mut%40nt%20HD2400..pdf

Nothing wrong with the quality of the HD2400. On par with any other brand such as VU+ and performs better than the Duo2 imo.

13-11-14, 15:36
Thanks but I've done all of that but now the box is not even powering up.

Going back to WoS to check

14-11-14, 13:02
An update to this.

It turns out there was an issue with the box and a replacement should be with me tomorrow.

I would like to publicly thank WoS for resolving this quickly and professionally.

Rob van der Does
16-11-14, 10:13
Moved to this section.

Please read this thread HERE (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?33154-ALL-MEMBERS-PLEASE-READ!-New-method-of-posting-in-ViX-Support-Section-coming-soon!)

16-11-14, 21:36
How odd to move it here, it isn't and never was an image problem.